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AP U.S. History

Subjects : history, ap
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1. Upheld constitutionality of Espionage Act; Congress right to limit free speech during times of war

2. Ideas of Wilson: small enterprise - states' rights - more active government - trust busting - left social issues up to the states

3. Introduced his 'New Deal -' won election by a relative landslide (he was not Hoover - whom the public now did not trust)

4. Calvinist - devised concept of 'city on a hill' ('A Model of Christian Charity'); founded highly successful towns in Massachusetts Bay

5. For women's rights - organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton - modeled requests after the Declaration of Independence

6. Led Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: threatened a siege on DC if FDR did not agree to end discrimination in military

7. Economic prosperity of American society following WWII; doubling of national income - jobs to women - defense industry's support of economy

8. Vetoed by Jackson on the count that government funds for the Maysville Road would only benefit one state

9. FDR's inner circle of experts rather than just politicians in the cabinet

10. Established colony of Georgia as a place for honest debtors

11. Needed to protect new Pacific acquisitions - U.S. took over the project from the French after overcoming Clatyton¬ Bulwer Treaty (prohibited exclusive control of canal) with the Hay¬ Pauncefote Treaty

12. Avoided league of Nations - opposed Latin American involvement

13. Opposed BTW's accommodation policies - called for immediate equality - formed Niagara Movement to support his ideas

14. Despite near-guaranteed second term - campaign workers burglarized Democratic offices - cover-up unsuccessful - resigned to avoid impeachment

15. Search warrants on shipping to reduce smuggling; challenged by James Otis

16. Leader of IWW - from Western Federation of Miners

17. Gorbachev decreased nuclear arsenals - Communist Party lost power - Boris Yeltsin (president of Russian Republic) led Muscovites to take control

18. Advocated by Roger Sherman - proposed two independently-voting senators per state and representation in the House based on population

19. Planes hijacked by terrorists for destruction; blame pinned on Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden - sought out in attempt to completely destroy terrorism

20. Dealt with Vietnam War - 'Great Society' program for improvement of American society - antipoverty and anti-discrimination programs

21. South divided into 5 military districts; states to guarantee full suffrage for blacks; ratify 14th amendment

22. Reagan called the Soviet Union an 'evil empire'; Korean passenger plane shot down near Moscow (increased anti-Soviet rhetoric); Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) used space-based lasers as defense from nuclear attack

23. Mass migration northward; mainly blacks migrating from the southern states into the north hoping for less discrimination

24. One country that falls into communism will cause surrounding nations to also fall 'like dominos'; spurred by Southeast Asia regimes (esp. Vietnam)

25. Held in New York - agreed to not import British goods until Stamp Act was repealed

26. American hostages taken by US hating Shiites upon Shah's flight from uprising - botched rescue attempts

27. Prohibited testing of nuclear bombs above ground to slow the nuclear arms race and the release of nuclear fallout into the atmosphere

28. Small oil companies sold stock and authority to Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company (consolidation) - cornered world petroleum market

29. Offered a New Deal (reminiscent of FDR) of smaller government - reduced taxes - and free enterprise; Washington outsider

30. Issued by Lincoln following Antietam (close enough to a victory to empower the proclamation) - declared slaves in the Confederacy free (did not include border states) - symbolic gesture to support Union's moral cause in the war

31. Opposed strikes - producer-consumer cooperation - temperance - welcomed blacks and women (allowing segregation)

32. Lee's attack on Maryland in hopes that he could take it from the Union - bloodiest day of the war - stalemate - McClellan replaced by Burnside - stalemate - South would never be so close to victory again

33. United States aided South Vietnam in its war of power struggle against North Vietnam - the Vietcong - USSR - and China

34. Federal government to increase power over economy and society by means of progressive reforms - developed by Roosevelt (after presidency)

35. Emerged from Farmers' Alliance movement (when subtreasury plan was defeated in Congress) - denounced Eastern Establishment that suppressed the working classes; Ignatius Donnelly (utopian author) - Mary E Lease - Jerry Simpson

36. Formed in response to Kansas-Nebraska Act - banned in the South - John C Fremont first presidential candidate

37. Killed the AAA - although FDR insisted on continuing by creating smaller state-level AAAs

38. Henry Clay aimed to make the US economically independent from Europe (e.g. - support internal improvements - tariff protection - and new national bank)

39. Selective Service Act to require men to register with few exceptions; women and blacks drafted/enlisted - highly successful

40. Written anonymously by Hamilton - Jay - and Madison; commentary on Constitution - republicanism extended over large territory

41. Organized Seneca Falls Convention - founded (with Anthony) National Women Suffrage Organization

42. Secretary of state - policy to liberate captive people in Eastern Europe by political pressure and propaganda; massive retaliation to counter SovietlChinese aggression with nuclear weapons; brinksmanship to be persistent to solve crises (even to the

43. In Brook Farm Community - lived in seclusion for two years writing Walden and On Civil Disobedience - proved that man could provide for himself without materialistic wants

44. 'No taxation without representation -' introduced by Patrick Henry

45. First president to show positive response to civil rights movement; worked heavily on keeping Soviet spread of communism in check

46. Editor of The Liberator (strongly abolitionist newspaper calling for immediate abolition of slavery) - fought for feminist movement ('Am I not a woman and a sister' picture of slave woman)

47. River traffic - road building - canals (esp. Erie) - rise of NYC

48. Risk of too many casualties and high costs for hand-to-hand combat/invasion - Japanese surrender unlikely

49. Civil Rights Act of 1875 declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court - as the fourteenth amendment protected people from governmental infringement of rights and had no effect on acts of private citizens

50. Lee's chief lieutenant and premier cavalry officer