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Praxis Special Ed

Subjects : praxis, teaching
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. asmtha - add - adhd - diabetes - epilepsy

2. Metacognition is connected to

3. About 80% of all speech disorders are characterized by difficulties with...

4. Much broader than IDEA disabilities that effect a life experience

5. Spina bifida

6. Name four areas of executive function

7. What percent of the population was ADHD?

8. What does adaptive behavior mean?

9. A psychoanalytic approach would explain behavior disorders as resulting from

10. A 14 year old boy with mild autism would have what in his curriculum

11. What are some examples of assistive technology for blind students?

12. What behavior assessment scale is often used to rate students for ADHD?

13. Four varying degrees of support for the mentally retarded

14. What are the seven characteristics of autism?

15. Atypical language development manifests itself in these two ways?

16. Diana vs. State Board of Education - Larry P.vs Riles - and Lau vs. Nichols all addressed the issue of?

17. What is conductive hearing loss?

18. From a functional perspective deafness is related to difficulties with the ability to...

19. Misclassification of African Americans as mentally retarded because of unfair IQ tests

20. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales would most likely be an example of

21. Is FBA a type of ecological assessment?

22. What are the three types of timing that effect mental retardation

23. In a full - inclusion model services to students with disabilities are available in...

24. Social skills are crucial to success in inclusive education

25. How does deafness connect to IDEA?

26. Do cochlear implants make sound louder?

27. What is the prevalence of autism?

28. The most likely reason to adminster a Woodcock Johnson would be to test for...

29. The principle of 2004 that will not let you suspend a student if his behavior is a function of his disability is known as

30. What is sensorineural hearing loss?

31. IEP - LRE - Student/parent participation - FAPE - procedural safeguards - appropriate evaluation

32. Using objectives from the students work in class as a means to evaluate progress and adapt instruction is known as

33. subaverage general intellectual functioning with deficits in adaptive behavior

34. In order to identify a student with a learning disability most examiners are concerned with a discrepancy between...

35. Which perspective attributes emotional and behavioral disorders to poor interaction with the environment in which the student and environment affect each other reciprocally and advocates interventions using the entire social system

36. If parents are considering that their 4th grade student may need special education services the first step would be to do a

37. Name three components of the AAMR definition of mental retardation

38. Students with learning disabilities account for what percent of children in special education

39. Students must be involved in transition planning services starting at age...

40. Prelinguistic mileau training allows teachers to teach language skills to...

41. What are the three domains of adaptive behavior?

42. What is the broadest means of using technology for speech and language purposes?

43. What does congenital hearing loss mean?

44. What are the two major characteristics of mental retardation?

45. What does a cochlear implant do?

46. A statement that explains why the placement is the least restrictive environemnt

47. Three examples of supplemental aides for death students

48. impairment in hearing that affects educaitonal performance - but not included under the definition of deafness

49. co - occurring impairments causing severe educational needs; does not include deaf - blindness

50. Dealt with the language of assessment - must be administered in the students native language