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Algebra Formulas

Subjects : math, algebra
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Shading goes up - or right

2. Relations do not have all points in common e.g diff. lines that may intersect

3. # set (2 -3) in x+1=y - 2+1=3

4. Whats worth

5. Horizontal line

6. 'Points' from BOTTOM to TOP

7. Same slopes

8. Relations have all points in common e.g same line

9. Dotted line

10. Function in mx+b=y form whose graph is a line

11. Change of grouping a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c

12. Shading goes down - or left

13. One or more solutions

14. Intersecting points

15. e.g x

16. Hard - brackets

17. y-value - because its value depends on the x-value

18. Set of ordered pairs (input and output)

19. Solve for (3x-4)(x+5)

20. A=a it is what it is

21. Put is simplest form

22. 'Points' from side to side

23. Opposite - reciprocal slopes

24. Set of all FIRST coordinates of the ordered pairs e.g. x (x -y)(input value - abscissa)

25. Change of order a+b+c=a+c+b

26. 1 -2 -3...maybe 0

27. Second step to linear combo. Fill in variable for whatever you solved for OR change equation to y= or x=

28. Solid line

29. Change one equation with LCM (i think) and add up - cancelling one variable out

30. y-y{2}=m(x-x{2})

31. Substitute AND simplify

32. Plug in vertices in objective function

33. Undoes operation a+(-a)=0

34. Soft - parentheses

35. Slope of 1/1 - through 0

36. A=b - then b=a

37. Rectangular array of #s written w/brackets (classified by # of numbers in row and column e.g. 3x3)

38. f(x -y)=x + y

39. Correct result - but doesn't work in equation


41. Solve using every equation (use linear combination)

42. [2x+3]=9 - [2x+3]=-9 write it both ways

43. mx+b=y

44. No solution

45. A=b - b=c - then a=c

46. A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with one element in the range (no repeated x - however y can repeat)

47. Original status a+0=a - ax1=a

48. No fraction or decimal

49. Vertical line

50. Ax+By=C (letters are real - not zero)