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Book Of Matthew Trivia
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1. The soldiers mockingly treated Jesus like a king by putting a ________ on Him and a ________ on His head and then bowed their knee and _________ Him. (27:28)
Scarlet robe - crown of thorns - worshipped
Seven - a few little - seven
Taste death - kingdom
Herodias - lawful for you to have her
2. Describe the wayside soil. (13:19)
3. What verse teaches to 'turn the other cheek?'
Matt 5:39
Honor - country - house
His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.
Let both grow together until the harvest
4. 'Now in the ______ watch of the night Jesus went to them - ________ on the _____.' (14:25)
'Lord - Lord' - kingdom of heaven - does the will
Fourth - walking - sea
An angel of the Lord
Rabbi - Father - Teacher
5. Why did the chief priests and Pharisees fear to lay hands on Jesus? (21:46)
The multitudes took Him for a prophet
Gave Me no food - gave Me no drink - did not take Me in - did not clothe Me - did not visit Me
Peter - Andrew
Jesus told them He would suffer many things - be killed - and be raised the third day
6. What was Jesus' answer to the tax question? (22:21)
7. What verse teaches to 'turn the other cheek?'
Matt 5:39
World - sons of the kingdom - sons of the wicked one
'I am the God of Abraham - the God of Isaac - and the God of Jacob'
I have sinned by betraying innocent blood
8. What did the false witnesses say that Jesus said? (26:61)
Turn stones into bread - throw yourself down - all these things I'll give you if you worship me
I am able to destroy the temple of God and to build it in three days
Eye - eyes - cast into hell fire
Man with the withered hand
9. 'He who loves ____ or ____ more than Me is not _____ of Me. And he who loves ____ or ______ more than Me is not ______ of Me.' (10:37)
Father - mother - worthy - son - daughter - worthy
'Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's - and to God the things that are God's.'
Plank - see clearly - speck
Treasure heart
10. Who danced before Herod and asked for John's head on a platter? (14:6)
The multitudes took Him for a prophet
Hears the word - but doesn't understand it - then the wicked one snatches away what was sown in his heart
The daughter of Herodias
11. The landowner went out early in the morning - then again at the ___ - ___ - ___ - and ___ hours in the parable of the ______.(20:1)
The rules of the demons
She had suffered many things that day in a dream because of Him
3rd - 6th - 9th - 11th - workers in the vineyard
Cleansed the temple
12. Jesus spoke in parables because it was only given to the disciples to know the _______ of the kingdom of heaven. (13:11)
A rich man to enter the kingdom of God
Permit them to go into swine
Simon the Cyrenian
13. 'There are some standing here who shall not ________ till they see the Son of Man coming in His _______.' (16:28)
Their doctrine
Taste death - kingdom
Their - your sins are forgiven you
Are You the Coming One - or do we look for another?
14. The following happened when Jesus yielded up His spirit: _____________ was torn in two from top to bottom - the earth ________ - the rocks _________ - graves ________ - and bodies of the ________ were raised. (27:51)
Trespasses - forgive your trespasses
The veil of the temple - quaked - were split - were opened - saints
Salt - light
He went away sorrowful - for he had great possessions
15. When did Jesus predict Judas' betrayal? (26:25)
Your servant
Five - two - twelve
It spreads until all is leavened
While eating the Passover
16. How is the kingdom like a dragnet? (13:47)
'Lord - Lord' - kingdom of heaven - does the will
Jesus - Peter - James - John - Moses - and Elijah
The sign of the prophet Jonah
No respecter of persons
17. 'A prophet is not without ____ except in his own ______ and in his own ______.' (13:57)
Jesus told them He would suffer many things - be killed - and be raised the third day
Honor - country - house
18. 'He saved others; Himself ___________. If He is the King of Israel - let Him now ____________ - and we will believe Him.' (27:42)
He cannot save - come down from the cross
Winds - sea
Their doctrine
19. What is the second greatest commandment? (22:39)
Destroy - fulfill
Peter - Andrew
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
He cannot save - come down from the cross
20. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of _______ when He road into Jerusalem on a _______. (21:7)
The Spirit of the Father would speak in them
Hears the word - but allows cares of the world & deceitfulness of riches to choke the word and becomes unfruitful
Zechariah - donkey
Five - two - twelve
21. When Jesus cried out to God - some thought He was calling for _________. (27:47)
Twelve legions
Cried out all the more - 'Have mercy on us - O Lord - Son of David!'
Only the priest
22. Jesus is greater than ______ and _________. (12:41-42)
John the Baptist - Elijah - Jeremiah - or one of the prophets
Your servant
Jonah - Solomon
What proceeds out of his mouth
23. How was the woman with the flow of blood healed? (9:20)
Sheep having no shepherd
The sign of the prophet Jonah
Touched hem of His garment
Only the priest
24. What was Zebedee's wife's request to Jesus? (20:20)
Gave Me no food - gave Me no drink - did not take Me in - did not clothe Me - did not visit Me
3rd - 6th - 9th - 11th - workers in the vineyard
Permit them to go into swine
Let her two sons sit on left and right hand of Jesus in His kingdom
25. About whom did Jesus say - 'I have not found such great faith - not even in Israel?' (8:10)
The centurion
Touched hem of His garment
Inside - outside
Their - your sins are forgiven you
26. What was Jesus' reply to Pilate's question 'Are You the King of the Jews?' (27:11)
It spreads until all is leavened
Lost sheep of the house of Israel
It is as you say.
Touched hem of His garment
27. Jesus fed the 4 -000 with __ loaves and _________ fish and took up __ baskets full of fragments that were left over. (15:34)
Hate - pray - use - persecute
Seven - a few little - seven
Place Of A Skull
All who were found in the highways - both bad and good
28. Jesus fasted ____ days and ____ nights. (4:2)
Nazareth - Archelaus
The Spirit of the Father would speak in them
40 - 40
Plank - see clearly - speck
29. Who could the disciples not heal and why? (17:18)
Prophets - fruits
Gave Me no food - gave Me no drink - did not take Me in - did not clothe Me - did not visit Me
Reconciled - offer your gift
A demon-possessed boy - because of their unbelief
30. 'I did not come to ______ but to ______.' (5:17)
Salt - light
Destroy - fulfill
Spat in His face - beat Him - struck Him with the palms of their hands - ridiculed Him
31. Describe the parable of the unclean spirit. (12:43-45)
He was cast into outer darkness
'Lord - Lord' - kingdom of heaven - does the will
Spirit goes out of a man - comes back and finds it empty and swept - and brings 7 other more wicked spirits - & last state is worse than 1st
32. The soldiers mockingly treated Jesus like a king by putting a ________ on Him and a ________ on His head and then bowed their knee and _________ Him. (27:28)
Chief priests and scribes
That He was the Christ
Plank - see clearly - speck
Scarlet robe - crown of thorns - worshipped
33. Do not call anyone _____ - _____ - or _____ on this earth.(23:8)
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
God - mammon
Camel's hair - a leather belt - locusts and wild honey
Rabbi - Father - Teacher
34. He who is ___________ is greater than John the Baptist. (11:11)
Wash their hands when they eat
Least in the kingdom of heaven
Rabbi - Father - Teacher
Members perish - cast into hell
35. What was Jesus' answer to the tax question? (22:21)
36. What did Jesus command His disciples not to reveal? (16:20)
Found money in a fish's mouth
That He was the Christ
Micah - Bethlehem
37. 'Assuredly - I say to you - inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren - you _____________.' (25:40)
John's disciples
Did it to Me
Seven - a few little - seven
The potter's field (The Field of Blood)
38. 'Whoever compels you to _______ - go with him ___.' (5:41)
Go one mile - two
Camel's hair - a leather belt - locusts and wild honey
This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews
39. Name everyone present on the mount when Jesus was transfigured. (17:1)
Father - mother - worthy - son - daughter - worthy
Hate - pray - use - persecute
Jesus - Peter - James - John - Moses - and Elijah
The wicked vinedressers
40. While arguing with the Pharisees - what scripture in Hosea does Jesus quote? (12:7)
His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.
14 - Abraham - David - Babylon - Christ
I desire mercy and not sacrifice
Trespasses - forgive your trespasses
41. 'It is more profitable for you that one of your _________ - than for your whole body to be ___________.' (5:29)
Members perish - cast into hell
The abomination of desolation
Pharisees - Sadducees
Whoever humbles himself as a little child
42. What three cities did Jesus condemn? (11:21-23)
A demon-possessed boy - because of their unbelief
Hate - pray - use - persecute
Fear - body - soul - fear - destroy - soul - body - hell
Chorazin - Bethsaida - Capernaum
43. What three cities did Jesus condemn? (11:21-23)
Stone - builders - chief cornerstone
3rd - 6th - 9th - 11th - workers in the vineyard
Chorazin - Bethsaida - Capernaum
44. Jesus could have called more than ________ of angels.(26:53)
Plank - see clearly - speck
Five - five
Twelve legions
Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?In the resurrection - whose wife of the seven will she be?Which is the great commandment in the law?
45. 'Hypocrite!First remove the ___ from your own eye - and then you will ___ to remove the ___ from your brother's eye.'(7:5)
Blasphemy against the Spirit
3rd - 6th - 9th - 11th - workers in the vineyard
Plank - see clearly - speck
Rabbi - Father - Teacher
46. 'And do not ___ those who kill the ___ but cannot kill the ___. But rather ___ Him who is able to ______ both ____ and ____ in ____.' (10:28)
Pharisees - Sadducees
A demon-possessed boy - because of their unbelief
God - mammon
Fear - body - soul - fear - destroy - soul - body - hell
47. In the end - who were invited in the parable of the wedding feast? (22:10)
Prophets - fruits
Repent - kingdom of heaven - hand
He was cast into outer darkness
All who were found in the highways - both bad and good
48. How did Jesus discourage the chief priests and elders from asking Him who gave Him His authority? (21:23)
49. 'So the men marveled - saying - 'Who can this be - that even the ______ and the _____ obey Him?' (8:27)
Touched hem of His garment
Harvest - laborers - pray - laborers
Winds - sea
Beelzebub - ruler
50. They fled to ____ until Herod's death. (2:15)
The wicked vinedressers