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Adobe Photoshop CS 2 - CS 3

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Scale used for measuring the resolution of a digital image. Measured by counting a single row of pixels along one inch.

2. Images - graphics - text - colors - and empty space on the page used to create different feelings or moods.

3. Combining two or more layers into one.

4. A pattern of horizontal or vertical lines that appears on your screen but does not print.

5. Type of printing done by laser printers and commercial printing presses. Creates rows of tiny dots that can be square - diamond-shaped - circular - and even cross-shaped - and are often printed at an angle.

6. A format that a computer can recognize.

7. The way words in the paragraph align with the edges of the document.

8. The color applied by painting tools in photoshop.

9. A way of grouping layers without organizing them into folders.

10. Small squares that appear aroud the selected area when cropping an image or transforming a layer.

11. To slant at an angle.

12. Titles and subtitles.

13. The image to which you want to copy a selection.

14. Pixels that touching or bordering each other.

15. ovals

16. An image with pixels so small that the human eye cannot make ou the individual pixels when printed.

17. Scale for measuring the resolution of a printed image.

18. Image with pixels large enough to be visible when printed.

19. Technical term for scanner resolution.

20. Located just below the menu.

21. Color that is revealed by the erase tool when it is used on layer that have transparency.

22. A folder that can be created in the layers pallette.

23. Camera that converts an image to a format a compter can recognize.

24. The edges of an image.

25. A small tag at the top of the palette window that displays the palettes name.

26. Companies that keep large libraries of images - usually categorized by subjet - that can be purchased for use

27. Click and hold the mouse button and drag the cursor to the opposite corner of a desired area before releasing the mouse button.

28. A palette that has been removed from a stack by dragging its tab clear of the other palettes window.

29. The opposite of

30. Graduated measuring devices that can be displayed along the edges of an image window.

31. To cut off.

32. Protect a layer from being changed.

33. A selection tool option that creates a slight smoothing around the edges of the selection.

34. Temporary computer memory that makes cut - copy - and paste operations possible.

35. The quality level that a printer is capable of producing.

36. An image in which individual pixels are visible.

37. Tiny - colored squares that make up a digital image.

38. The total number of colors that can be used in an image.

39. A picture or symbol that represents the selected tool.

40. Lists of commands that are related to each other.

41. Small pictures of what is contained on the layers.

42. Small window that contains a variety of related settings.

43. Making a palette taller by dragging its bottom right corner to resize its window.

44. A box that appears around all of the pixels in the active layer when the show transform controls option is on.

45. Invisible boundaries that are placed on web images.

46. To cause data to be stored in computer memory.

47. To make larger or smaller.

48. Selection border is removed

49. A large sign surrounded by blinking light bulbs. Also refers to a set of photoshop selection tools that create selections with fixed shapes

50. Businesses or individuals that hire outside service.