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CLEP Western Civilization II

Subjects : clep, history
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Important Russian radical who was a member of secret - exiled - SOCIAL REVOLUTIONARY AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTIES in Russia - which was ruled by a tsar.

2. In 1898 - a conflict between the United States and Spain - in which the U.S. supported the CUBANS' fight for INDEPENDENCE.

3. Passed in 1833 by the SADLER COMMITTEE - this helped prevent exploitation of children factory workers.

4. A city Hitler wanted because it was a center of rail transportation and provide access to oil fields.

5. Declared GREECE independent and mandated a monarchy there.

6. Legislative body of 5 men after Thermidorian Reaction - UNSTABLE.

7. Organizations devoted to revolution. Created by radical COMMUNISTS and SOCIALISTS - including Marx.

8. RUSSIA - PRUSSIA - AUSTRIA - AND BRITAIN banded together to defeat the tyrant Napoleon.

9. A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

10. British political party. Liberals. Against the king.

11. The machine German's encrypted their battle plan codes on - which British broke and could foresee German battle plans.

12. Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires over Christian shrines and territory fought primarily in the Crimean Peninsula. To prevent Russian expansion - Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans.

13. People - such as EDUARD BERNSTEIN - who believed that COMMUNISM could be achieved slowly and through democratic means.

14. Anti-Nazi - Anti-Vichy Regime French fighters who were led by CHARLES de GAULLE.

15. Advanced the treatment and diagnosis of disease. Thought that diseases were caused by chemical imbalances.

16. A military draft

17. An association of British socialists who advocate gradual evolutionary reforms within the law leading to democratic SOCIALISM.

18. Radical SUFFRAGETTE who led the WOMEN'S SOCIAL AND POLITICAL UNION - which led large - noisy - and sometimes violent demonstrations.

19. Euphemism used to justify DICTATORSHIP in the name of freedom.

20. Prussian king of the 18th century; attempted to introduce Enlightenment reforms into Germany; built on military and BUREAUCRATIC foundations of his predecessors; introduced freedom of religion; increased state control of economy. ENLIGHTENED DESPOT.

21. The place at which the three allied leaders - Truman - Stalin - and Atlee - met to discuss the distribution of Germany and the ultimatum that they would issue to Japan demanding thier immediate surrender

22. The King of Prussia who chose Otto Van Bismark to be his Prime Minister. He was eventually crowned Kaiser of Prussia and Germany.

23. Passed in 1832 - this controversial law gave the VOTE to middle class men in industrial cities - and gave them the right to be represented in PARLIAMENT. It abolished 'rotten boroughs -' sparsely populated areas that had representation.

24. Promoted a GOSPEL of WEALTH - creating a heaven on earth by helping the poor to help themselves.

25. The violent backlash in France against the rule of Robspierre that began with his arrest and execution in July 1794 - or 9 Thermidor in the French revolutionary calendar. Most of the instruments of Terror were dismantled - Jacobins were purged from p

26. Greater freedom for Ireland.

27. (1807-1882) Soldier of fortune who amassed his 'RED SHIRT' army to bring Naples and Sicily into a unified Italy.

28. First to develop and write a book on the heliocentric theory - 'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.' It was placed on the index of prohibited books

29. German Lutheran astronomer - discovered that the paths of the planets around the sun are ELLIPTICAL rather that circular.

30. The French King who built the palace at Versailles - The longest standing King of France 'SUN KING' - - One of the most powerful monarchs of Europe - ruling 72 years. He was famous for his quote -'I AM THE STATE.' Executed by furious revolutionaries.

31. Aka AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN War (1866) This war resulted from Bismarck wanting to isolate Austria from German affairs

32. First ruled by the Great Elector - Frederick William. Formed after Thirty Year's War. Prussia's nobles - JUNKERS - were given exemption from taxes to give loyalty to the Fredericks. Built an enormous army. Would become Germany.

33. Very RADICAL French revolutionary party responsible for Reign of Terror and execution of king

34. Where Napoleon eventually met his defeat. He then was exiled to Elba.

35. This treaty ended the Seven Years War. Gave Canada and area east of the Mississippi to Britain.

36. Puritan Leader of the Roundheads (parliamentarians) in the English Civil War. He was declared 'protector' of England - Ireland - and Scotland (like a king). After his death - the monarchy was restored.

37. The Soviets invade Afghanistan - many people support Afghanistan through the context of the Cold War and to prevent the spread of Communism.

38. Document that helped create the UNITED NATIONS.

39. First loss of a European power to an ASIAN COUNTRY.

40. Idea created by JOHANN GOTTFRIED HERGER about a 'PEOPLE'S SPIRIT' to identify the national character of Germany - but soon passed to other countries. NATIONALISM.

41. The Quadruple Alliance - Russia - Prussia - Austria - and Britain...plus France - to prevent France's resentment towards the victors.

42. Tutor of Louis XIV who taught about the DIVINE RIGHT of the monarchy - which helped secure Louis' ideal of absolute monarchy. Conservative. Wrote 'Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Scripture.'

43. JACOBIN French revolutionary leader who stormed the Paris bastille and who supported the execution of Louis XVI but was guillotined by Robespierre for his opposition to the Reign of Terror (1759-1794).

44. In 1884 - this British prime minister passed the REFORM ACT - which gave the vote to 60 percent of British men.

45. The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea.

46. BOLSHEVIKS. Revolutionaries and communists.

47. Austrian archduke who was assasinated by SERBIAN NATIONALISTS as the trigger of the FIRST WORLD WAR in 1914.

48. The process by which religious beliefs - practices - and institutions lose their significance in sectors of society and culture.

49. British feminist of the eighteenth century who argued for women's equality with men - even in voting - in her 1792 'Vindication of the Rights of Women.'