Test your basic knowledge |

Praxis Special Ed

Subjects : praxis, teaching
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Diana vs. State Board of Education - Larry P.vs Riles - and Lau vs. Nichols all addressed the issue of?

2. What are the three domains of adaptive behavior?

3. What percentage of deaf students spend most of their time in the regular education classrom

4. What is CLOZE procedure?

5. A model used with ESL and deaf students

6. What is conductive hearing loss?

7. Dealt with the language of assessment - must be administered in the students native language

8. An organization that was founded in 1922 to advocate for all children with disabilities is called the

9. What is sensorineural hearing loss?

10. What is the prevalence of autism?

11. hearing and visual impariments causing severe communication and other developmental and educational needs

12. What is acquired hearing loss?

13. Name three components of the AAMR definition of mental retardation

14. About 80% of all speech disorders are characterized by difficulties with...

15. What are the two major characteristics of mental retardation?

16. A resource room teacher would be most likely to contact an OT to

17. When a child with mild hearing loss cannot understand teacher directions the first step should be to

18. What is an adventitious visual impairment?

19. Atypical language development manifests itself in these two ways?

20. IEP - LRE - Student/parent participation - FAPE - procedural safeguards - appropriate evaluation

21. The approach that categorizes exceptionality as the statistical degree to which an individual deviates from the average in terms of cognitive - social - emotional - and physical abilities is called

22. co - occurring impairments causing severe educational needs; does not include deaf - blindness

23. Using objectives from the students work in class as a means to evaluate progress and adapt instruction is known as

24. The most likely reason to adminster a Woodcock Johnson would be to test for...

25. subaverage general intellectual functioning with deficits in adaptive behavior

26. Using a single IQ test to determine placement is...

27. Under President Johnson in the 1960's basis for title one

28. What does a cochlear implant do?

29. What are the three categories in the range of visual impairments?

30. What are the seven characteristics of autism?

31. Hearing loss is low- incidence disability that effects what percent of the population?

32. What does adaptive behavior mean?

33. In a full - inclusion model services to students with disabilities are available in...

34. What are some examples of assistive technology for blind students?

35. impairment in hearing that affects educaitonal performance - but not included under the definition of deafness

36. severe orthopedic impairment - including impairments caused by congenital anomalies - disease - and other causes

37. Reinforce an appropriate but incompatible behavior

38. Direct instruction does not involve ____________ interaction

39. If a college bound student has the accommodation that he uses a tape recorder in english and a calculator in algebra II this is an example of

40. ision impairment including partial sight and blindness

41. Is FBA a type of ecological assessment?

42. A 14 year old boy with mild autism would have what in his curriculum

43. Social - emotional - physical - cognitive - adaptive - & communication

44. Having students keeps track of their own behavior and then receive rewards for appropriate behavior is known as...

45. What would be an appropriate task for high school students with mild mental retardation?

46. In order to identify a student with a learning disability most examiners are concerned with a discrepancy between...

47. What are three biological causes for ADHD?

48. What are the three types of timing that effect mental retardation

49. In order to be identified as having mental retardation a child must demonstrate significantly sub average functioning and

50. Three examples of supplemental aides for death students