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Business English Test

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The crime of deceiving someone to get money or good illegally.

2. A method recognised throughout a business sector as the best way to do something.

3. The planning - implementation and control of flow and storage of goods.

4. A piece of information - for example how a certain product is made - which is only known to the company that makes it.

5. A flexible tube used to transport liquids or gas.

6. The year as used in accounting which can begin and end in any month as the company sees fit.

7. To make valid by approval - to establish the certainty of something.

8. The efforts to make a product seem different from rival products or even unique.

9. The total value of all the outstanding shares of a publicly-traded company.

10. Information officially declared secret - such as classified documents or material that are available only to particular people.

11. The monitoring or close observation of behaviour.

12. Abbreviation for a standardized container - Twenty-foot equivalent unit.

13. The relationship between technology and the legal right to privacy in the collection and sharing of data about oneself.

14. The ability to develop new ideas.

15. Business wholly owned by its employees with the emphasis on group decision making.

16. A shipment of goods to a consignee.

17. An organization able to respond to and address changes in a market - their environment or industry.

18. Activities including product - method of distribution - method of advertising which all affect how a product is marketing.

19. Anyone who has an interest in the success of an organization - e.g. the owner - employees - shareholders.

20. The benefit of larger scale production where costs are spread over more units which lowers the average unit cost.

21. Setting a high initial price for a product to create a price-quality idea which early adopters will happily accept.

22. Costs that fluctuate in direct relation to the volume of units produced.

23. Bills to be paid as part of the normal course of business.

24. Insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea.

25. A financial statement showing sales - cost of sales - gross margin - operating expenses etc.

26. Debts; money that must be paid.

27. A marketing strategy where a company tries to gain greater dominance in a market - for example - by offering special prices.

28. A notice to a buyer that shipment has gone forward which contains details of packing - routing etc.

29. Protective eyewear worn when working with chemicals or dangerous machines.

30. Duties or taxes imposed by the government on imported and exported goods.

31. The expected behaviour or standard for something.

32. A defined segment of the market that a product is aimed at.

33. Compensation paid to a person on the basis of products sold.

34. Vessel designed to carry bulk cargo such as grain or ore.

35. Ceiling-mounted camera used in stores and casinos etc to monitor customers.

36. The complete range of a company's offerings including products and services.

37. The total value of the money invested into a company by its shareholders.

38. Forty-Foot Equivalent Units - a standard size for shipping containers.

39. A small hotel or private house that rents out rooms to sleep in - including breakfast - at reasonable prices.

40. Net profits divided by net worth or total equity.

41. Entering land or property without permission from the owner or the right to enter.

42. Earnings which are reinvested in the company rather than paid out as dividends.

43. A non-profit making organization which exists to support and help a particular group.

44. Ships especially designed for trucks to drive into them using internal ramps.

45. Mechanical device controlling the flow of a gas or liquid in a system.

46. A new scientific or technical idea.

47. A standard used to compare some aspect of a business to an external measure.

48. Events which are beyond the control of a carrier like war - earthquakes or floods.

49. When a person or group infringes on your rights such as freedom of movement or freedom of speech.

50. Steps taken in advance to avoid an accident happening.