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Oracle Test

Subjects : oracle, it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Whenever a change is made to data - the ____ stores a copy of the changed data and the original data - in case it is needed.

2. The ____ collects statistics about tables or objects - validates tables - finds continuing rows.

3. All Oracle software files and database storage files reside on subdirectories under ____.

4. The DBCA tool executes the ____ for you - in order to configure the new database's Named Service.

5. The Oracle ____ tool provides the network link between the Oracle10g database and most applications that communicate with the database.

6. In the case of a ____ server - every user session (connection) has its own server process.

7. When choosing the DBA authentication method - you can choose between ____ and password file authentication.

8. SHUTDOWN ____automatically completes and commits all pending transactions - then forcibly disconnects all connected users - and shuts down the database.

9. SHUTDOWN ____ simply stops all Oracle processes - and releases all memory buffers.

10. The ____ migrates data from older versions to newer versions of the database.

11. A(n) ____ database is used to service Internet applications.

12. The script files generated by the DBCA tool include numerous SQL*Plus executable ____ files - a configuration parameter file called init.ora - and a batch file for executing all the scripts in a single shell command.

13. The ____ process cleans up after user sessions are finished.

14. A ____ is a set of database structures - such as tables - indexes - user-defined attributes - and procedures.

15. The <database name> is usually stored as the ____ environment variable

16. A(n) ____ database allows you to define anything and everything - this one is for the experts.

17. ____ is the typical configuration for an Oracle10g database.

18. _________ databases can be managed within OEM.

19. Current database files are stored in ____/<database name>.

20. STARTUP ____ will open the database in read/write - unrestricted mode.

21. The client configuration is a combination of the user interface tier and the...

22. SHUTDOWN ____waits for all users to log off - prohibits new connections - forcibly rolls back currently running transactions - and then shuts down the database.

23. To implement user-managed redo log files - you should use the ____ clause in the CREATE DATABASE command itself.

24. Oracle has standardized its software so that it looks and acts identically at the user interface level on...

25. When the ____ initialization parameter is set - Oracle 10g knows where to locate all the datafiles.

26. STARTUP ____ mounts the database files - essentially creating the connection between file pointers in the control file and the files themselves - such as datafiles and redo log files.

27. The ____ improves response time for background processes and for backup and recovery processes.

28. ____ views provide system-related information by querying the database's internal management tables and presenting the data as views (metadata views).

29. Load balancing between multiple listener processes is placed in the ____ configuration file on the client computer.

30. The DBA authentication method encompasses the method used to validate logon of users with the SYSDBA or ____ role.

31. In the SQL*Plus statement CONNECT /@ORACLASS AS SYSDBA - the ____ tells the database to use OS authentication.

32. The ____ database configuration option allows for a lot of change activity - raising concurrency requirements - and lowering I/O activity requirements.

33. A ____ is a physical file on the computer disk containing data - such as tables and indexes.

34. A ____ file is an administrative file containing up-to-date information on the database structure - log files - checkpoints; critical file for opening the database.

35. ____ is a valid client installation configuration.

36. SHUTDOWN ____ disconnects all users - rolls back pending transactions - and prohibits new connections and new transactions even for already connected users.

37. ____ is the default method for connecting to a database.

38. OFA provides standards intended to improve performance of the database by - among other things - spreading I/O functions across separate devices...

39. Oracle executable files are stored in a directory tree referred to as ____.

40. STARTUP ____ starts up all background processes - and allocates space in memory for all Oracle database instance memory buffers.

41. The ____ initialization parameter defines one or more directories where control files and redo log files are to be created.

42. The initialization configuration parameters file is ____.

43. The ____ initialization parameter defines the directory where all datafiles and tempfiles (files used for storage of temporary data during sorting and other operations) are to be created.

44. A ____ file records changes to database data.

45. The ____ contains many of the memory buffer components for an up and running (online) Oracle instance.

46. In Oracle10g the buffer cache can consist of multiple buffer caches - of different sizes. The default size is ____.

47. The ____ database configuration option will change some configuration - generally allowing low concurrency and very high I/O activity.

48. Setting a user connection as being dedicated or shared can be controlled in the client-side configuration of Oracle Net Services - in the ____ file.

49. ____ is a valid client installation configuration.

50. The Oracle Net Services configuration is stored in the ____ configuration file on the client computer.