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ACSP: Apple Certified Support Professional Os X Support
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1. What does the firmware do? What is the POST?
2. What 4 methods can be used to eject a volume from the finder?
To run commands as the root user
Clear-text - encrypted - Kerberos
Drag the disk image into disk utility and press burn
Press the eject button - file>>eject - drag to trash - press eject in the sidebar
3. How does Time Machine maintain a backup history of the system?
4. Path
Disk drive is the hardware itself - partitions are logical divisions of a drive's storage - and volumes are stored inside partitions and define how data is stored to the storage
The status indicator lights - Green - yellow - red.
command - options - arguments
Defines the directions to a specific item in the filesystem
5. Three minium requirements for creating a command line script
1.) Create a plain text file w/ the 2.) Make the first line #!/bin/bash 3.) Change the permissions to allow execution
Option key - Startup Disk preference pane in OS X - or the BootCamp utility in Windows.
May cause data corruption
Intel - directly attached input devices - 10.5 or later - all new firmware updates - 10.5 or greater install disc - 10 gigs of free space - 2 GB or more of RAM
6. What steps should you take when troubleshooting app issues?
Users' public folders
System Profiler
Restart the app - try another document - try another user account - check log files - delete caches - replace preferences - and replace app resources.
7. How do you further resolve and issue that disappears when the Mac successfully safe-boots?
Clear-text - encrypted - Kerberos
To run commands as the root user
Find the third-party resource causing the problem. Start in verbose mode and see where the startup fails.
Drag the disk image into disk utility and press burn
8. Security risk with fast user switching?
Admins have access to any locally-connected volume whereas standard users can only access their home folders and other user's Public folders.
Locally connected volumes are fully accessible to any logged in user.
To run commands as the root user
If a known master password is reset - existing accounts are not negatively affected. If the master is reset because it was lost - however - preexisting accounts cannot be reset by the new password until the old FileVault passwords are reset.
9. What is a Kerberos Ticket and KDC?
10. What are some known issues that arise when connecting to network file services?
The network service operates or broadcasts on a network port.
Forked files may cause issues for NFS and WebDAV. Also avoid AFP 2 on Windows file servers.
Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) manages all printing and faxing for the system.
Your Mac provides network routing NAT - DHCP - and DNS forwarding services for any device connected. When sharing AirPort - you can specify and SSID - channel - and WEP settings.
11. How can you limit a user account?
Parental controls
It will allow any user to search any attached non-system volume if ownership is ignored.
System Profiler
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
12. Advantages/disadvantages of single/multiple partition drives in OS X
13. How do you use the finder's burn folder feature?
File>>Create Burn Folder and drag items in then press burn. OR Insert blank media and choose new Burn Folder
It addresses the outgoing packets based on the destination device's MAC address
PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files are printer driver files that instruct the CUPS system on how to communicate with specific printer models.
It will not load any third party KEXTs - third-party LaunchAgents - LaunchDaemons - StartupItems - fonts - any user login items - or any user specific LaunchAgents.
14. 3 Main components of a typical command
Users don't traditionally need access to them - and if they do - they can use Terminal.
Screen sharing - remote login - remote management - remote apple events - and Xgrid sharing
command - options - arguments
1.) Create a plain text file w/ the 2.) Make the first line #!/bin/bash 3.) Change the permissions to allow execution
15. How does resetting the master filevault password affect existing filevault user accounts?
This will not change the keychain. They can either unlock the keychain with the old password to sync them - or create a new keychain.
computer hostname - working directory - user account
The firmware initializes the Mac's hardware and and locates the booter file on the system volume. The Power-On Self Test (POST) checks for basic hardware functionality.
If a known master password is reset - existing accounts are not negatively affected. If the master is reset because it was lost - however - preexisting accounts cannot be reset by the new password until the old FileVault passwords are reset.
16. What type of files are omitted from time machine backups?
Documents - Movies - Music - Pictures - Library - Downloads - Desktop - Public - Sites
The network service operates or broadcasts on a network port.
iSync allows you to sync personal info between Mac OS X apps and peripherals like Palm PDAs - and Bluetooth enabled cell phones.
Temp files - spotlight indexes - items in the trash - and any files defined as exempt either by you or by an application.
17. In the network preferences - how can you tell which interface is currently being used for network activities?
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
The status indicator lights - Green - yellow - red.
All users can read/write - but only the creator can delete. This uses the sticky bit.
Resource contention general - an item another user has running. Document contention for document another user has open. Peripheral contention for peripheral in use by another user. Application contention for when an app is designed to be open only on
18. What shared items are accessible to any user who connects via FTP?
19. What is Rosetta and what types of items are not supported by Rosetta?
Run PPC based apps on newer Intel macs. It does not support pre-OS X apps - the Classic environment - PPC screen-savers - PPC preference panes - G5 specific apps - PPC kernel extensions - some Java apps
May cause data corruption
Using information provided by the dynamic network services discovery protocols. Computers providing services appear as resources whereas service discovery zones or workgroups appear as folders.
Absolute always start at the root of the filesystem - whereas relative paths start where the user is current at
20. How is Disk utility's verify and repair feature used?
21. What happens during user log-out?
22. How does Boot Camp work?
It allows Windows XP SP2+ - Vista - and 7 to run natively on the Mac by running a separate partition.
Finder shows only 4 different permissions options: read/write - read-only - write-only - and no access. Terminal can show you any possible combination.
Securely stores passwords - form-fills - etc.
Locally connected volumes are fully accessible to any logged in user.
23. What differentiates RAID 0 from RAID 1?
RAID 0 uses striping to increase performance. RAID 1 uses disk mirroring.
Run PPC based apps on newer Intel macs. It does not support pre-OS X apps - the Classic environment - PPC screen-savers - PPC preference panes - G5 specific apps - PPC kernel extensions - some Java apps
Common flags include locked and hidden - Common extended attributes include an items color - spotlight comments - etc.
Start the name with a . - or enable the hidden file flag.
24. What are five application environments supported by Mac OS X and what are they used for?
If the DHCP request goes unanswered - it'll get a self-assigned IP in the 169.254 range.
Cocoa - Carbon - BSD (CLI) - X11 - Java (Cocoa is native - Carbon is based on OS 9 but still provides OS X performance - X11 is a unix windowing environment)
Applications - Library - System - Users
Set the mac's network identification - enable the desired service - define access.System preferences >> Sharing
25. What are three common authentication methods?
cat - less
Clear-text - encrypted - Kerberos
Prevents users from using the reset password utility on the os x install dvd because they cannot boot from it.
1.) Create a plain text file w/ the 2.) Make the first line #!/bin/bash 3.) Change the permissions to allow execution
26. What 3 types of resource contention issues can occur when fast user switching is enabled?
About this mac or system profiler. System is general release number - build is specific - and serial number represents the machine.
Single partition drives are easier to setup initially - but aren't as flexible for admin/maintenance. Multiple can segregate data
Intel - directly attached input devices - 10.5 or later - all new firmware updates - 10.5 or greater install disc - 10 gigs of free space - 2 GB or more of RAM
Resource contention general - an item another user has running. Document contention for document another user has open. Peripheral contention for peripheral in use by another user. Application contention for when an app is designed to be open only on
27. What is the difference between launch daemons - startup items - launch agents - and login items?
28. What are four common issues that can interrupt network services on a Mac OS X computer?
Individual pieces of information used to define a user such as user ID - UUID - home directory - etc.
Disconnected cable - nonfunctioning port - DHCP issue - DNS issue
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
Your Mac provides network routing NAT - DHCP - and DNS forwarding services for any device connected. When sharing AirPort - you can specify and SSID - channel - and WEP settings.
29. What are six common system resources? What purpose does each one serve and where are they located?
User accounts - user groups - computer accounts - computer groups - network file mounts - management settings - and collaboration information.
extensions - tied to the kernel to provide hardware support - frameworks - shared code libraries - fonts - preference files - configuration info - Launch Agents and Launch Daemons - used by launchd to provide auto-starting services - logs - contain d
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons - /Library/LaunchDaemons - /Library/StartupItems - /etc/rc.local (maybe)
1.) User accounts not tied to individual Macs 2.) Same user account for multiple services 3.) Kerberos SSO 4.) Define user/comp settings in a single location
30. Account attributes
Locally connected volumes are fully accessible to any logged in user.
Core system files - fonts - X11 - nearby & local printers - language translations
Don't erase data - zero out the data - 7-pass erase - 35-pass erase
Individual pieces of information used to define a user such as user ID - UUID - home directory - etc.
31. How can you identify the MAC Addresses for all of the Mac's network interfaces?
Parental controls
It addresses the outgoing packets based on the destination device's MAC address
Info pane in Network Utility
Temp files - spotlight indexes - items in the trash - and any files defined as exempt either by you or by an application.
32. How does the IP addresses use the MAC address to send messages between computers on a LAN?
33. What client-sharing services can Mac OS X provide?
Hold down T on boot - allows the mac to be turned into a very large - and expensive - external hard drive or disc drive.
It monitors all incoming connections and requests. Connections are allowed on a per-application basis. Advanced options include signing options - stealth mode - and more.
Finder shows only 4 different permissions options: read/write - read-only - write-only - and no access. Terminal can show you any possible combination.
Screen sharing - remote login - remote management - remote apple events - and Xgrid sharing
34. Locate system version - build number - serial number location
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
About this mac or system profiler. System is general release number - build is specific - and serial number represents the machine.
Drag the disk image into disk utility and press burn
Firmware - booter - kernel - and system launchd. Primary user environment stages are loginwindow - user launchd - and user environment.
35. What are the four erase options in disk utility?
36. What happens during system shutdown?
The user's loginwindow process does the following: Request that all user applications quit - quits any user backgroun processes - runs any logout scripts - records the logout to the man system.log - resets device permissions and preferences to defaul
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
Press the eject button - file>>eject - drag to trash - press eject in the sidebar
The loginwindow process logs all users out and then tells the kernel to quit all remaining system processes.
37. Where are preferences stored? What format is generally used?
They're stored at the root of every volume in a /.Spotlight-V100 folder. A fileVault user's database is stored in his vault in his home user. Mail is in ~/Library/Mail/Mail Envelope. Spotlight plugins can be in any library folder in a folder called S
based on the user's current location
User preferences are in ~/Library and the format is often Property List - which is just a special XML file.
It has to copy the entire thing over again on each change.
38. What is the purpose of IP addresses and subnet masks? What is their format?
IP addresses identify the location of a specific network device. Subnet masks are used by network devices to identify their local network range. IPv4 addresses are a 32-bit number represented in 4 groups of four octets separated by periods. 0-255.
User accounts - user groups - computer accounts - computer groups - network file mounts - management settings - and collaboration information.
Run PPC based apps on newer Intel macs. It does not support pre-OS X apps - the Classic environment - PPC screen-savers - PPC preference panes - G5 specific apps - PPC kernel extensions - some Java apps
Intel - directly attached input devices - 10.5 or later - all new firmware updates - 10.5 or greater install disc - 10 gigs of free space - 2 GB or more of RAM
39. What is the potential side effect of improperly unmounting or ejecting a volume?
Used to make the filesystem appear less complex. Data forks and resource forks are combined to appear as a single item. They have fallen out because they're not compatible with non Mac-OS volumes and are not extensible.
RAID 0 uses striping to increase performance. RAID 1 uses disk mirroring.
iSync allows you to sync personal info between Mac OS X apps and peripherals like Palm PDAs - and Bluetooth enabled cell phones.
May cause data corruption
40. What are the primary system initialization stages and user environment stages in Mac OS X and what order do they start?
RAID 0 uses striping to increase performance. RAID 1 uses disk mirroring.
Firmware - booter - kernel - and system launchd. Primary user environment stages are loginwindow - user launchd - and user environment.
Single partition drives are easier to setup initially - but aren't as flexible for admin/maintenance. Multiple can segregate data
Clear-text - encrypted - Kerberos
41. How does network service order affect network connectivity?
Internet traffic goes through the primary interface.
Core system files - fonts - X11 - nearby & local printers - language translations
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
Applications - Library - System - Users
42. Utilities available from OS X install DVD
Local - BSD Flat File and NIS - LDAPv3 - AD
System Profiler - Disk Utility - Reset Password Utility - Firmware Password - Restore from Time Machine Backup - Startup Disk - Terminal - Network Utility
It starts with a full copy of the system and then it records any changes made to the system and only copies those changes. It creates a simulation of the entire system using hard links for files that didn't change.
Screen sharing - remote login - remote management - remote apple events - and Xgrid sharing
43. How does the firmware password help secure against password changes?
cp - mv - rm
Finder shows only 4 different permissions options: read/write - read-only - write-only - and no access. Terminal can show you any possible combination.
It's a special permission used to define a folder as an append-only destination (only the creator can delete the file he creates)
Prevents users from using the reset password utility on the os x install dvd because they cannot boot from it.
44. Four prep steps before installing
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons - /Library/LaunchDaemons - /Library/StartupItems - /etc/rc.local (maybe)
Standard - Admin - Guest - Sharing-Only - Root
Check for firmware updates - verify app compatibility - back up files - document critical settings
It records what file operations are in progress at any given moment. If a power failure or system crash occurs - it can verify the integrity by replaying the journal.
45. How do permissions in the Finder appear different than those in the terminal?
Finder get info - command line run ls -l
Forked files may cause issues for NFS and WebDAV. Also avoid AFP 2 on Windows file servers.
User accounts - user groups - computer accounts - computer groups - network file mounts - management settings - and collaboration information.
Finder shows only 4 different permissions options: read/write - read-only - write-only - and no access. Terminal can show you any possible combination.
46. How can you identify the type of a particular application?
The loginwindow process logs all users out and then tells the kernel to quit all remaining system processes.
Get Info from Finder or System Profiler
So they can navigate to the public or sites folder
Disk drive is the hardware itself - partitions are logical divisions of a drive's storage - and volumes are stored inside partitions and define how data is stored to the storage
47. What items are shared by default to all users?
48. What does iSync do?
Devices providing network services broadcast their existence and Mac OS X picks up on these broadcasts and provides a list of services.
Bonjour and NetBios & WINS
computer hostname - working directory - user account
iSync allows you to sync personal info between Mac OS X apps and peripherals like Palm PDAs - and Bluetooth enabled cell phones.
49. What five network file services can you connect to from the Finder's Connect To Server dialog?
Single partition drives are easier to setup initially - but aren't as flexible for admin/maintenance. Multiple can segregate data
It monitors all incoming connections and requests. Connections are allowed on a per-application basis. Advanced options include signing options - stealth mode - and more.
If a known master password is reset - existing accounts are not negatively affected. If the master is reset because it was lost - however - preexisting accounts cannot be reset by the new password until the old FileVault passwords are reset.
50. How do you identify ownership and permissions of a file or folder in the Finder? In the command line?
Finder get info - command line run ls -l
To run commands as the root user
Root has unlimited access - Admin can change system files & settings - guest can dump tons of files
Automator is a workflow based application whereas AppleScript is an english-like scripting language