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Call Center Vocab

  • Answer 25 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The capability of a voice processing system to decipher spoken words and phrases.

2. The written words and logic to be followed in the handling of a contact.

3. A line of people or calls waiting to be handled - usually in sequential order. Real Time: Level of computer responsiveness considered sufficient to the task required.

4. A software feature that routes a call to groups of agents (also called a 'queue') based on first-in - first-answered criteria. The guiding principle is that the caller who has been waiting the longest will be first the caller routed to the next avail

5. A sales technique whereby a seller induces the customer to purchase more expensive items - upgrades - or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale.

6. A term that generally refers to a call Center set up to handle queries about product installation - usage or problems.

7. An incoming call is counted as ____________ when the caller hangs up before the call is answered by an agent. The sum includes calls that abandon while waiting for an agent to answer the call at their telephone.

8. Also called suggestive selling - sales technique whereby complementary products are presented to a customer after the customer has demonstrated a desire and willingness to purchase a particular product.

9. A call center that primarily handles calls of an inbound nature (calls placed by the customer).

10. An option that gives you the ability to route calls according to the caller's response to your recording. Most IVRs take the form of a recording that states (for example) 'If you want Sales - press one. If you want Support - press two'.

11. A call center that primarily handles calls of an outbound nature (calls placed by the call center rep. on behalf of a business - organization or group).

12. Average amount of time an agent spends in conversation with a caller.

13. The Average Speed of Answer for calls received by a queue. The timing for answering the call begins when the call is queued and ends when an agent answers the call.

14. Percentage of time agents spend not ready to take calls.

15. A centralized office used to receive and transmit a large volume of requests by the telephone - usually with some amount of computer automation.

16. The average amounts of time per Abandoned call the customer waited to be answered before abandoning the call.

17. Having the ability to receive calls. Agents become active when they log into the telephone system.

18. A group of computers connected via a networking protocol (such as Ethernet - Novell - etc.) - that can communicate and share resources with each other.

19. The average time a call takes - including greeting - conversation - wrap-up - and time the caller spent on hold.

20. A systematically organized facility that enable distant communication between the organization and the customer/client

21. An agent's telephone is considered in the Available state when the telephone is able to receive calls. A logged on agent enters the Available mode when they log into the telephone system and then exit the Not Ready state. Some telephone systems autom

22. A computerized system that dials telephone numbers - filtering out unanswered calls - busy signals - disconnected lines - and other unproductive calls. Using an algorithm to predict agent availability - the system saves the time an agent would spend

23. The number of calls abandoned by callers.

24. A general term for someone who handles telephone calls in a call center. Other common names for the same job include operator - Telephone Service Representative - attendant - and representative.

25. Technology used to provide information and forward calls - which allows callers to speak entries rather than punch numbers on a keypad.