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AP Psychology

Subjects : psychology, ap
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Ability to recognize that objects can e transformed in some way - visually or phycially - yet still be the same in number - weight - substance - or volume

2. Recurrence of an extinguished conditioned response - usually following a rest period

3. Behaviorism; emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; famous for Little Albert study in which baby was taught to fear a white rat

4. Establish the relationship between two variables

5. The study of the patterns and distributions of speech sounds in a language and the tacit rules for their pronunciation.

6. The controversial claim that sensation can occur apart from sensory input

7. A pattern of relatively permanent traits - dispositions - or characteristics that give some consistency to people's behavior.

8. Temporarily holds current or recent information for immediate or short-term use; Information is maintained for 20-30 seconds while active processing (e.g. - rehearsal) takes place

9. Studies psychological development across the lifespan

10. Jung's theory of a shared storehouse of primitive ideas and images that are inherited ideas and images - called archetypes - are emotionally charged and rich in meaning and symbolism

11. Vermont railroad worker who survived a severe brain injury that changed his personality and behavior; his accident gave information on the brain and which parts are involved with emotional reasoning

12. Neuroscience/biopsychology; studied split brain patients

13. The study of how language is acquired - perceived - understood - and produced.

14. Anxiety disorder characterized by marked fear and avoidance of being alone in a place from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing

15. The evaluation of the significance of a situation or event as it relates to a person's well-being

16. Inherited - automatic species-specific behaviors

17. Moral development; presented boys moral dilemmas and studied their responses and reasoning processes in making moral decisions. Most famous moral dilemma is 'Heinz' who has an ill wife and cannot afford the medication. Should he steal the medication

18. School of psychological thought that considered the structure and elements of conscious experience to be the proper subject matter of psychology

19. Freud's third stage of personality development - from about age 4 through age 7 - during which children obtain gratification primarily from the genitals.

20. Describes differences between groups of participants that differ naturally on a variable such as race or gender

21. Test designed to determine a person's level of knowledge in a given subject area

22. The small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.

23. Memory a person is not aware of possessing

24. Chemical that opposes the actions of a neurotransmitter

25. Process of evaluating individual differences among human beings by means of tests interviews - observations - and recordings of physiological.

26. Temporary decrease in sensitivity to a stimulus that occurs when stimulation is unchanging

27. The extent to which scores differ from one another

28. Hormone backpacks in the regulation of blood sugar by acting in the utilization of carbohydrates; released by pancreas; too much-hypoglycemia - too little-diabetes

29. Defense mechanism by which anxiety-provoking thoughts and feelings are forced to the unconscious.

30. The study if the overlapping fields of perception - learning - memory - and thought - with a special emphasis on how people attend to - acquire - transform - store - and retrieve knowledge.

31. A cognitive behavior therapy that emphasizes the importance of logical - rational thought processes.

32. Two or more individuals who are working with a common purpose or have some common goals - characteristics - or interests.

33. Creates a computerized image using x-rays passed through the brain

34. Achievement motivation; developed scoring system for TAT's use in assessing achievement motivation

35. Morality based on fitting in to the norms of society

36. Any stimulus or event that is naturally painful or unpleasant to an organism

37. Learning involving an unpleasant or harmful stimulus or reinforcer

38. Inability to understand or use language

39. Theory suggesting that there are two routes to attitude change: the central route - which focuses on thoughtful consideration of an argument for change - and the peripheral route - which focuses on less careful - more emotional - and even superficial

40. A person's inherited traits - determined by genetics

41. A type of therapy in which two or more people who are committed to one another's well-being are treated at once - in and effort to change the ways the interact.

42. Neo-Freudian - humanistic; 8 psychosocial stages of development: theory shows how people evolve through the life span. Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that involves confronting 'Who am I?'

43. Chemical that mimics or facilitates the actions of a neurotransmitter

44. Practice of placing children with special needs in regular classroom settings - with the support of professionals who provide special education services

45. Applies psychological principles to the workplace to improve productivity and the quality of work life

46. Pain is only experienced in the pain messages can pass through a gate in the spinal cord on their route to the brain

47. Clues participants discover about the purpose of a study that suggest how they should respond

48. The increase in sensitivity to light that occurs when the illumination level changes from high to low - causing chemicals in the rods and cones to regenerate and return to their inactive state.

49. A descriptive study that includes an intensive study of one person and allows an intensive examination of a single case - usually chosen for its interesting or unique characteristics

50. Stage of sleep characterized by high-frequency - low-amplitude brain-wave activity - rapid and systematic eye movements - more vivid dreams - and postural muscle paralysis