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Adobe Photoshop Tools And Commands

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A feature used to automatically locate and correct spelling errors

2. Creating an identical copy of an image

3. A folder in the layer palette indicates that there is a _______

4. Highlight the edges of an image by hand and then extract withing that outline

5. Saved shapes that are able to be reused

6. Amount of pixels

7. Crosshair indicates _________

8. Creating a 'hole' in the layer to see the layer below

9. Cut sections out of an image

10. Automatically finds and extracts the background from an image

11. Special effects you apply to layer to affect the appearance of the layer's contents

12. Adjusts darkness

13. Selections of a similar color

14. Rulers - things that help the user make accurate selections

15. Protects parts of your selection you dont want edited

16. Chemical used in photograph development. something similar used in quick mask mode

17. Selection tool used to select square or rectangular areas

18. The 2 numbers at the bottom of the status bar mean indicate the size of the __________

19. Like layers work in the same way in that you can see through them but they don't change anything actually below them. So you can apply an adjustment (such as hue/saturation changes) on a transparency/layer and it will become an adjustment layer.

20. Links two or more layers together so whatever you do to one layer - happens to the other layers

21. Color You Apply With A Paint Or Edit Tool

22. Select areas by hand

23. A layer that contains vector-based shapes.

24. Add writing to a photo

25. Makes layers snap to a position while moving

26. Slowly transition from transparent to visible

27. When you configure the artwork on the base layer as a mask for the layer above it

28. Stores previous steps made within photoshop

29. Indicates the layer you are currently editing

30. Can use the brush to edit the selection over and over by hand more precisely

31. Perserve earlier states of your work

32. Select everything but the selection

33. Selected areas in shape form.

34. Lets you view your layers

35. Combination of lasso and healing brush - drags pixels from a source area onto another area

36. Merges the selected layer with the one below it

37. Predominant tone of a color.

38. The bottom-most layer in an image - usually containing the image data.

39. How much colors clash with each other

40. Creates colors that are darker than the original clors

41. Selects a circular area

42. Makes things fade

43. Lists information about mouse's coordinates on the screen - colors of pixels under the mouse - etc....

44. The conversion of vector objects into pixel information.

45. Holding down shift while using the crop button keeps the ____________

46. Graphics created using a grid of colored squares

47. Blends pixels from a source area with a target area

48. Automatically chooses the amount of color tolerance in a photo

49. The arrangement of all elements on the same layer - determining which appears to be in front of which

50. Makes edits using the history palette