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AP Liberal Vs Conservative

Subjects : civics, ap
  • Answer 20 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Conservative about police - military (e.g. many in middle America and in the south)

2. Older people - upper class - majorities - employers - white collar - republicans

3. Favors limited government in economics - more involvement with social issues

4. Ideology of less gov't intervention; natural rights (traditional values-pro life; choice (life - liberty - property)

5. Believes in Personal freedom - self responsibility - smaller government

6. Believes in less gov in social conduct and less business activity.

7. Lower and middle class - young people - minorities - employees - union members - blue collar - city dwellers - northeast and west coast

8. Favors govt. involvement in both areas

9. Expanded role of government in society - Promoted Equal Rights Amendment for women - Said Racial justice was national priority - Protected the environment - Supported abortion rights (Roe v Wade) - Insisted on human rights in foreign policy - Wanted

10. Acceptance of economic inequality - laissez-faire - equality of opportunity (must take advantage of opportunity) - religious morality should guide behavior - strict law and order - unilateralism (us is strongest) - right to bear arms

11. Preference for traditional way of doing things

12. Cut taxes - Defended traditional family values - Upheld sexual/gender roles - Said States handle racial problems - Wanted to restore law and order in cities - Wanted No special treatment for minorities to achieve equality - Repealed much of Great Soc

13. Conservatives wanted total military victory in Vietnam - They wanted 'Peace with honor' in Vietnam - Liberals wanted US to withdraw from Vietnam - and wanted Vietnam to be a limited war

14. Someone who believed in freedom/limited gov. power

15. Is all for community responsibility - active government

16. Favors limited government in social issues; since FDR's New Deal - it means 'big gov.'

17. Ideology of public ownership of means of production and exchange; btw capitalism and communism; nationalize industries - institute public jobs; tax wealthy - cut defense spendingindividual liberty-sharply limited gov't; overtones of anarchism; oppose

18. Ideology of social justice via gov't--gov't will provide for you (homeownership - cell phones - cars; universal health care; medicaid; education; medicare

19. Re-distribution of wealth - equality of outcome (quotas) - acceptance of lifestyle choices - protecting the accused - pro-choice - internationalism - social rights

20. Conservatives maintained that Nixon was no more corrupt than earlier presidents - Liberals said Richard Nixon and Watergate a threat to liberty