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GRE Psychology: History

Subjects : gre, psychology
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1. Emerged after WWII - psychology research to a practical field

2. Frankl; focuses on person'S will to meaning

3. Law of effect; precursor to operant conditioning

4. Leader of humanistic psychology; examined normal or optimal functioning rather than abnormal; hierarchy of needs; people inherently strive for self-improvement

5. Created phrenology

6. Father of the psychology of adaptation - .also founder of sociology; used principles from Lamarckian evolution - physiology and associationism to understand people - idfferent species or races were elevated because of the greater number of associatio

7. Opened more psychology labs - thought psychology should be more scientific than Wundt

8. Digestion - classical conditioning

9. Existential psychology; Man'S Search for Meaning - people innately seek meaningfulness in their lives - perceived meaninglessness is root of emotional difficulty; logotherapy

10. Founded behaviouralism; studied conditioning - stimulus-response chains - objective - observable behaviours; humans ready to be trained by environment

11. One of most important in clinical - abnormal - personality - id - ego - superego; unconscious motivations; psychoanalysis; famous writings Interpretation of Dreams - Theory of Sexuality - Beyond the Pleasure Principle - Civilization and its Disconten

12. Client-centered therapy; client directs course of therapy - receives unconditional positive regard; humanistic; also first to record sessions for later study and reference

13. Behaviourist - valued both behaviour and cognition; purposive behaviour and sign learning; rats in mazes formed cognitive maps rather than blindly attempting various routes like stimulus-response suggests; also expectancy-value theory of motivation:

14. Founder of psychology - first official lab at U of Leipzig - also began first psychology journal; wrote principles of physiological psychology - attempted to study and analyze consciousness; ideas forerunners of Edward Titchener

15. Minds were active - not passive

16. Founder of ethology; imprinting in ducklings; On Aggression

17. Father of experimental psychology - in America doing what Wundt was in Germany - combining physiology and philosophy; informally investigating psychological principles but did not have an official lab until later; wrote principle of psychology - wrot

18. wrote Origin of Species and the Descent of Man - did not create the concept of evolution - but made it a scientifically sound principle by positing that natural selection was its driving force

19. Evolutionary psychology vs. social constructionism - whether psychological phenomena are the result of inborn - genetic factors or the result of cultural and society influences

20. The idea that the nature of a person could be known by examining the shape and contours of the skull - Brain - seat of the soul

21. Rene Descartes - John Locke - Thomas Hobbes

22. Carried Franz Joseph Gall on his work - even when others proved theory wrong

23. Studied Thorndike and Watson; Skinner box - operant conditioning; Walden Two and beyond freedom and dignity - control of human behaviour

24. World'S first professor - studied based on order and logic - disagreed with Plato - believed that truth can be found in physical world

25. Physical world not all that could be known - presence of universal forms and innate knowledge - abstract and unsystematic

26. Ancient Greeks - middle ages (500-1600) - scientific revolution (1600-1700) - Enlightenment (1700-1800) The brink of psychology (1800-1900) - The saga continues (1900s)

27. One of America'S most influential philosophers; synthesize philosophy and psychology; reflex arc; denied structuralism - that animals respond to disjointed stimulus and response chains; instead functionalism - constantly adapting to environment rathe

28. Anton Mesmer - Franz Joseph Gall - J. Spurzheim - Charles Darwin - Sir Francis Galton - Gustav Fechner - Johannes Muller - Wilhelm Wundt - Herbert Spencer - William James - Hermann von Helmholtz - Stanley Hall - John Dewey - Edward Titchener - James

29. Movement for better care for mentally ill through hospitalization

30. I think therefore I am - figure out truth through reason and deduction; dualism/ mind-body problem

31. Descartes - mind is a nonphysical substance that is separate from the body

32. Sensation; hearing and color vision - foundation for modern perception research

33. Human and animals are machines - sense-perception was all that could be known - can use science to learn people (like physics vs. machines)

34. The original philosophic mentor who pondered the abstract ideas of truth - beauty and justice

35. Cognitive development in children; The Language and Thought of the Child - Moral Judgment of the Child - Origins of Intelligence in Children

36. Most important question of the time: understanding the mind (supplanted understanding existence)

37. Felt Freud over-emphasized sexual instinct; analytic psychology (metaphysical and mythological components - collective unconscious and unconscious archetypes; autobiography (Memories - Dreams - Reflections)

38. Gestalt ('whole') psychology - asserts perception is greater than the sum of its parts

39. Founder of structuralism - focused on the analysis of human consciousness; Through introspection - lab assistants objectively describe discrete sensations and contents of their minds; method soon dissolved

40. Understanding the mysterious world temporarily because a question for church - then philosophy was reclaimed by scholars

41. Cognitive therapy; problems arise from maladaptive ways of thinking; therapy to reformulating illogical cognition rather than searching for a life-stress cause; Beck Depression Inventory

42. Believed healing of physical ailments came from manipulation of bodily fluids; animal magnetism (mind control of one person over another) responsible for patient recoveries; used technique of mesmerism (hypnotism)

43. A plan for selective human breeding to strengthen species

44. Socrates - Plato - Aristotle

45. America'S first Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard; coined the term 'adolescence' - started American Journal of Psychology - founded American Psychological Association

46. Individual psychology; people motivated by inferiority; 4-type theory of personality: choleric (dominant) - phlegmatic (Dependent) - melancholic (withdrawn) - and sanguine (healthy)

47. Founding experimental psychology from Elements of Psychophysics; first systematic experiment to result in mathematical conclusions; previously thought the mind could not be studied empirically

48. 8 stages of psychosocial development; noted for completeness from infancy through old age; coined 'identity crisis' of adolescence

49. Tolman; learning is acquired through meaningful behaviour towards a goal; sign learning

50. The idea that characteristics acquired during lifetime passed to future generations