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1. 4 long term complications of paraylsis
Spinal cord lesions - multiple sclerosis - infections/abscesses of spinal cord - congential defects
Water soluble agent capable of diminshing friction and making a surface slippery; used to lubricate the examiners gloved hand when performing rectal or vaginal assessments
Decubhus ulcers - urinary tract infections - urinary calculi - stiff joints
High blood pressure - rupture of the arteries and destruction of the organs
2. Scale
Device used to obtain a patients weight
Electronic instrument used to obtain a patients body temp
Made of hollow glass stem and bulb filled with mecury and alcohol
Decuitus ulcers - urinary tract infections - urinary calculi - stiff joints
3. Pressure point
Assessing the head - neck - anterior thorax - lungs - breast - axillae - heart - abdomen - and extremities
Water soluble agent capable of diminshing friction and making a surface slippery; used to lubricate the examiners gloved hand when performing rectal or vaginal assessments
Instrument used to check pupillary reaction to light and to inspect the inner eye. it may be portable or wall mounted
Areas on the skin where the cast has been indented or pushed in that may caused sores or skin breakdown
4. Hypoglycemia
Exercises performed by the patient
Low blood sugar
Labored or difficult breathing
Composite structural material of plastic and fiberglass that is used in casting for children and elderly for light weight properties
5. Hyperglycemia
Branch of medicine that is concerned with the correction of prevention of skeletal deformities
A weak and rapid pulse
High blood sugar
Gradual loss of acute - central - and color vision in the elderly
6. Condition
Device that is used for recording the electric activity of the heart
Skin should be smooth and dry
Lying on the back in supine position with knees flexed
An age related decreased ability to focus on near objects
7. Tape meassure
Rate - rhythm - depth - sound
Peak pressure exerted on the arterial walls during ventricular contraction - first blood pressure sound u will hear
Measuring device used to measure the circumference of an infants head - obtain body length - obtain circumference of extremities or abdominal girth
Areas on the skin where the cast has been indented or pushed in that may caused sores or skin breakdown
8. Bradycardia
25 - 40 breaths
Measuring device used to measure the circumference of an infants head - obtain body length - obtain circumference of extremities or abdominal girth
Abnormally slow heartbeat - below 60 bpm in adults
Pulse with irregular rhythm
9. Orthostatic hypotension
Blood pressure decreases rapidly in relation to positive changes from lying to sitting or standing
Procedure used to reposition the ends of a broken bone
Instrument used to assess the pupil's response to light
Body temp below normal range
10. Average diastolic blood pressure
60 - 90 mmHg
90 - 150 mmHg - 40+ goes up to 160 mmHg
A pasty composition that hardens on drying
Infared sensor measures the temp of blood flow in ear
11. Inspection
Labored or difficult breathing
Technique used in physical examination to carefully and critically examine the body
An age related decreased ability to focus on near objects
Age related - exposure to noise - build up of cerumel
12. Anxiety
Measuring device used to measure the circumference of an infants head - obtain body length - obtain circumference of extremities or abdominal girth
A vague - uneasy feeling in response to stress
60 - 90 mmHg
Rest - depression - depressant drugs
13. Stethoscope
Inflammation of a vein associated with a thrombus
Measuring device used to measure the circumference of an infants head - obtain body length - obtain circumference of extremities or abdominal girth
Develops during pregnancy
Instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body; can be used to auscultate the heart - lungs - abdomen - bowels - and blood pressure
14. Afebrile
Without fever
Sore caused by pressure or rubbing against something for a period of time
Condition in which there is a depression of cerebral function ranging from stupor to coma patient considerations for special needs
Done to cure or control cancer
15. Insulin dependent(type 1)
The act of taking air into the lungs
High blood sugar
Pancreas do not produce insulin - most common in children and young adults
16. Main groups of malignant tumors
Infared sensor measures the temp of blood flow in ear
Carcinomas - sarcomas
Blood clot moving in the blood stream
Without fever
17. Dangling
Unconscious reactions that block unpleasant or threating feelings
Made of hollow glass stem and bulb filled with mecury and alcohol
Regular - recurrent expansion and contraction of an artery produced by waves pf pressure caused when the heart beats
Position the patient sitting on the side of bed with legs and feet over the side
18. Pulse
Regular - recurrent expansion and contraction of an artery produced by waves pf pressure caused when the heart beats
Being perplexed or disconcerted
Acute mental disturbance denfined by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations
19. Child pulse rate
100 - 120 bpm
Age related - exposure to noise - build up of cerumel
Tympanic - oral - rectal
Low blood pressure - insufficient perfusion of internal organs
20. Mental health
Inability to hear high frequency
Tympanic - oral - rectal
Inflammation of a vein associated with a thrombus
State of mind in which the person copes with and adjusts to the stresses of everyday living by behaving in ways acceptable to society
21. Complications of uncontrolled diabetes
Retinal change - blindness - kidney disease - nerve disease - circulatory disorders
One of several charts used in testing visual activity; letters - numbers - or symbols are arranged on the chart in decreasing size from top to bottom
An age related decreased ability to focus on near objects
Jaundice - high temp - limp body - slow to respond - eating poorly - hard or watery stools - redness and draining aroung cord stump or circumcision
22. Explorer
Instrument with sharp pointed end used for exploring the mouth which helps the examiner detect breaks in the enamel - check the severity of decay - and locate popcorn husks and toothpick fragments
1400 to 1800
Bi-valved instrument - with two opening blades used for the inspection of the vaginal cavity
Confusion - delirium - dementia - depression
23. Treatments for cancer
Abnormally slow heartbeat - below 60 bpm in adults
Surgery - radiation - chemotherapy
Thin blade fro pressing down the tongue during medical examination of the mouth and throat.
Elevated body temp
24. Dorsal Recumbent
Rest - depression - depressant drugs
Composite structural material of plastic and fiberglass that is used in casting for children and elderly for light weight properties
Lying on the back in supine position with knees flexed
Exercises that are performed by the corpsman/technician when the patient is unable to move a body part independentally
25. Arrhythmia
Pulse with irregular rhythm
Patient is ambulatory
High blood pressure - rupture of the arteries and destruction of the organs
Usually progressive condition marked by deteriorated cognitive functioning often accompanied by emotional apathy(e.g. Alzheimers disease)
26. Continuous passive motion(cpm)
Exercises that are performed by motorized exercised machinery that keeps a joint in constant slow motion
Long slender bulb - blue
A weak and rapid pulse
Skin should be smooth and dry
27. Vital signs
Technique used in physical examination to carefully and critically examine the body
Confusion - delirium - dementia - depression
Ages of 4-6 and 11-12
Along with height and weight - are taken as baseline data - provides info regarding the general heealth of a patient
28. Auscultation
Gives shape to a substance by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure; a stiff dressing made of bandages soaked in plaster
Act of listening for sounds within the body
Disturbance in the ability to cope or adjusts to stress; behavior and function are impaired
Small round mirror with a detachable handle that is used to view the oral cavity - reflect light - and retract the tounge and tissue - which protects the oral mucosa from injury
29. Exam gloves
Chronic and acute
Gloves used during the examination of the buccal(oral) cavity - genitals - and perineal region
Tumors that usually do not cause death
Using the sence of smell during physical examination
30. Embolus
Body temp above the normal range
120 - 160 bpm
Blood clot moving in the blood stream
Balance - orthostatic hypertension - dizziness - nausea
31. Cotton forceps
Tweezer like instrument used to transport small item to and from the mouth
High blood pressure - rupture of the arteries and destruction of the organs
Lying on the back in supine position with knees flexed
Electronic instrument used to obtain a patients body temp
32. Open reduction
Measure of the amount of heat below the skin and the subcutaneous tissues
Skin should quickly return to its orginal posistion
The degree to which a joint is moved by flexion and extension
Realigning a broken bone through surgery with incisions
33. Quadriplegia
Paralysis in all four extremities and trunk
The exchange of gases between the atmosphere - blood - and body cells; measurement that consists of one inhalation and one exhalation
Areas on the skin where the cast has been indented or pushed in that may caused sores or skin breakdown
Realigning a broken bone through surgery with incisions
34. Defense mechanisms
Ages of 4-6 and 11-12
Goals are to destroy the cancer cells without killing too many normal cells and to cure or control the rate of cancer cell growth
Unconscious reactions that block unpleasant or threating feelings
35. Delirium
Lying on the back in supine position with knees flexed
An unsually strong pulse
Clouding of the lens
Acute mental disturbance denfined by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations
36. Depression
12 - 20 breaths
Psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder defined by sadness - inactivity - difficulty in thinking and concentration - a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping; suicidal
Technique used in physical examination to carefully and critically examine the body
Tweezer like instrument used to transport small item to and from the mouth
37. Fiberglass
High blood sugar
Difficulty hearing normal conversations
60 - 100 bpm
Composite structural material of plastic and fiberglass that is used in casting for children and elderly for light weight properties
38. Gestational diabetes
Infared sensor measures the temp of blood flow in ear
Develops during pregnancy
Ringing in the ear
Abnormally rapid heartbeat - above 100 bpm in adults
39. Thrombus
Lesions - condition - turgor - color - temp - and odor
Bi-valved instrument - with two opening blades used for the inspection of the vaginal cavity
Lying on the back in supine position with knees flexed
Stationary blood clot
40. Infant resp rate
25 - 40 breaths
Acute mental disturbance denfined by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations
Gradual loss of acute - central - and color vision in the elderly
Jaundice - high temp - limp body - slow to respond - eating poorly - hard or watery stools - redness and draining aroung cord stump or circumcision
41. Sarcomas
Transfer a weak/unsteady patient - buckle belt around patient waist and over cloths - tight but enough space to let hand hand grasp - grasp belt from bottom
Thin blade fro pressing down the tongue during medical examination of the mouth and throat.
Arise in connective tissue; occur in bone - muscle - cartilage - and other types of connective tissues
Spinal cord lesions - multiple sclerosis - infections/abscesses of spinal cord - congential defects
42. Plaster
A pasty composition that hardens on drying
Read out unit that produces an audible beep when the mwasurement is complete and displays the reading on the screen
Instrument used to measure a patients blood pressure
12 - 20 breaths
43. Menieres disease
Chronic disease of the inner ear
Pain - stimulant drugs - anger - eating exercise
Exercises performed by the patient
Elevated body temp
44. Water soluble lubricant(surgeons jelly and ky jelly)
Eyes do not open upon stimulation - absence of comprehensible speech - and failure to obey commands
The circular movement of a limb
Water soluble agent capable of diminshing friction and making a surface slippery; used to lubricate the examiners gloved hand when performing rectal or vaginal assessments
45. Surgery
Chronic disease of the inner ear
120 - 160 bpm
Assessing the head - neck - anterior thorax - lungs - breast - axillae - heart - abdomen - and extremities
Done to cure or control cancer
46. Stupor
Transfer a weak/unsteady patient - buckle belt around patient waist and over cloths - tight but enough space to let hand hand grasp - grasp belt from bottom
60 - 90 mmHg
Person can be aroused only briefly and only by vigorous external stimulation
Labored or difficult breathing
47. Adult resp rate
12 - 20 breaths
Disturbance of the metabolism of carbohydrates and the use of glucose by the body
With fever
48. 3 common causes of hearing loss
Age related - exposure to noise - build up of cerumel
Abnormally rapid heartbeat - above 100 bpm in adults
Decuitus ulcers - urinary tract infections - urinary calculi - stiff joints
Lesions - condition - turgor - color - temp - and odor
49. Snellen chart
An age related decreased ability to focus on near objects
One of several charts used in testing visual activity; letters - numbers - or symbols are arranged on the chart in decreasing size from top to bottom
Absence of breathing
Lesions - condition - turgor - color - temp - and odor
50. Electronic thermometer
High blood pressure - rupture of the arteries and destruction of the organs
Read out unit that produces an audible beep when the mwasurement is complete and displays the reading on the screen
Tumors that cause death if left untreated
Absence of breathing