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C# Programming Basics

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Access is limited to the current Assembly and Derived Types

2. Characteristics of an object. Something an object has. Provides a specific access point to data within a field

3. 8 bit - signed byte (-128 - 127)

4. System.Single

5. A type of statement that produces a value that might be tested or assigned to a variable.

6. System.Byte

7. Object Oriented Programming relies on dot.notation. Dot Notation enables public methods to be fully accessible from outside an object. Member names are separated by a dot (.). Syntax is method-defined-in-class.bject-in-runtime-of-class

8. Framework Class Library

9. Syntax of a C# Method

10. A Class that inherits characteristics from another Class.

11. (&& or || or & or |)

12. Calculation whose result is either true or false but cannot be both E.g. == Equal to. != Not Equal too. < Less than. <= Less than of equal to. > Greater than. >= Greaten than or equal to. && AND (Conditional) ->|| OR (Conditional)

13. Code which implements GUI (graphical User Interface).

14. The "Type" name of data that is stored on the Stack

15. Allows a Method to be defined in a separate file (within the same Project). If no definition is found the compiler excludes the Method as an optimization.

16. Used to display text that end user does not need to edit.

17. 32 bit single precision floating point data

18. Compilation of classes. In C# Usually ends in .dll or .exe

19. Runs in a command prompt window rather than a GUI (graphical User Interface) one.

20. Names used to identify program elements (e.g. namespaces & classes & methods & variables). Must always start with a letter. Always case sensitive. When multiword must be presented in CamelCase. keywords are an example of an identifier.

21. The four major concepts of Object Oriented Programming: Abstraction - Encapsulation - ___________ - Polymorphism

22. Thing which gives something a value. E.g. Assignment Expression uses the '=' operator to assign a variable value such as x = y * 5

23. Sits behind GUI (Graphical User Interface) and provides event listeners

24. The output produced by the C# Compiler - typically a .dll or .exe. Produced by a Project in Visual Studio

25. The lowest level or fundamental data types needed for representing data.

26. Integrated Development Environment

27. Windows Presentation Foundation

28. The C# command line compiler which transforms C# code into IL code and produces an assembly (.dll or .exe)

29. count = count+1 or count++ or count__. Both count variables are Unary Operators

30. Always runs left to right on all arithmetic operators. Parenthesis (or brackets () ) override precedence flow.

31. 8 bit - unsigned byte (0 - 255)

32. 64 bit - unsigned integer data

33. Specifies that the Method includes no implementation and must be overridden in a deriving class - where it will get its definition. Can only be part of an Abstract Class.

34. Groups classes together so that they have a unique identifier

35. 16 bit - signed integer data (-32768 to 32767)

36. System.Char

37. Instance of a type created when a program runs. Can be visible or invisible. Has properties and events and methods. Properties- determine appearance. Events - trigger a response. Methods - something the object does

38. Command which runs repeatedly while (some) condition is true.

39. 64 bit integer data

40. Indicates that the Method can be overridden.

41. Rules defining or outlining the format and construction of statements. Semantics is what statements actually DO Syntax are RULES for how to lay statements out. Example syntax rule; All statements must end in a semicolon.

42. Block of memory for storing local variables and parameters. Automatically grows and shrinks as function is entered and excited.

43. Restricts access to a Member to the current Class and any Derived Class.

44. System.UInt32

45. Implies that the programming language places severe restrictions on the intermixing that is permitted to occur - between objects or data of different types.

46. 16 bit- unsigned word (U+0000 to U+ffff)

47. A Member that cannot be accessed/invoked through an Object Instance.

48. An instance of a class that exists at run-time and is typically referenced via a variable name.

49. The .NET run-time environment that enables code to be compiled and executed.

50. Microsoft's generic software framework for application development.