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Botany Basics

Subject : science
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Stems differ from roots in ___?

2. Why do most roots tend to die in soils that contain very high concentrations of salts (or fertilizer)?

3. Explain how a guard cell opens and closes the stoma?

4. When the calyx - Corolla - and stamens of a flower are attached at the top of the ovary - the ovary is said to be ____?

5. In a mature - woody dicot stem - the tissue between the xylem and phloem is the ____?

6. Which molecule is synthesized during the light reactions of photosynthesis by receiving electrons - becoming an eectron carrier molecule?

7. Which biome has the worst 'A' horizon?

8. Which fruit or seed is dispersed by water?

9. The skin of most fruits is technically the ____?

10. Specialized roots that permit plants growing in water to facilitate

11. Fruit forms from the ovary wall of a flower referred to a the ___?

12. Explain the process by which plants get water from the soil into the leaves?

13. Cells produced by the vascular cambium include ___?

14. Specialized epidermal cells that increase the surface area for absorption of water are ____?

15. Wood cells are composed primarily of lignin and ____?

16. The osmotic response of guard cells is governed by the ___ levels in the guard cells?

17. Pollen is produced in the ____ of a flower?

18. The 'eyes' of the Irish potato are actually ___?

19. Flowering plants that complete their lie cycles in a single season are called ___?

20. Explain how a guard cell opens and closes the stoma?

21. These 'showy' modified leaves are found at the base of flowers and usually draw attention to the smaller real flowers?

22. When the calyx - corolla - and stamen of a flower appear to be attached at the top of the ovary - the ovary is said to be ____?

23. Horizontal stems that grow just below the surface of the soil are called ____?

24. Roots differ from stems in ___?

25. White the basic chemical equation for photosynthesis indicating which parts are for the light dependent stage and which are part of the light independent stage?

26. A leaf with leaflets is classified as a ____ leaf while a leaf with a single blade is classified as a ____ leaf?

27. Which of the following is a micronutrient in terms of a plant's mineral requirements for growth?

28. The ___ horizon - also referred to as ____ - is the most imp't agriculturally and deep layers of This is found in the ____ biome?

29. In which region would an ntercalary meristem be found?

30. The part of the flower in which seeds are produced is the ___?

31. ____ is the stage of cellular respiration that takes place outside of the mitochondria?

32. Wood cells are composed primarily of cellulose and ___?

33. Which of the following is a specialized root?

34. The part of the flower where seeds are produced is called the ___?

35. Ultmately - how is energy moved around and created in living things?

36. A plant with flowers containing stamens but no carpels would be a ___ plant with ____ flowers?

37. Grasses - or monocots - are examples of plants with a ____ root system?

38. Most of the ATP produced in respiration is a result of the movement of H ions across an ATP synthase in the inner membrane of the ____ and is referred to as ____?

39. Not a specialized leaf?

40. The areas between the location of leaf attachments on the stem are called ___?

41. In nature depletion of mineral nutrients in the soil - interference with plant growth by excluding air - and the acceleration of the breakdown of nitrates in the soil is caused by too much ____?

42. One year's growth of xylem in secondary wood is referred to as an _____?

43. ___ roots of dicots penetrate very deeply to underground water while ____ roots of monocots remain close to the surfae and facilitate rapid absorption of surface water?

44. Not a specialized leaf?

45. A cactus is classified as a modified ____?

46. This cell type is important in monocot and dicot roots by helping to regulate what gets into the ___?

47. This structure in the ovary of a flower is responsible for producing a seed?

48. The space between the nodes of a stem is called the _____?

49. When the calyx - corolla - and stamen of a flower are attached below the overy - the ovary is said to be ___?

50. When humidity is low - ___?