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Advertising Techniques

Subject : business-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 1) To feel safe and secure 2) To feel comfortable 3) To be cared for and connected to others 4) To be desired by others 5) To be free to do what we want 6) To grow and become more 7) To serve others and give back 8) To be surprised and excited 9) T

2. Advertisers sometimes lead us to believe that we will miss an important opportunity if we don't buy their product right awasy. This techniques might come in the form of a limited-time offer or an indication that only a very limited quantity of the pr

3. Using test - statistics - or information that sounds scientific to prove that one product or person is better than another

4. To affect parents and make them want to buy the product for their child

5. Using symbols to suggest an association with a positive influence

6. Tries to link a product - service or idea that is already desired by the target audience (Nike linked to victory.)

7. Personnal attacks people do to discredit their ideas

8. Focuses on all the elements of advertising

9. Advertisers realize that we like to feel important - so they tell us that their products will make us glamorous - sophisticated - or macho.

10. Info that is collected for first from original sources

11. More tightly focused on solving a particular marketing communication problem in a specified time.

12. A belief that if you buy this product then your apart of an elite club

13. Psychological- state of mind - needs - wants - satisfaction - personality Social/ Cultural- Culture - Social class - family - demographic Behavioral- Quantity usage - brand relationship innovation Market Segment- target audience Norms - Val

14. A type of testimonial - usually scientists - professors - and other professionals advocating for a product/idea

15. Intentionally do not finish a claim

16. Promoting a special ingredient may make you think the product works better than others

17. May cover a more specific division of the company; focused on maximizing profit

18. Group of people you use as a model for behavior in specific situations

19. Suggesting that association with a person or product can make you special

20. Using costumers fond memories to buy a product

21. Many products are nearly identical

22. Indication of an important trend in marketing that is moving beyond two-way communication

23. Taking a dangerous and fearful approach to a commercial

24. Advertising and marketing communication plan; outlines all of the communication activities needed to deliver on business and marketing objectives in terms of communication objectives

25. People devoted to a particular brand. E.g. HOG;Harley Owners Group

26. 1)Divide them by type of market they represent B2B or B2C 2) Refer them to either as purchasers or customers - users - or influencers

27. A message to the consumer about a brand. It gets attention and provides info - sometimes even a bit of entertainment

28. A disonest tatic where they lure a costemer for a bargain but then perswade them to buy something expensive

29. Repeating words or sounds

30. Putting a commercial into the form of a game can be a fun way for you to get to know more about a product and spend more time with it

31. Identifying the group that might be the most profitable audience and the most likely to respond to marketing communication

32. Uncovers critical info that becomes the basis for strategic planning

33. A process which outlines the important players and steps

34. Occurs when the consumer recognizes a need for a product

35. Need recognition--> Evaluation of Alternatives--> Purchase Decision--> Postpurchase Evaluation

36. Most popular demographic used by advertisers

37. Claims directly - fully - and or clearly expressing something- the price - the main ingredients - number of items - etc.

38. Uses a logical argument of fact to persuade you to buy the product

39. Demographic Segmentation - Life stage segmentation - Geographic Segmentation - Psychographic Segmentation - Behavioral Segmentation - Values and benefits based segmentation

40. Fiving us compliments to try to sell a product

41. Hinders the consumer's reception of the message - includes technical and socioeconomic trends that affect the reception of the message

42. How individuals or groups select - purchase - use - or dispose of products - as well as the needs and wants that motivate these behaviors

43. Out-of-Context Quotations - Exploitation of Fears and Misgiving - Health Fraud - Credit Repair - Get Rick Quick Schemes - Supermarket Specials - Bait and Switch - Product Misrepresentation - Travel Fraud (you got a free holiday!)

44. Information (simple/direct) - Status - Peer Approval - Hero/Celebrity Endorsement - Sexual/Romantic Attraction - Entertainment - Intelligence - Independence - Unfinished Comparison - Guarantees - Scarcity - Perceptual Contrast - Scientific or Numeric

45. Cheap product that you can afford

46. Where advertisers stress positive qualities and ignore negatives

47. 1) see/hear 2) feel 3) think/understand 4) connect 5) believe 6) act/do

48. Two-way communication; a dialogue or conversation

49. People testifying about the value or quality of a product in order to sell it

50. Argues against an idea by claiming it is the first step that will result in a complete change (If we ban smoking in restaurants - they will eventual ban unhealthy food - too.)