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DSST General Anthropology

Subjects : dsst, anthropology
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1. Things all people do the same way (language)

2. (Veblen): Display of wealth by its owner for social prestige

3. (some people do it differently) Sex roles - religion - age roles

4. The children of a parent's siblings of the opposite sex (mother's brothers - father's sisters).

5. Catarrhini (hooked nose). Asia - Africa - Europe. large mammals. ground dwellers. carniverous. harems/sexual dimorphism. non-prehensile tails (baboons - macaque - proboscic monkey.

6. Not universal. Evolved in last 10k years (surplus food - development of states). States are political system most likely to go to war

7. Father of Modern Anthropology - noted for applying the scientific method to the study of human cultures and societies. Opposed evolutionist.

8. Goods flow to central place - and are distributed again (Eg -US Tax System). Reqs strong central political organization. Sometimes Prestige is derived from giving away valuables

9. Ancestors to modern gorillas - chimpanzees - orangutans and humans who diverged 30 million years ago from monkeys. Characteristics include: large - strong jaw - large brain and partially erect posture.

10. (New Stone Age): 10kya. Domestic animals - villages - pottery - weaving - food producing (not collecting). Holocene. Beginning of real civilization (Final stage of prehistoric cult evol/techno dev)

11. Man marries widow of his dead brother

12. (skills that only some people have) Playing guitar - understanding algebra.

13. The sum total of the genes carried by the individual members of the population

14. Cluster of 3 or more sibs - clans - kinship groups considered a single unit (but retain sep IDs within) - Native Americans: Used animal sign to ID (Tlingit Tribe: Matri] - Intermarriage b/n phratries was mandated)

15. Small segment of DNA that codes for the systhesis (creation) of a specific protein - and thus determines a trait.

16. Found Australopathicus skull in 1959. Upright human footprints in 1978

17. Traces back to ONE person

18. Created by Setting upper grindstone at an angle when grinding red ochre=sharp edge=Celt (like a chisel or axe - Egypt)- Neolithic

19. Referring to time as it relates to something older or younger; not exact dates.

20. Thinker: social stratification

21. Set of rights and obligations inherent in a social position.

22. The archaeology of ancient Greece and Rome

23. Ancient Hebrew manuscripts hidden in clay jars in caves near Qumran by the Dead Sea that were discovered accidentally by Bedouin while looking for a stray animal in 1947..

24. <40kya): Regional stone tool industries (Perigordian - Aurignacian - Solutrean - Magdelenian) - More complex - specialized - variety of tools. Regional artistic traditions. Homosapien - Neanderthal - Cro-magnon. Small Sculptures (E. Eur): Small - por

25. (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest

26. Civilization to invent 'zero'

27. Holistic study of humanity.

28. The school of thought developed by the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss - in which cultures - viewed as systems - are analyzed in terms of the structural relations among their elements. Referring to mental structure.

29. The non-living world. the area from the surface of earth down to its center.

30. By-product of grinding red ochre (magic powers) - Neolithic

31. (Reverence): Most rituals mark day - month - season - year - stage of life - new event. Burial Rituals found from 20kya

32. Anthropologist: reciprocity - gift economy - Durkheim's nephew

33. A change or alteration in nitrogenous bases of DNA.

34. The study of how people use language in context - how utterances are used - either figuratively or literally - in communicative acts.

35. Ritual of Greek Citizenship

36. A polygamous mating system involving one female and many males.

37. Common in non-intensive food production. Villages=Various descent groups (clans/bands) - no formal govt or social classes.

38. A theory stressing the importance of interdependence among all behavior patterns and institutions within a social system to its long-term survival. (Emile Durkheim)

39. Personal quirks: Get up at certain time - order of getting dressed - etc

40. Lemurs - monkeys - Apes and humans. Prehensile/Grasping hands..Some-opposable thumb - larger males than females. flat fingernails.

41. Exchange of goods/services/gifts/emotions b/n two parties. Often ritual/ceremony. Characteristic of HG groups

42. Characteristics are inherited independently from other characteristics

43. Shift of population from food production to specialization. Strong sense of ownership of land.

44. Runway/airstrip/radios (coconuts and straw to attract aircraft with cargo). Ritual marches (twigs/guns - insignia 'USA' to look like soldiers)

45. Structionalism. Amazon tribe. ethnographic.

46. Research that refers to in-depth study using face-to-face or observation techniques to collect data from people in their natural settings.

47. 'Upright Man' - An extinct species of the genus Homo - Africa/Europe/Asia. fire and tools. hand ax. early speech.

48. Technology that Spread east to Indus River Valley (India) by 5k BC

49. Story with deep explanatory or symbolic resonance for a culture

50. Early anthropologists such as E.B. Taylor and J.G. Frazer in England who worked mostly with materials collected by others - usually missionaries - traders - explorers - or colonial officials.