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AP Psychology

Subjects : psychology, ap
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Ability to recognize that objects can e transformed in some way - visually or phycially - yet still be the same in number - weight - substance - or volume

2. The structures and organs that facilitate electrical and chemical communication in the body and allow all behavior and mental processes to take place

3. Expectation of the person conducting an experiment which may be affect the outcome

4. An unconscious way of reducing anxiety by distorting perceptions of reality.

5. Freud's third stage of personality development - from about age 4 through age 7 - during which children obtain gratification primarily from the genitals.

6. The expression of genes

7. Individual cells that are the smallest unit of the nervous system; it has three functions: receive information - process it - send to rest of body

8. Part of the brain which controls living functions such as breathing - heart rate - blood pressure - body temperature

9. The middle division of brain responsible for hearing and sight; location where pain is registered; includes temporal lobe - occipital lobe - and most of the parietal lobe

10. Freud's level of mental life that consists of those experiences that we are aware of at any given time.

11. The most important area of the brain's occipital lobe - which receives and further processes information from the lateral geniculate nucleus; also known as the striate cortex.

12. Creates a computerized image using a magnetic field and pulses of radio waves

13. The process by which a person infers other people's motives or intensions by observing their behavior.

14. Presentation of a stimulus after a particular response in order to increase the likelihood that the response will recur

15. One of the descriptive methods of research; it requires construction of a set of questions to administer to a group of participants

16. A research approach that follows a group of people over time to determine change or stability in behavior.

17. Sleep/dreams/consciousness; pioneers of Activation-Synthesis Theory of dreams; sleep studies that indicate the brain creates dream states - not information processing or Freudian interpretations

18. In Freud's theory - the technique of providing a context - meaning - or cause for a specific idea - feeling - or set of behaviors; the process of tying a set of behaviors to its unconscious determinant.

19. Assesses and counsels students - consults with educators and parents - and performs behavioral intervention when necessary

20. Maintenance of a constant state of inner stability or balance

21. Located in neck; regulates metabolism by secreting thyroxine

22. Patterns of feelings and beliefs about other people - ideas - or objects that are based on a person's past experiences - shape his or her future behavior - and are evaluative in nature.

23. A basic unit of meaning in a language.

24. Any therapy that attempts to discover relationships between unconscious motivations and current abnormal behavior.

25. Efferent neurons; neurons that carry messages from spinal cord/brain to muscles and glands

26. Member of the gene terror that controls the appearance of a certain trait only if it is paired with the same gene

27. Assessing and choosing among alternatives.

28. People whose corpus callosum has been surgically severed

29. Process of repeatedly verbalizing - thinking about - or otherwise acting on or transforming information in order to keep that information active in memory

30. Any stimulus or event that is naturally painful or unpleasant to an organism

31. Social psychology; focus on nonverbal communication - self-fulfilling prophecies; Studies: Pygmalion Effect-effect of teacher's expectations on students

32. An unscientific system which pretends to discover psychological information that his means are unscientific or deliberately fraudulent

33. A collection of interrelated ideas and facts put forward to describe - explain - and predict behavior and mental processes

34. Behaviors that benefit other people and for which there is no discernable extrinsic reward - recognition - or appreciation.

35. Division which includes the cerebellum - Pons - and medulla; responsible for involuntary processes: blood pressure - body temperature - heart rate - breathing - sleep cycles

36. Focuses on psychological factors in illness

37. Having both stereotypically male and stereotypically female characteristics

38. Approximate distribution of scores expected when a sample is taken from a large population - drawn as a frequency polygon that often takes the form of a bell-shaped curve - called the normal curve

39. Study that focuses on biological foundations of behavior and mental processes; overlaps with neuroscience

40. Any internal condition - although usually an internal one - that initates - activates - or maintains an organism's goal directed behavior

41. Perception; identified just-noticeable-difference (JND) that eventually becomes Weber's law

42. Member of a gene terror that controls the appearance of a certain trait

43. Social cognition - cognitive dissonance; Study Basics: Studied and demonstrated cognitive dissonance

44. Motivation; believes that we invent explanations to label feelings

45. The process of growth and the realization of individual potential; in the humanistic view - a final level of psychological development in which a person attempts to minimize ill health - be fully functioning - have a superior perception of reality -

46. Branch of mathematics that deals with collecting - classifying - and analyzing data

47. The first phase of the sexual response cycle during which there are increases in heart rate blood pressure and respiration

48. The brain and spinal cord

49. A specific (usually internal) condition - usually involving some form of arousal - which directs an organism's behavior toward a goal.

50. A design in which researchers manipulate an independent variable and measure a dependent variable to determine a cause-and-effect relationship