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AP Biology

Subjects : science, ap, biology
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1. One of several atomic forms of an element each containing different number of neutrons and different in atomic mass

2. (1) A lineage of genetically identical individuals or cells. (2) In popular usage - a single individual organism that is genetically identical to another individual. (3) As a verb - to make one or more genetic replicas of an individual or cell. See a

3. Charts of chromosomes that locate genes with respect to chromosomal features.

4. A dense object lying along the inside of the nuclear envelope in female mammalian cells - representing an inactivated X chromosome.

5. An element indispensable for life but required in extremely minimum amounts

6. A chromosomal condition in which a particular cell has an extra copy of one chromosome - instead of the normal two; the cell is said to be trisomic for that chromosome.

7. The general term for the production of offspring with new combinations of traits inherited from the two parents.

8. A change in a gene at a single nucleotide pair

9. Golgi apparatus--> gives rise to vesicles which pinch off and travel to other sites

10. A coding region of a eukaryotic gene. Exons - which are expressed - are separated from each other by introns.

11. The generation of ATP by cyclic electron flow.

12. A spontaneous chemical reaction in which there is a net release of free energy

13. A virus that infects bacteria; also called a phage. See phage.

14. The electron donor in a redox reaction.

15. The scientific study of heredity and hereditary variation.

16. In plants bacteria and fungi it is the major electrogenic pump actively transporting H+ out of the cell

17. Reproduction of cells

18. An organic molecule possessing both carboxyl and amino groups. Amino acids serve as the monomers of proteins.

19. An increase or decrease in the density of a chemical substance in an area -->substances tend to move form where there are more concentrated to where they are less concentrated

20. Plants that produce offspring of the same variety when they self-pollinate.

21. The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid membrane; involved in the synthesis of organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water.

22. The union of haploid gametes to produce a diploid zygote.

23. A short cellular appendage specialized for locomotion - formed from a core of nine outer doublet microtubules and two inner single microtubules ensheathed in an extension of plasma membrane.

24. The principle of conservation of energy. Energy can be transferred and transformed - but it cannot be created or destroyed.

25. A heritable feature in a population that varies continuously as a result of environmental influences and the additive effect of two or more genes (polygenic inheritance).

26. A genetic map based on the frequencies of recombination between markers during crossing over of homologous chromosomes. The greater the frequency of recombination between two genetic markers - the farther apart they are assumed to be. See also geneti

27. A type of weak chemical bond formed when the slightly positive hydrogen atom of a polar covalent bond in one molecules is attracted to the slightly negative atom of a polar covalent in another bond

28. An ion transport protein generating voltage across the membrane.

29. A type of RNA - synthesized from DNA - that attaches to ribosomes in the cytoplasm and specifies the primary structure of a protein.

30. A technique for determining genetic abnormalities in a fetus by the presence of certain chemicals or defective fetal cells in the amniotic fluid - obtained by aspiration from a needle inserted into the uterus.

31. A three-nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid or termination signal; the basic unit of the genetic code.

32. The genetic makeup of an organism

33. Fourth subphase of mitosis in which the chromatids of each chromosome have separated and the daughter chromosomes are moving to the poles of the cell

34. The fifth and final subphase of mitosis in which daughter nuclei are forming and cytokenisis actually begins

35. That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum detected as various colors by the human eye - ranging in wavelength from about 380 nm to about 750 nm.

36. The entire contents of the cell - exclusive of the nucleus - and bounded by the plasma membrane.

37. A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast - used to convert light energy to chemical energy.

38. The covalent bond between two amino acid units - formed by a dehydration reaction

39. A chromosomal condition in which a particular cell has only one copy of a chromosome - instead of the normal two; the cell is said to be monosomic for that chromosome.

40. The electrons in the outermost electron shell

41. A mutation involving the addition of one or more nucleotide pairs to a gene.

42. The cellular process that uses special enzymes to fix incorrectly paired nucleotides.

43. A coenzyme present in all cells that helps enzymes transfer electrons during the redox reactions of metabolism

44. Having two identical alleles for a given trait.

45. A cluster of several membrane proteins found in the mitochondrial crista (and bacterial plasma membrane) that function in chemiosmosis with adjacent electron transport chains - using the energy of a hydrogen ion concentration gradient to make ATP. Pr

46. The formation of ATP by directly transferring a phosphate group to ADP from an intermediate substrate in catabolism.

47. A phenomenon in walled cells in which the cytoplasm shrivels and the plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall when the cell loses water to a hypertonic environment

48. An organelle in eukaryotic cells consisting of stacks of flat membranous sacs that modify - store - and route products of the endoplasmic reticulum.

49. A chemical reaction in which two molecules covalently bond to each other with the removal of a water molecule.

50. The addition of electrons to a substance involved in a redox reaction.