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Book Of Matthew Trivia

Subject : trivia
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The soldiers mockingly treated Jesus like a king by putting a ________ on Him and a ________ on His head and then bowed their knee and _________ Him. (27:28)

2. Describe the wayside soil. (13:19)

3. What verse teaches to 'turn the other cheek?'

4. 'Now in the ______ watch of the night Jesus went to them - ________ on the _____.' (14:25)

5. Why did the chief priests and Pharisees fear to lay hands on Jesus? (21:46)

6. What was Jesus' answer to the tax question? (22:21)

7. What verse teaches to 'turn the other cheek?'

8. What did the false witnesses say that Jesus said? (26:61)

9. 'He who loves ____ or ____ more than Me is not _____ of Me. And he who loves ____ or ______ more than Me is not ______ of Me.' (10:37)

10. Who danced before Herod and asked for John's head on a platter? (14:6)

11. The landowner went out early in the morning - then again at the ___ - ___ - ___ - and ___ hours in the parable of the ______.(20:1)

12. Jesus spoke in parables because it was only given to the disciples to know the _______ of the kingdom of heaven. (13:11)

13. 'There are some standing here who shall not ________ till they see the Son of Man coming in His _______.' (16:28)

14. The following happened when Jesus yielded up His spirit: _____________ was torn in two from top to bottom - the earth ________ - the rocks _________ - graves ________ - and bodies of the ________ were raised. (27:51)

15. When did Jesus predict Judas' betrayal? (26:25)

16. How is the kingdom like a dragnet? (13:47)

17. 'A prophet is not without ____ except in his own ______ and in his own ______.' (13:57)

18. 'He saved others; Himself ___________. If He is the King of Israel - let Him now ____________ - and we will believe Him.' (27:42)

19. What is the second greatest commandment? (22:39)

20. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of _______ when He road into Jerusalem on a _______. (21:7)

21. When Jesus cried out to God - some thought He was calling for _________. (27:47)

22. Jesus is greater than ______ and _________. (12:41-42)

23. How was the woman with the flow of blood healed? (9:20)

24. What was Zebedee's wife's request to Jesus? (20:20)

25. About whom did Jesus say - 'I have not found such great faith - not even in Israel?' (8:10)

26. What was Jesus' reply to Pilate's question 'Are You the King of the Jews?' (27:11)

27. Jesus fed the 4 -000 with __ loaves and _________ fish and took up __ baskets full of fragments that were left over. (15:34)

28. Jesus fasted ____ days and ____ nights. (4:2)

29. Who could the disciples not heal and why? (17:18)

30. 'I did not come to ______ but to ______.' (5:17)

31. Describe the parable of the unclean spirit. (12:43-45)

32. The soldiers mockingly treated Jesus like a king by putting a ________ on Him and a ________ on His head and then bowed their knee and _________ Him. (27:28)

33. Do not call anyone _____ - _____ - or _____ on this earth.(23:8)

34. He who is ___________ is greater than John the Baptist. (11:11)

35. What was Jesus' answer to the tax question? (22:21)

36. What did Jesus command His disciples not to reveal? (16:20)

37. 'Assuredly - I say to you - inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren - you _____________.' (25:40)

38. 'Whoever compels you to _______ - go with him ___.' (5:41)

39. Name everyone present on the mount when Jesus was transfigured. (17:1)

40. While arguing with the Pharisees - what scripture in Hosea does Jesus quote? (12:7)

41. 'It is more profitable for you that one of your _________ - than for your whole body to be ___________.' (5:29)

42. What three cities did Jesus condemn? (11:21-23)

43. What three cities did Jesus condemn? (11:21-23)

44. Jesus could have called more than ________ of angels.(26:53)

45. 'Hypocrite!First remove the ___ from your own eye - and then you will ___ to remove the ___ from your brother's eye.'(7:5)

46. 'And do not ___ those who kill the ___ but cannot kill the ___. But rather ___ Him who is able to ______ both ____ and ____ in ____.' (10:28)

47. In the end - who were invited in the parable of the wedding feast? (22:10)

48. How did Jesus discourage the chief priests and elders from asking Him who gave Him His authority? (21:23)

49. 'So the men marveled - saying - 'Who can this be - that even the ______ and the _____ obey Him?' (8:27)

50. They fled to ____ until Herod's death. (2:15)