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Praxis II Language And Linguistics Grammar Parts Of Speech

Subjects : praxis, english
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A - and - the

2. Adjectives 'a -' 'an -' and 'the'

3. Words that mean no; common negatives: no - not - never - nowhere - nothing - nobody - no one - neither - scarcely - barely; use only one in a sentence

4. Names a particular person - place - thing - or idea; example: Amelia Earhart - Chicago - Katmai National Park

5. Played / (have - has - had) played --> adding - ed or - d with form have

6. Use as a subject pronoun; example: _____ is not going?

7. Common - proper - compound - collective

8. Tells what the subject of a sentence does or did; example: She SLEEPS every day. She SLEPT every day.

9. Includes the gerund - its object - and its object's modifiers; WRITING A BEST SELLER is the goal of every novelist.

10. Adjectives - adverbs - conjunctions - interjections - nouns - pronouns - prepositions - verbs

11. Afterward - already - quick - hard - never - today - even - low - rather - tomorrow - how - now - then - yesterday - late - often - almost - back - long - soon - when - here - next - still - where - far - more - slow - too - fast - near - so

12. Words that describes verbs - adjectives - or other -----; answers when - where - how - to what extent; modifies a verb - adjective - or -----; tells how - when - where - or to what extent; example: Our skates move EFFORTLESSLY. (how) or The ice is gl

13. Verb that tells something that happened in the past; example: Dena LAUGHED at the jokes.

14. An adjective that is formed from a proper noun; example: Africa --> African; Scotland --> Scottish

15. A common noun that cannot be easily separated into countable units; examples: water - sand - gold - cement - air

16. Shows ownership by more than one person or thing; example: my friends' parents

17. Phrase that includes the participle - its modifier - and its objects; example: The child - FLASHING A MISCHIEVOUS SMILE - turned and walked away.

18. Used as a subject or part of a the subject in a sentence; WE are ready to go.

19. Shows ownership by one person or thing; example: my aunt's house

20. Takes the place of one or more noun; example: I - you - he - she - it - we - they - it

21. Tense with the past participle and helping verb HAD

22. A word or group of words that expresses strong feeling; example: WELL - Snoopy is at the typewriter again.

23. Names an idea - quality - action - or feeling

24. Pronoun that asks a question; examples: who - whom - whose - what - which

25. Is used as a direct/indirect object in a sentence; example: Rebecca gave ME a gift.

26. Noun that shows ownership or possession

27. Emphasizes its antecedent; adds emphasis to pronoun or named noun; examples: I MYSELF will go.

28. Includes all linking verbs and any action verbs that do not take an object; example: My friends CRIED.

29. Adjective used when no comparison being made; example: This is a HOT day.

30. A word that modifies - or describes - a noun or pronoun; example: We saw LAZY lions beneath a SHADY tree.

31. Names things you can see and touch; examples: pizza - kitten - diamond

32. Points out person - places - or things - but less clearly;

33. Verb that tells something that is happening now; example: Dena LAUGHS at the jokes.

34. Common noun that names a group with more than one member; examples: jury - brigade - staff

35. Be - feel - grow - seem - smell - remain - appear - sound - stay - look - taste - turn - become - am - are - is - was - were - am being - can be - have been

36. Pronoun that ends in - self or - selves

37. A word that names a person - place - thing - or idea; example: boy - Juan - river - Texas

38. Adverbs such as lowest - nearest - most slowly; fastest - most seriously

39. AND - BUT - and OR join ideas that are similar; remember to place a comma before you write sentences; example: Craig gets in trouble - BUT he usually gets out of it.

40. Names any person place - thing or idea; example: pilot - city - park

41. Verb that functions as an adjective; example: A RUNNING horse galloped down the road.

42. Use as an object pronoun; example: To _____ am I speaking?

43. Verb that tells the time of the action or being

44. Connects words or word groups

45. Noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject; example: Lassie has been a CELEBRITY for decades.

46. Is not the main verb in a phrase; are added to another verb to make the meaning clearer; includes any forms of TO BE

47. Does not end with - ed to form the past participle; examples; (is - are - am / was / were) ; (has - have / had / had) ; (do - does / did / done) ; ate - grown - bought - sold - spent - taken - etc.

48. An adjective used to compare three or more items; example: This is the HOTTEST day of the year.

49. Linked group of words preceding noun or pronoun; examples: who - which - that

50. When using pronoun - the noun to which it refers; example: HE heard. NICHOLAS heard. // pronouns should agree with number and gender; example: NICHOLAS heard a LIBRARIAN tell STORIES.