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Basic English Words For All

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Activity of making pictures using paint

2. A set of page that gives information

3. Very interesting

4. Your father or your mother's sister

5. To move quickly up and down from a surface after hitting it

6. Moving across the ice wearing special boots with metal bars under them

7. In or across an area

8. The act of using weapons against an enemy in a war

9. A piece of material you use to remove pencil marks from paper

10. From Ireland

11. Describes someone - a way of speaking - etc. that is pleasant and doesn't upset people

12. The sport of flying using equipment without an engine that looks like a kite

13. Apples inside a pastry

14. From Egypt

15. Stories and books about imagined characters and events

16. The first part of a meal

17. Part of your body in the middle of your leg

18. To get things and keep them together

19. Cold or calm and relaxed - or fashionable/good

20. Opposite of active

21. A metal container

22. A place where you go to dance

23. Beef cooked in an oven

24. Opposite : beautiful

25. Parts in your face you use to see

26. Information you write to explain where you live.

27. Scientific study of living things

28. Game when players try to hit the ball into a hole in the ground

29. 6.30 h.

30. South American animalwith thick hair like wool - and a long neck

31. Extremely good - attractive -enjoyable

32. A room in a hotel for 2 persons

33. High

34. When you see sex on a form they are asking whether you are male or female

35. Extremely attractive to look at

36. Tools / stuff you need to do an activity

37. Feeling which makes you shout because something is cruel or unfair

38. A building where children have lessons

39. Of the past - present or future

40. A scary story - film -etc. about a murder

41. A building where you can buy and drink an alchoholic drink

42. Describes something or someone making a lot of loud unpleasant sound

43. A large strong building built in the past as a safe place

44. A place where you can buy and eat meals

45. Indoor game played on a table by 2 or 4 players who hit a small plastic ball to eachother across a net

46. Country of a Peruvian

47. Describes something of the highest standard or most enjoyable

48. Someone who studies at a college or university

49. Sport of riding over the waves on a board

50. The last game in the competition