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1. What 3 syndromes are associated with vit B1 def
Prevent strands from reannealing
In ER - glucose 6- P to glucose
Wernicke - korsakoff - dry and wet beriberi
2. Gene imprinting implies that How many alleles are active at a single locus
30 - 50 - 70
Inc fragility of RBC - hemolytic anemia - muscle weakness - posterior column and spinocerebellar tract demyelination
3. What is the amino acid precuros for niacin and serotonin/melatonin
Backup of substrate (pyruvate and alanine) resulting in lactic acidosis - congenital or acquired from thiamine def in EtOH - neuro defects
Ribos first then deoxyribos with ribonucleotide reductase
4. What is the function and name of vit B6
Covalent cross - linking by lysyl oxidase to make collagen fibrils
Pyroxidine - converted to pyroxidine phosphate a cofactor used in transamination - decarboxylation - glycogen phosphorylase - cystathionine synthesis and heme synthesis - required for synthesis of niacin and tryptophan
Protective against malaria
Sucrose = glucose + fructose - lactose = glucose + galactose
5. How does ethanol induce hypoglycemia
Propionyl - CoA to methylmalonyl - CoA (3C to 4C)
Acetyl - CoA to malonyl - CoA (2C to 3C)
Inc NADH/NAD ratio in liver - causing diversion of pyruvate to lactate and OAA to malate - inhibiting gluconeogenesis and stimulating fatty acid synthesis. Leads to hypoglycemia and hepatic fatty liver change seen in chronic EtOH users
6. What does helicase do
Post to neg
Pyruvate - NAD+ - CoA
Unwinds DNA template at replcation fork
7. What is incomplete penetrence and give an example
Not all individuals with a mutant genotype show the mutant phenotype
Cre - lox system
Basement membrane or basal lamina
8. What substance in egg whites binds biotin
Transmitted through both parents - affected mother may have affected children - affected father will have affected children
Defect in fibrillin
Trisomy 18 - severe mental retardation - rocker bottom feet - micrognathia - low set ears - clenched hands - prominent occiput - congenital heart disease - death usually within the first year
9. What is the order of severity for the different types of mutations
Nonsense > missense > silent
Delayed wound healing - hypogonadism - dec in adult hair - dysguesia - anosmia - may predispose to EtOH cirrhosis
LCAT (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase)
10. How many nucTIDEs is a tRNA and What does the secondary sturcture form
75 to 90 - cloverleaf
Inability to transport LCFAs into mitochondria results in toxic accumulation causing weakness - hypotonia - hyperketotic hyperglycemia
B-100 - CII and E
11. elevated LDL due to defective or absent LDL receptor - heterozygotes have cholesterol ~300 - homozygotes ~700
Schwann cells - lens - retina - kidneys
Familial hypercholesterolemia - hyperlipidemia type IIA
12. Give an example of a mitochondrial inherited disease
Thymic - parathyroid and cardiac
IMP precursor
Von hippel lindau - 3
Lebers hereditary optic neuropathy - degeneration of retinal ganglion cells and axons - leads to acute loss of central vision. Mitochondrial myopathies
13. What is the defect in fructose intolerance and What does it cause
Aldolase B - AR - fructose 1P accumulates causing a dec in availabel phosphate which inhibts glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis leading to hypoglycemia - cirrhosis - jaundice and vomiting
Not all individuals with a mutant genotype show the mutant phenotype
Inc CPK and muscle biopsy
Sever atherosclerotic disease early in life - and tendon xanthomas on the achilles - MI may develop before 20
14. What converts tyrosine to DOPA
Phenylketones in urine
Tryosine hydroxylase
Hypophophatemia rickets - vit D resistant ricketts - inc wasting of phosphate in proximal tubule - rickets like presentation
Malonyl coa (+ biotin= palmitiate - 1 16C fatty acid)
15. What is axonemal dynein
Heme synthesis - urea cycle and gluconeogenesis - HUGs take two
Adds 2 carbon with the help of biotin
ATPase that links peripheral 9 doublets and causes bending of cilium by differential sliding of doublets
16. What does PURe As Gold and CUT The Py stand for
Purines= A - G pyrimidine = C - T (U)
FMR1 gene - methylation - associated with chromosomal breakage
Antioxidant - protects RBCs and membrances from free radical damage
GTP hydrolysis - initiation factors assemble 40S ribosomal subunit with initiator tRNA and are released with mRNA and ribosomal subunit assemble with the complex
17. What does the TCA cycle produce per 1 acetyl CoA
3 NADH - 1 FADH2 - 2 CO2 - 1 GTP = 12 ATP (x2 per glucose)
Lariat shape in order and remove intron precisely and join 2 exons
1 gene had >1 effect on an individuals phenotype - PKU causes many seemingly unrelated symptoms ranging from mental retardation to hair/skin changes
18. Which tumor suppresors inhibit G1 to S progression - where mutations result in unrestrained growth
Impaired glucose breakdown leading to ATP depletion; highly affected aerobic tissues like brain and heart affected first
Inherited lysosomal storage disorder; failure of addition of mannose 6 phosphate to lysosomal proteins - enzymes secreted outside of cell instead of lysosomes
Rb and p53
Hypercalciuria - loss of appetite - stupor - seen in sarcoidosis from activation fo vit D by epithelioid macrophage
19. What are the characteristics of prader willi syndrome How does it occur
Mental retardation - hyperphagia - obesity - hypogonadism - hypotonia - deletion of normally active paternal allele on chromosome 15
B12 and folate
20. Mediates reverse cholesterol transport from periphery to liver - acts as respository for apoC an apoE - secreted from both liver and small intestine
Eu - methionine - pro - formyl - methionine
Hepatic overproduction of VLDL causing pancreatitis - elvelated TGs and VLDL
Plasma membrane - 3Na out - 2K in - ATP on cytoplasmic side
21. fibrillin defect leading to connective tissue disorder affecting skeleton - heart - and eyes
Loss of brush border enzyme causing bloating - cramps - osmotic diarrhea
Inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and contributes to hangover symptoms
Inc vit B6
22. What leads to the deletion of the dystrophin gene in duchenne's muscular dystrophy
X linked frame shif mutation
Acetoacetate and beta hydroxybutyrate
23. Type II cartilage
Same AA - often base change in 3rd position of codon (tRNA wobble)
Epithelial cells
24. Which aspect of the spliceosome do patients with lupus make antibodies against
Sons of heterozygous mothers have 1/2 half chance of being affected - no male to male transmission - and often more severe in males - heterozygous females may be affected
Alpha and beta tubulin - dimers have two GTP bound
Phenylalanine hydroxylase
25. What happens in vit D excess
Gaucher's - beta glucocerebrosidase - glucocerebrosie - AR
Hypercalciuria - loss of appetite - stupor - seen in sarcoidosis from activation fo vit D by epithelioid macrophage
26. What is the result of vit B5 def
Riboflavin - cofactor in oxidation and reduction (FAD and FMN are derived from riboflavin)
Convulsions - hyperirritability - peripheral neuropathy - deficiency inducible by INH and oral contraceptives - sideroblastic anemais
Epithelial cells
27. How does patients present with ADPKD
Malabsorption and steatorrhea (ADEK)
Flank pain - hematuria - HTN - progressive renal failure
Grows slowly - collapses quickly
Cri du chat
28. CF - is AR deletion In what gene On what chromosome resulting in a deletion inf what?
Sons of heterozygous mothers have 1/2 half chance of being affected - no male to male transmission - and often more severe in males - heterozygous females may be affected
CFTR gene - 7 - Phe 508
Dopa decarboxylase
29. energy malnutrition resulting in tissues and muscle wasting - loss of subQ fat - variable edema
Locus heterogeneity - ocular albinism is x- linked recessive
Marasmus - muscle wasting
30. What does the golgi apparatus do on asparagine
De novo pyrimidine synthesis and urea - ornithine transcarbamoyl def in the urea cycle leads to a build of CP - then converted to orotic acid in pyrimidine synthesis pathway
75 to 90 - cloverleaf
Modifies N- oligosaccharides
31. What ribosomes do eukaryotes have
40 - 60 - 80
Oxidized hemoglobin precipiated within RBCs
Anabolic processes as a supply of reducing equivalents
32. What does Alports syndrome cause and why
Progressive hreditary nephritis and deafness - associated with occular disturbances - due to abnl type IV collagen - usually x- linked recessive
5' to 3'
33. What is NADPH's role inside RBCs
Keep glutathione reduced so it can detoxify free radicals and peroxides
Protein kinase A
N- acteylcysteine - cleave disulfide bonds within mucus glycoproteins
34. depression - progressive dementia - choreiform movements - caudate atrophy and dec levels of GABA and ACH in the brain
Met - val - arg his
Malonyl coa
Tuberous sclerosis
35. What is the RER called in neurons and What is made there
Marasmus - muscle wasting
Neither of 2 alleles is dominant - blood groups
Nissl body - enzyme and NTs
No mutation occuring at the locus - no selection for any genotypes at the locus - completely random mating - no migration
36. Of the four possible fates for pyruvate - which one carries amino groups to liver from muscle
Cre - lox system
Core proteins
Chronic granulomatous disease - no respiatory burst - no formatino of ROS
37. What are the symptoms of vit A def
Night blindness - dry skin
Glycogen phosphorylase
Animal products - synthesized only by microorganisms - large reserve pool - mainly in liver
Inhibit DNA gyrase specific for prokaryotic topoisomerase
38. Outside the fibroblast What part of procollagen is cleaved and What is it transformed into
Makes RNA primer on which DNA poly III can initiate replication
Lungs - large arteries - elastic ligaments - vocal cords - ligamenta flava - stretch.
Terminal regions - tropocollagen
39. What does a pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency lead to and What are the findings
Inc insulin - dec cAMP - dec PKA
Backup of substrate (pyruvate and alanine) resulting in lactic acidosis - congenital or acquired from thiamine def in EtOH - neuro defects
Catalase positive (catalase neg produce H2O2 the cell can use) like S. aureus or aspergillus
40. recurrent pulmonary infxns in CF are due to what organisms
Pseudomonas and s aureus
Makes RNA primer on which DNA poly III can initiate replication
For proteins and lipids from ER to plasma membrane - lysosomes and secretory vesicles
HGPRT - defective purine salvage - excess uric acid production
41. How is ammonium transported from muscle to the liver for urea cycle
Passed to glutamate - then to alanine enters blood - enters liver - coverted to pyruvate and transfers ammonium back to glutamate which gives it to the urea cycle
Alpha 1 -6 and alpha 1 -4
42. cytoskeletal elements associated with vimenentin - desmin - cytokeratin - glial fibrillary acid protiens (GFAP) - neurofilaments
Intermediate filaments
Aldolase B - AR - fructose 1P accumulates causing a dec in availabel phosphate which inhibts glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis leading to hypoglycemia - cirrhosis - jaundice and vomiting
SnRNPs and other proteins
43. Where is acetaldehyde located
32 - malate aspartate shuttle
Disorder of aromatic amino acid metabolism
Mental retardation - macro - orchidism - long face with large jaw - large everted ears - autism - and mitral valve prolapse
44. How many rings do purines have
Orotic acid phosphoribosyltransferase or orotidine 5'- phosphate decarboxylase
Attachment of ubiquitin to defective proteins tag them for breakdown
2 rings
Glycogen and FFA oxidation; glucose conserved for final sprinting
45. What tissue samples are used for karyotyping
Blood - bone marrown - amniotic fluid - placental tissue
Breaks down acyl - coa to acetyl coa groups in mito
Malate - aspartate shuttle or the glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle
46. Acetyl - CoA carboxylase catalyzes what rxn
Asp and Glu
Acetyl - CoA to malonyl - CoA (2C to 3C)
Scurvy - swollen gums - bruising - hemarthrosis - anemia - poor wound healing - weakened immune response
RER - translation of alpha chains - usually Gly-X-Y polypeptide (preprocollagen)
47. Where is pyruvate carboxylase found - What does it do - What does it require amd What activates it
In mitochondria - pyruvate to oxaloacetate - requires biotin - ATP - activated by acetyl coA
Connective tissue
Glucose 6 phosphatase
48. Where is hexokinase found - What is its Km and Vmax and what uninduces it
Ubiquitous - low Km - high affinity - low capacity low Vmax - uninduced by insulin
Inc insulin - dec cAMP - dec PKA
Consesus sequenec of base pairs
49. What causes Marfan syndrome
Change resulting in early stop codon
Defect in fibrillin
Galactitol - galactose appears in blood and urine - can cause infantile cataracta - AR
5' to 3'
50. What enzyme turns ROS to H2O2
Superoxide dismutase
Carnitine shuttle - acyl - coa from cyto to mito
Basement membrane or basal lamina