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AP U.S. History

Subjects : history, ap
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1. Panama Canal Treaty - diplomacy with China - end of recognition of Taiwan; little accomplished domestically due to conservative opposition - foreign policy more successful; Washington outsider - Experienced high interest rates - inflation - increased

2. Father Charles Coughlin (benefited only wealthy people and corporations) - Huey Long ('share our wealth') - Francis Townshend (Old Age Revolving Pension)

3. Known as 'wartime food czar;' created recreation policies and reintroduced leisure culture and conservation ethic to get Americans escaping the cities and improve tourism - etc.

4. Drastic cutbacks in regulation of business by the federal government (banks - transportation - communications

5. Founded by Betty Friedan - Bella Abzug - and Aileen Hernandez; lobbied for equal opportunity where the EEOC was lacking (gender discrimination); lawsuits and mobilization of public opinion

6. Warned against permanent foreign alliances and political parties - called for unity of the country - established precedent of two-term presidency

7. Hired to photograph ordinary Americans experiencing the depression

8. Prohibited colonies from issuing paper money - destabilized colonial economy

9. Issued by Lincoln following Antietam (close enough to a victory to empower the proclamation) - declared slaves in the Confederacy free (did not include border states) - symbolic gesture to support Union's moral cause in the war

10. Part of 'Second' New Deal Programs (1935-1938) - Harry Hopkins; provide work for unemployed and construct public works - &c. through Emergency Relief Appropriation Act; much like Civil Works Administration

11. Similar to Navigation; raised money to pay colonial officials by American taxes; led to Boston boycott of English luxuries

12. Parks arrested for refusing to give up bus seat to white man - African American leaders called for city-wide boycott of bus system (lasted almost 400 days); Supreme Court ruled segregated buses unconstitutional

13. Increase working output by standardizing procedures and rewarding those who worked fast; efficiency

14. (The Lonely Crowd) 'outer directed' Americans conforming to peer pressure on moral and social issues - rather than independently thinking on morals

15. American commander-in-chief; first president - set precedents for future presidents - put down Whiskey Rebellion (enforced Whiskey Tax) - managed first presidential cabinet - carefully used power of executive to avoid monarchial style rule

16. John Brown and his sons slaughtered five men as a response to the election fraud in Lawrence and the caning of Sumner in Congress

17. Government to buy silver to back money in addition to gold

18. The principle that a state should decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery

19. Runaway slave - well-known speaker on the condition of slavery - worked with Garrison and Wendell Phillips - founder of The North Star

20. First 'modern' president - moderate who supported progressivism (at times conservative) - bypassed congressional opposition (cf. Jackson) - significant role in world affairs

21. Slavery to be barred in all territory ceded from Mexico; never fully passed Congress

22. Intervention in Mexican Revolution (Madero overthrew dictator Diaz) to overthrow Madero out of fear of property confiscation - General Huerta (seen as 'brute' by Wilson - sought new leader) replaced Madero

23. Mass migration northward; mainly blacks migrating from the southern states into the north hoping for less discrimination

24. First shots are fired at Charleston - North Carolina

25. Federal government to increase power over economy and society by means of progressive reforms - developed by Roosevelt (after presidency)

26. Part of 'Second' New Deal Programs (1935-1938) - banned child labor - established minimum wage

27. Offered a New Deal (reminiscent of FDR) of smaller government - reduced taxes - and free enterprise; Washington outsider

28. Emphasis on human reason - logic - and science (acquired - not nascent - knowledge); increased followers of Christianity

29. Exempted those who owned or oversaw twenty or more slaves from service in the Confederate Army; 'rich man's war but a poor man's fight'

30. Attacked public figures (Hollywood - New-Dealers - liberals) to root out communist spies

31. Highest peacetime deficit in US history (due to lower tax rates for high-income taxpayers - spent too much money attempting to reduce price supports to farmers)

32. Law meant to evolve as society evolves - opposed conservative majority

33. Leader of IWW - from Western Federation of Miners

34. Economic prosperity of American society following WWII; doubling of national income - jobs to women - defense industry's support of economy

35. Advocated by Roger Sherman - proposed two independently-voting senators per state and representation in the House based on population

36. Equal representation in unicameral congress

37. Part of 'First' New Deal Program (1933-1935) - employed young jobless men with government projects on work relief and environment

38. John Noyes - New York; utopian society for communalism - perfectionism - and complex marriage

39. Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson; purchase of Alaska 'Seward's Folly'

40. Created the Wisconsin Idea (as governor of Wisconsin) — regulated railroad - direct-primary system - increased corporate taxes - reference library for lawmakers

41. Founded by William Sylvis (1866); supported 8-hour workday - convict labor - federal department of labor - banking reform - immigration restrictions to increase wages - women; excluded blacks

42. Attempted to centralize production of war materials; ineffective due to American desire for laissez-faire government

43. Often debtors sold to slave traders by African kings seeking riches; Columbian Exchange

44. Supported abolition - broke off of Anti-Slavery Society

45. Runaway slaves could be caught in the North and be brought back to their masters (they were treated as property — running away was as good as stealing)

46. Interracial group of protestors who aimed to dramatize the violations of the call for desegregation; harsh treatment by southern whites provoked Kennedy to more strictly enforce desegregation

47. Admiral Dewey defeated Spanish initially; American troops (aided by Aguinaldo's insurgents) captured Manila - leading to annexation

48. Government compromised to buy and coin $2-4 million/month; government stuck to minimum and inflation did not occur (lower prices); economy grew

49. Attacked industrial elite - called for business regulation - publisher refused works breaking with Victorian ideals

50. Fought for women's rights and abolition - 'Men and women are CREATED EQUAL!'