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CLEP Western Civilization II

Subjects : clep, history
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Austrian and Prussian emperor declared that they would declare war on France if the ROYAL FAMILY was harmed.

2. The CONSERVATIVE side of the National Assembly. They favored having a king and wanted an absolute monarchy like England. They were the first people to control the National Assembly.

3. Agreement between Napoleon and Czar Alexander I in which Russia became an ally of France and Napoleon took over the lands of Prussia west of the Elbe as well as the Polish provinces.

4. Mutiny of Russia's fleet took place here.

5. The English Parliament drove out an Catholic absolute monarch and replaced him with two constitutional monarch's WILLIAM III OF ORANGE and MARY - his wife - both Protestants. This Revolution was bloodless - and the new monarch's assented to a BILL OF

6. Ship sunk by GERMAN UNRESTRICTED SUBMARINE WARFARE on all ships headed for Britain. This caused Americans to enter the war.

7. Warship that was sent to the MOROCCAN coast by the GERMANS - to publicly declare they favored Moroccans being free from their colonizers - France. It was a threat to Britain and France.

8. US president who gave a deadline to the Soviet Union to stop building missiles on Cuba.

9. First to develop and write a book on the heliocentric theory - 'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.' It was placed on the index of prohibited books

10. French general who became EMPEROR of the French (1769-1821) Subtly became sole ruler of a country trying to become democratic. Claimed the title of FIRST CONSUL. Napoleon waged economic and literal war on England constantly. KING OF ITALY too.

11. Tsar who - in the late 17th and early 18th century - turned to the western model to 'modernize' Russia.

12. From it emerged Turkey - Syria - Iran - and Iraq.

13. Promoted a GOSPEL of WEALTH - creating a heaven on earth by helping the poor to help themselves.

14. Euphemism used to justify DICTATORSHIP in the name of freedom.

15. The process by which religious beliefs - practices - and institutions lose their significance in sectors of society and culture.


17. Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires over Christian shrines and territory fought primarily in the Crimean Peninsula. To prevent Russian expansion - Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans.

18. A member of a British political party - founded in 1689 - that was the opposition party to the Whigs and has been known as the Conservative Party since about 1832. Fond of kings and against revolution.

19. Monopolized more than 75% of U.S. oil.

20. Developed CALCULUS dependently and at the same time as Pascal.

21. Alliance between Germany - Italy - Austria-Hungary before WWI

22. Civil conflict caused by Irish nationalists in the IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY against the British Empire - led by EAMON de VALERA.

23. Divided AFRICA among the Europeans and contributed greatly to the SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA.

24. LIBERAL who wrote the popular work 'ON LIBERTY'

25. Russia - France - and Britain during WWI.

26. Founded the famous British RHODES SCHOLARS program for study in Oxford - England. He wanted students from colonies to study in England - then return and help the empire. RHODESIA (Zimbabwe) named after him.

27. In 1884 - this British prime minister passed the REFORM ACT - which gave the vote to 60 percent of British men.

28. Mussolini's rise to power. Thousands of followers marched on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III made Mussolini prime minister. Then Fascists made all other political parties illegal.

29. Powerful poem by WILFRED OWEN about the horrors of WWI.

30. Declared GREECE independent and mandated a monarchy there.

31. Italian POLITICAL party created by Benito Mussolini during World War I. It emphasized aggressive nationalism and was Mussolini's instrument for the creation of a dictatorship in Italy. Didn't believe in democracy.

32. LIBERALS and Monarchists. All those opposed to the Russian Revolution.

33. Civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I. Forces of Parliament called 'ROUNDHEADS'. Forces of the King called 'CAVALIERS'. Roundheads won - Puritans (Cromwell's religion) purged Presbyterians from Parliament

34. Anti-Nazi - Anti-Vichy Regime French fighters who were led by CHARLES de GAULLE.

35. Germany - Italy - and Japan

36. Passed in 1848 - this encouraged local towns to pass SANITATION laws.

37. Treaty of non-aggression between Russian and Germany during WW2 to keep it a one front war for Germany. Also called the NAZI-SOVIET PACT.

38. This treaty ended the Seven Years War. Gave Canada and area east of the Mississippi to Britain.

39. ELECTED president of France following general election. Won 70% of the votes because of his name. Bonaparte later changed the government to an empire w/himself as emperor just like his uncle - the original Napoleon. Took the title of EMPEROR NAPOLEON

40. Piedmont - Italy defeated Austro-Hungarian empire and won their INDEPENDENCE.

41. GOD IS DEAD. Hated self sacrifice - emphasized a 'will to power.' A minority of the strongest should rule.

42. Wrote THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. First ever history book to refer to history in strictly SECULAR terms. No God involved.

43. Greater freedom for Ireland.

44. French mathematician who invented CALCULUS - devised a theory of chance and probability. Wrote the 'Pensees.' Argued that religion and science are both true. PASCAL's WAGER said that It is worth the risk believing in God.

45. Very RADICAL French revolutionary party responsible for Reign of Terror and execution of king

46. 1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of worship. Revoked by Louis XIV in 1658. He chased the HUGUENOTS out of the country.

47. OLD ORDER of kings who ruled absolutely.

48. Thousands of Russians marched on the Winter Palace. Nicholas II gave up power. A PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT was set up - and immediately social reforms took place.

49. Meeting among world powers concerning how the world would run after Napoleon. They wanted no country to control another - creating buffer states - Belgium - from France's conquered territory. PEACEKEEPERS.

50. Developed the SCIENTIFIC METHOD through the INDUCTIVE method (specific to general) - wrote Novum Organum.