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CLEP Western Civilization II
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1. Passed in 1848 - this encouraged local towns to pass SANITATION laws.
Declaration of Pillnitz
Public Health Act
British East India Company
2. SOCIALISTIC political party in Germany. SDP
Battle of the Somme
Social Democratic Party
Public Health Act
Herbert Spencer
3. Very RADICAL French revolutionary party responsible for Reign of Terror and execution of king
Easter Rising
Triple Alliance
4. After Charles X is abdicated - this LIBERAL KING is given the throne of France. He is called the 'King of the French -' which meant that he worked for the people. NATIONAL GUARD killed forty rioters.
Bishop Bossuet
Louis Philippe I
War of Austrian Succession
Peter the Great
5. Led by Danton - a temporary government set up by SANS-CULOTTES that began executing anti-revolutionaries.
Edward Gibbon
Paris Commune
Herbert Spencer
Denis Diderot
6. The CONSERVATIVE side of the National Assembly. They favored having a king and wanted an absolute monarchy like England. They were the first people to control the National Assembly.
Revolution from Above
Enclosure movement
7. US president who gave a deadline to the Soviet Union to stop building missiles on Cuba.
Legislative Assembly
John F. Kennedy
Austro-Piedmontese War
William Gladstone
8. One of the prominent JACOBIN radical leaders during the revolution. He edited a radical newspaper. He called to rid France of the enemies of the Revolution
Thermidorian Reaction
Adolf Eichmann
Lateran Pact
Jean Paul Marat
9. The GREEKS revolted against the OTTOMANS for their independence.The Concert of Europe generally opposed to this.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Vladimir Lenin
Greek Revolution
10. The leaders under Robespierre who organized the defenses of France - conducted foreign policy - and centralized authority during the period 1792-1795. REIGN OF TERROR.
Committee of Public Safety
Final Solution
Triple Entente
11. Result of end of Austria-Prussian War - Austria doesn't get involved in German affairs - North German Confederation made under rulership of Prussia. Major step towards German unification.
Soviet-Afghan War
Francois Voltaire
English Civil War
North German Confederation
12. English philosopher who advocated the idea of a 'social contract' in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to LIFE - LIBERTY AND PROPER
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
John Locke
13. Germany - Italy - and Japan
Axis Powers
Kaiser Wilhelm I
Heinrich Himmler
Theodore Herzl
14. First loss of a European power to an ASIAN COUNTRY.
Russo-Japanese War
Jean Paul Marat
Herbert Spencer
15. Formulated SOCIAL DARWINISM.
Red Russians
Herbert Spencer
16. Overthrew the provisional government in Russia in 1917 - made null the democratic reforms - and established a dictatorship.
Triple Entente
Eastern Question
Lenin and Trotsky
Thomas Malthus
17. An economic advisor to Louis XIV; he supported mercantilism and tried to make France economically self-sufficient. Louis ruined it by his multiple expensive wars and lavish lifestyle.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Lateran Pact
Russian Revolution
18. Petition in 19th century Britain where members of the working class demanded reforms in Parliament and in elections - including suffrage for all MEN.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Labour Party
Chartist Movement
19. Important ZIONIST.
Theodore Herzl
20. Perfected the INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE - for cars.
Charles Montesquieu
Gottfried Leibniz
Francois Voltaire
Daimler and Benz
21. Napoleon waged economic war on Britain by preventing trade with it and providing for trade with France.
James Watt
Labour Party
Continental System
Warsaw Pact
22. New 'SECULAR' name for a month in summer.
Francois Voltaire
Joseph Stalin
Austro-Hungarian Empire
23. RUSSIA - PRUSSIA - AUSTRIA - AND BRITAIN banded together to defeat the tyrant Napoleon.
Spanish-American War
Quadruple Alliance
fire at the Reichstag
24. Meeting among world powers concerning how the world would run after Napoleon. They wanted no country to control another - creating buffer states - Belgium - from France's conquered territory. PEACEKEEPERS.
Austro-Hungarian empire dissolved
Congress of Vienna
Jean Paul Marat
Russo-Japanese War
25. An association of British socialists who advocate gradual evolutionary reforms within the law leading to democratic SOCIALISM.
Fabian Society
Vladimir Lenin
Holy Alliance
26. CONSERVATIVE KING succeeded his brother Louis XVIII. His desire to restore France to a Pre-1789 world led to the Revolution of 1830 and the ascent of Louis Philippe.
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Nikita Khrushchev
Charles X
27. LIBERALS and Monarchists. All those opposed to the Russian Revolution.
White Russians
War of Austrian Succession
John Stuart Mill
28. Were forced by mobs to END the MONARCHY in France.
Legislative Assembly
Russo-Japanese War
Herbert Spencer
The War of Jenkin's Ear
29. Invented the STEAM ENGINE - which led to steam powered cotton mills - and the railroad.
Emelyn Pugachev
James Watt
Kaiser Wilhelm I
30. Also called the COMINTERN. This institute provided rules for Socialists throughtout Europe to follow. Among it's TWENTYONE CONDITIONS was the rejection of all political forms that called for the institution of communism through gradual means.
Continental System
Ottoman empire dissolved
Third International
Red Russians
31. Wrote THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. First ever history book to refer to history in strictly SECULAR terms. No God involved.
Jean Paul Marat
Edward Gibbon
Free French
32. Louis XVI called nobles and clergy to ask for money and the wealthy refused. The nobles refused to pay taxes. This group was made up of people selected by the king and was made up primarily of nobles.
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Battle of the Bulge
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Assembly of Notables
33. In 1936 a rebellion erupted in Spain after a coalition of Republicans - Socialists - and Communists was elected. General Francisco Franco led the rebellion. The revolt quickly became a civil war. The Soviet Union provided arms and advisers to the gov
Zimmerman telegram
Treaty of London
Spanish Civil War
34. In 1884 - this British prime minister passed the REFORM ACT - which gave the vote to 60 percent of British men.
Black Shirt March
William Gladstone
Marshall plan
35. Ancient scientist who said earth was the center of the universe
Zimmerman telegram
Austro-Piedmontese War
British East India Company
36. Large Empire ruled by Habsburgs. Created after Thirty Year's War. Unstable due to ethnic - linguistic - cultural and political differences in it's people. Sided with Germany during WWI. It split up following the end of the war.
First and Second International
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Petition of Rights
37. Republican form of government. United Provinces of the Netherlands; tolerant of all religions. 1st half of 17th century was golden age-govt. consisted of organized confederation of 7 provinces each w/ rep. govt. It established the Bank of Amsterdam a
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Battle of the Somme
Adolf Eichmann
Dutch Republic
38. AUSTRIA and HUNGARY. Ruled by Francis Joseph of the Hapsburg empire from 1848 to 1916.
Daimler and Benz
Austro-Hungarian empire dissolved
Dual Monarchy
39. The Quadruple Alliance - Russia - Prussia - Austria - and France - to prevent France's resentment towards the victors.
Frederick the Great
Triple Entente
Concert of Europe
40. A Jewish British prime minister.
Battle of the Somme
Lateran Pact
Benjamin Disraeli
41. British feminist of the eighteenth century who argued for women's equality with men - even in voting - in her 1792 'Vindication of the Rights of Women.'
Mary Wollstonecraft
Quadruple Alliance
Vichy Regime
Spanish Civil War
42. A war between France and Prussia that ended the Second Empire in France and led to the founding of modern Germany; 1870-1871Declared by OTTO VON BISMARK. Humiliating for the French.
Fabian Society
Vladimir Lenin
Franco-Prussian War
Charles Albert
43. Treaty of non-aggression between Russian and Germany during WW2 to keep it a one front war for Germany. Also called the NAZI-SOVIET PACT.
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Russian Revolution
Seven Year's War
44. The British government took land from owners - FENCED it off - and used it to raise sheep. Benefitted the economy - but hurt small farmers.
Enclosure movement
Warsaw Pact
William and Catherine Booth
Fabian Society
45. ELECTED president of France following general election. Won 70% of the votes because of his name. Bonaparte later changed the government to an empire w/himself as emperor just like his uncle - the original Napoleon. Took the title of EMPEROR NAPOLEON
Sir Francis Bacon
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Daimler and Benz
Louis Philippe I
46. Russia - France - and Britain during WWI.
Theodore Herzl
Triple Alliance
Lenin and Trotsky
47. A military draft
Quadruple Alliance
Committee of Public Safety
Free French
48. Warship that was sent to the MOROCCAN coast by the GERMANS - to publicly declare they favored Moroccans being free from their colonizers - France. It was a threat to Britain and France.
Legislative Assembly
Marie Curie
49. The Soviets invade Afghanistan - many people support Afghanistan through the context of the Cold War and to prevent the spread of Communism.
Adolf Eichmann
Robert Koch
Soviet-Afghan War
Joseph II
50. OLD ORDER of kings who ruled absolutely.
Louis XIV
Joseph Stalin
ancien regime
Joseph II