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Business English

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 1 independent clause; no punctuation in sentence - can be joind by and

2. When addresses are written in sentence form....

3. Connecting words

4. Describes actions that began in the past & have continued to the present

5. Indicates present - the past & future

6. Add 's (Horowitz's)

7. Action in a verb is directed toward the subject

8. 2 sentences incorrectly joind by a comma

9. A comma

10. Describes actions that will take place before other future actions

11. Prepositional phrases

12. Who - whom - whose - which & that

13. When they come before a compound subject and joined by and - the compound subject is singular

14. Describes ongoing action that will take place in future add wil be in front (I will be hearing)

15. History of word

16. Two or more

17. Musical terms ending in o

18. (however - therefore -consequently) used to effect transitions from one though to another in independent clauses

19. Describe nouns or pronouns; answer What kind? How many? Which one?

20. Plural ending in s - x - z - ch - sh

21. 2000s - All Bs and Cs

22. Commas are used to separate word that...

23. Make any noun or pronoun modifying agerund possessive. (curtis's smoking)

24. Prepositional phrases containing verb forms are...

25. Used to show continuous or repeated action

26. Noun or pronoun prepositional phrase is talking about

27. 2 complete but related thoughts. 2 independent clauses; joined by; and - but or: or semicolon - or however - therefore

28. Subjects are after the verb

29. Joins nouns and pronouns to other words

30. Word often implied but not actually stated

31. Form past tense by changing root and commonly adding en to past participle (eat - ate - eaten - eating)

32. Formed by adding d or ed to present tense verb preceded by helping verb (has applied - have built)

33. Express action - occurrence - or a state of being

34. Animal or things & should be use to introduce essential clauses

35. Intro prepositional phrases totaling 4 or more words...

36. Connect words - phrases and clauses of equal grammatical value or rank (and - or - but - nor)

37. Contains helpful info: punctuation - hyphenation - capitalization - number style - abbreviations - & commonly confused words

38. Plural ending in o w/ vowel before it

39. Action has been completed

40. Express state of being and generally link to the subject that describe or renames them

41. Used to show actions that are already completed or perfected

42. Short quotation are set off from the rest of a sentence by...

43. Can stand alone

44. Primarily as subjects of verbs

45. Words that connect other words or groups of words

46. To lift up; to elevate (raise - raised)

47. Express current action

48. Formed by adding ing to present tense verb preceded by helping verb(is studying)

49. Used to express command

50. Generally contains over 170 -000 entries