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AP Human Geography

Subjects : humanities, ap
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What is the world's most populous country?

2. About how many people are being added to the world yearly?

3. What are connections?

4. How is NIR in stage 3?

5. What was the industrial revolution?

6. What is projection?

7. Name some of the fertile valleys in China that population is clustered around/in.

8. What were the results of the medical revolution in recent LDCs?

9. What is ecumene?

10. What is stimulus diffusion?

11. Vladimir Koppen's climate classifications divides Earth into 5 climate regions - which are...

12. Where is two-thirds of the world's population clustered - in order of highest population to lowest population?

13. What is Meridian?

14. What countries does the Southeast Asian region include?

15. What is diffusion?

16. What is life expectancy?

17. What is the International Date Line?

18. What is contagious diffusion?

19. Where is life expectancy and doubling time highest?

20. What is concentration?

21. Where are the highest populations in Europe?

22. Define the medical revolution.

23. What is arithmetic density?

24. What is GPS?

25. What is overpopulation?

26. How many countries are still in stage 1?

27. What is a place?

28. What is IMR?

29. What is relocation diffusion?

30. Who was the first person to use the word 'geography'?

31. What is distance decay?

32. What is a toponym?

33. What countries does the South Asian region include?

34. How is globalization affecting the world's economy?

35. What is a region?

36. What is possibilism?

37. How much of the world's population live in East Asia?

38. Define the agricultural revolution.

39. What is expansion diffusion?

40. What European country has been thoroughly modified again and again?

41. What is remote sensing?

42. For what three reasons is the study of population critically important right now?

43. Who were the pioneers of environmental determinism?

44. What is distribution?

45. Place names have what kind of origins in S. Africa?

46. What is a functional region?

47. What is doubling time?

48. What is physiological density?

49. Place names have what kind of origins in Brazil?

50. What is pattern?