Test your basic knowledge |

Subjects : health-sciences, usmle
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. At what spinal level does the SMA exit

2. Gastrin - source - action - regulation

3. What serum enzyme is elevated in obstructive liver disease - bone disease and bile duct disease

4. Through which aspect of the inguinal canal does a direct inguinal go

5. What kind of lesions are characteristic of duodenal PUD vs cancer

6. At what level do the testicular/ovarian arteries exit the aorta

7. What are esophageal strictures associated with

8. Where is IgA shuttled

9. Tumor of neuroendocrine cells constituting 50% of small bowel tumors - most common sites are the appendix - ileum and rectum

10. What is the characteristic histo finding in alcoholic hepatitis

11. necrosis of intestinal mucosa and possible perforation - usual colon involvement - more common in preemies

12. Which IBD has skip lesions and can hit any portion of the GI tract but sprares the rectum - and Which is mainly has continuous lesions in the colon and always has rectal involvement

13. internal hemorrhoids and adenocarcinoma occur above or below pectinate line?

14. What kind of diarrhea is produced from a disaccharide def

15. What is the sphincter of the pancreatic duct

16. trypsinogen is converted to trypsin via what enzyme

17. Progressive dyshphage beginning with solids and moving to liquids and weight loss

18. What skin condition is associated with celiac sprue

19. How does loss of NO secretion affect the esophagus and what results

20. What is the ddx associated with appendicitis

21. How are all 3 monosaccharides transported to the blood

22. What histological findings are present in the stomach

23. What are the treatmet options for crohns

24. What are the barium swallow findings of achalasia

25. What are the extraintestinal manifestations of ulcerative colitis

26. What are the histological findings in the jejunum

27. What serum enzyme is elevated in acute pancreatitis and mumps

28. How do villi appear in disaccharidease def

29. AD syndrome featuring multiple nonmalignant hamartomas throughout GI tract

30. What are the treatment options for uclerative colitis

31. What artery passes around the duodenum

32. What does alpha amylase do and what inactivates it

33. alcoholic liver disease that requires sustained - long term consumption - with swollen and necrotic hepatocytes with neutrophilic infiltration

34. In jaundice of hepatocellular etiology - is the hyperbilirubinemia conjugate or UN - what happens to urine bili - and urine urobilinogen

35. somatostatin - source - action - regulation

36. What kind of pancreatitis is associated with EtOH and smoking

37. What is the most common diaphragmatic hernia and What are the two types

38. What are motilin receptor agonists used for clinically

39. What kind of pathways do CCK act on to cause pancreatic secretion

40. What are additional risk factors for CRC

41. In PUD - with gastric ulcers - does pain inc or dec with meals?

42. What drug inhibits the H/K ATPase

43. milk intolerance

44. What other condition can lead to acute gastritis - think renal

45. Where does type A chronic gastritis occur and What causes it

46. What is charcot triad of cholangitis

47. Achalasia can be secondary to what infectious disease common in South America

48. Where is bicarb trapped

49. What kind of cancer to celiac sprue put you as inc risk for

50. why infxn is implicated in duodenal PUD