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AP Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

Subjects : civics, ap
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Protection against arbitrary deprivation of life - liberty - or property.

2. The power inherent in state governments to protect the health - safety - morals - and welfare of the people

3. The first ten amendments to the united states constitution. it contains a listing of the rights a person enjoys that cannot be infringed upon by the government

4. The right to publish and disseminate information without prior restraint - subject to penalties for abuse of the right

5. The right to organize for political - religious - or other social purposes

6. A legislative act that declares the guilt of an individual and metes out punishment without a judicial trial

7. A legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US constitution

8. Methods by which police officers gather evidence and make arrests

9. Freedom of worship and religious practice

10. Print slanderous statements against

11. The view that most of the protections of the Bill of Rights apply to state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause.

12. Actions that incite rebellion or discontent against duly established government

13. An advantage - benefit - or opportunity granted to an individual or group to which it has no right

14. A rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct

15. (Written) (Oral) You cannot make false statements in public that might damage a persons reputiation unless you can prove it

16. A court order directing an official who has a person in custody to bring the prisoner to court and to show cause for his detention

17. A requirement of the fourteenth amendment that state laws may not arbitrarily discriminate against persons

18. Refusal to obey a law - usually on the ground that the law is morally reprehension.

19. Words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another

20. An underlying assumption of the american political creed that men are endowed by their creator with certain rights that may not be abridged by government

21. A request to a public official that seeks to correct a wrong or to influence public policy

22. Protection against arbitrary actions by public officials

23. A policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities

24. The separation of the white and black races in public and private facilities

25. A requirement that one profess belief in a particular religious faith or in a supreme being as a condition to holding public office

26. The guarantee in the sixth amendment to the constitution that a defendant in a criminal case have the assistance of an attorney

27. This law banned discrimination in housing - the segregation of education - transprotation - and employment - it helped African Americans gain their full votin rights.

28. The existence of racially segregated facilities that are -however -not required by law.

29. The right to speak without prior restraint - subject to penalties for abuse of the right

30. Constitutional guarantees essential for personal liberty. freedoms of speech - press -religion -assembly -and petition - freedom from involuntary servitude - and the right to equal protection of the law.

31. The First Amendment guarantee that citizens may freely engage in the religious activities of their choice

32. A belief that differences among people are rooted in ethnic stock

33. Positive acts of government designed to protect persons against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals.

34. The first civil rights law passed by congress since reconstruction - designed to secure the right to vote for blacks

35. A test used by the supreme court to determine the permissible bounds of free speech

36. The guarantee in the fifth amendment to the constitution that one may not be twice put in jepordy of life or loimb for the same offense.

37. Segregation that is imposed by law

38. Nonverbal communication - such as burning a flag or wearing an armband. The Supreme Court has accorded some symbolic speech protection under the first amendment.

39. The First Amendment guarantee that the government will not create and support an official state church

40. The right of the people to congregate for the discussion of public questions and to organize into political parties or pressure groups for the purpose of influencing public policy

41. The guarantee in the second amendment of the right to keep weaponds - recognition that 'a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state'

42. A law designed to further secure the right to vote for blacks and to meet problems arising from racial upheavals in the south

43. A concept used by judges to weigh the competing interests or values in a case

44. A privilege granted to a person that exempts him from prosecution for any self-incriminating testimony given by him before a court - grand jury - or investigating committee

45. The great charter of freedom granted in 1215 by king john of england on demand of his barons

46. The right to participate in the management of government and to influence public policy

47. Testimony by a person that reveals facts that amy result in a criminal prosecution against him

48. The power inherent in all government to take over private property - provided that it is taken for a public purpose and that just compensation is awarded.

49. Laws passed by congress after the civil war to guarantee the rights of blacks

50. The curbing of ideas either in speech or in writing before they are expressed