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1. What does the LAD supply?
SA and AV nodes
LV failure - pulm venous distention transudation of fluid
Apex and anterior interventricular septum
Gap junctions
2. in the JVP - What is the c wave?
V fib
RV contraction (closed tricuspid valve bulding into atrium
Tetrology of fallot - pulmonary stenosis - RVH - overiding aorta - VSD
3. MAP is also known as
At least 55%
Greater ventricular EDV
Subendocardial - fewer collaterals and higher pressure
Afterload (proportional to peripheral resistance)
4. What is the difference between the fetal and neonatal direction of blood flow in a patent ductus arteriosus
Fetal right to left - neonate left to right leading to RVH and failure
Truncus - tet of fallot
Systolic dysfunction
Fast volatge gated Na channels
5. What causes the murmur heard in MR to enhance?
A fib - beta block or ca channel block - warfarin - thromboembolism prophylaxis
Inc TPR and LA return (expiration)
LCX - I - aVL
6. What does the U wave indicated?
Rapid upstroke - voltage gated Na channels open
HypoK and bradycardia
Aortic stenosis or LBBB
Pos inotropy - exercise
7. What happens in phase 3 of the cardiac ventricular action potential?
Rapid repol - massive K influx - opening of voltage gated slow K channels and closure of Ca channels
At least 55%
Kussmaul's sign - cardiac tamponade - pulsus paradoxus
8. Where does coronary artery occlusion occur most commonly?
Patent ductus arteriosus - congenital rubella or prematurity
Inc ICP - cerebral ischemia - inc SANS tone (HTN) and reflex bradycardia
Sturge weber - vasculitis of caps
9. Which murmur is heard in aortic stenosis?
Greater ventricular EDV
Crescendo - decrescendo systolic ejection murmur following ejection click
Glossopharyngeal to soliary nucleus of medulla
Eccentric - concentric hypertrophy causes diastolic disfunction
10. How are cadiac myocytes eltrically coupled?
Gap junctions
Glossopharyngeal to soliary nucleus of medulla
Persistant truncus arteriosus
11. necrotizing granulomas in lung and upper airways - nectrotizing GN - small vessel vasculitis
12. Which artery supplies the inferior portion of the left ventricle and posterior septum?
Infective endocarditis
Posterior descending (80% off the RCA - 20% off the circumflex)
Tetralogy of fallot - transposition of great vessels - truncus arteriosus - tricuspid atresia - TAPVR
Aortic dilation - bicuspid aortic valve - RF -
13. fibrous plaques and atheromas in intima of arteries
Posterior descending (80% off the RCA - 20% off the circumflex)
In parallel
Myxomatous degeneration - RF - chordae rupture
14. Do you see elevaged ASO titers in rheumatic heart disease
Slow conduction velocity - used by AV node prolongs transmission from atria to ventrical
Dec P02 - inc PC02 and dec pH
Stable angina
15. congenital heart defect with marfan's
Aortic stenosis or LBBB
V fib arrhythima
Aortic insuffic - late
16. What causes aortic regurg
Decrease in activity of Na/Ca exhanger and increase in contractility
Aortic dilation - bicuspid aortic valve - RF -
Buerger's disease
Mitral and tricuspid closure
17. systolic - diastolic
Pulse pressure
Temporal arteritis
Medullary vasomotor center senses baroreceptors and JGA
Ventricles are depolarized
18. What is the time frame for arrhythmia risk in the evolution of MI
The first 4 days
Arrhythmia - LV failure and pulm edema - cardiogenic shock - free wall rupture - aneurysm - postinfarcation fibrinous pericarditis - dressler's
Indomethacin closes - and pge keeps it open
19. wartiike - sterile vegetations occur on both sides of the valve - commonly causes mitral regurg. SLE causes it
Libman - sacks endocarditis
Aortic dilation - bicuspid aortic valve - RF -
Pulse pressure
20. congenital heart defect in an infant with a diabetic mother?
Total anomalous pulmonary trunk venous return
Unstable/crescendo angina
Transposition of great vessels
21. Which artery supplies the SA and AV nodes?
Increase in Pc
LAD - V1 - V4
22. How does angiotensin II raise MAP
Pos inotropy - exercise
ASD - VSD - AV septal defect (endocardial cushion defect)
Aburpt halting of valve leaflets
23. no relation between p waves and QRS intervals - treatment and predisposing factor
3rd degree block - pacemaker - Lyme disease
3rd degree syphillus - syphillit heart disease can lead to aortic valve incompetence
RV failure - in venous pressure
24. What is the effect on the slope of phase 4 in pacemaker cells by catecholamines and
Persistant truncus arteriosus
Increase - increase the chance the If are open
Slow conduction velocity - used by AV node prolongs transmission from atria to ventrical
Mitral valve prolapse
25. What causes orthopnea?
Inc venous return exaccerbates pulm vasc congestion
Abdominal aorta>coronary artery>popliteal artery>carotid artery ACoPCa
Varicose veins - thromboembolism rare
26. sudden death in young atheletes - S4 - apical impulses - outflow obstruction
Atrial fiutter - identical back to back atrial depol's - convert to sinus - cal IA - IC or III antiarrhythmics
Takayasu's arteritis
Persistant truncus arteriosus
Hypertrophied cardiomyopathy
27. retrosternal chest main with exertion - ST depression on ECG - likely due atherosclerosis
Cystic hygroma
Stable angina
S. bovis
28. cavernous lymphangioma of the neck - associated with turner's
SA and AV nodes
At least 55%
Transposition of great vessels
Cystic hygroma
29. What causes the midsystolic click
Conduction delay through AV node - nl < 200 msec
Sudden tensing of chordae tendinae
Mean arterial pressure
30. most common primary cardiac tumor in children - associated with tuberous sclerosis
Inc venous return exaccerbates pulm vasc congestion
31. in the JVP - What is the a wave?
Medullary vasomotor center senses baroreceptors and JGA
Atrial contraction
Prinzmetal angina
32. In the evolution of an MI - when the risk for free wall rupture - tamponade - papillary muscle rupture - or interventricular septal rupture the hightest? Why?
Maintain blood flow to organ over wide range of perfussion pressures
Right sided
5-10 days - macs have degraded structural components
RV failure - in venous pressure
33. smaller vegetations - congenitally abnormal or diseased valves - sequela of dental procedures. Insidious onset
Troponin I
Viridans streptococci
Arrhythmia - LV failure and pulm edema - cardiogenic shock - free wall rupture - aneurysm - postinfarcation fibrinous pericarditis - dressler's
34. How are the sarcomeres added in eccentric hypertrophy?
Inc central venous pressure - inc resistance to portal flow
Torsades de pointes
In series
RV contraction (closed tricuspid valve bulding into atrium
35. PROVe
Acute thrombosis of coronary artery
Sudden tensing of chordae tendinae
Increase - increase the chance the If are open
Tetrology of fallot - pulmonary stenosis - RVH - overiding aorta - VSD
36. 2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic
Abdominal aorta>coronary artery>popliteal artery>carotid artery ACoPCa
Sudden tensing of chordae tendinae
37. What is the association with wide S2 splitting?
Rapid repol - massive K influx - opening of voltage gated slow K channels and closure of Ca channels
Lower right - MC - upper right - AO - upper right AC - lower left MO
Pulmonic stenosis and RBBB
Early deaths from myocarditis
38. When does EF decrease
V fib arrhythima
Pyogenic granuloma - associated with trauma and pregnancy
39. Which murmur do you hear in mitral stenosis?
Mitral>aortic>>tricuspid - high pressure valves affected most
Late diastolic murmur following an opening snap
40. In an EKG - What is the p wave?
Atrial contraction
Adult type aortic coarctation
Extracellular calcium - calcium induced calcium release
Acute thrombosis of coronary artery
41. How are sarcomeres added in concentric hypertrophy?
In parallel
Infantile is proximal to ductus arteriosus and adult is distal. Infantile In and aDult is Distal to Ductus
Dec plasma proteins
42. What is the formula for EF?
Coarcation of aorta
Extracellular calcium - calcium induced calcium release
Rapid repol - massive K influx - opening of voltage gated slow K channels and closure of Ca channels
43. delta wave on ECG - accesory conduction pathway from atria to ventricles - reentry leading to supraventricular tachycardia
Fick principle
LAD > RCA > circumflex
Wolff - Parkinson white syndrome
Tetralogy of fallot - transposition of great vessels - truncus arteriosus - tricuspid atresia - TAPVR
44. disease of elastic arteries and large and medium sized muscular arteries
If sodium channel
Postinfarction fibrinous pericarditis
45. What happends in phase 1 of the ventricular cardiac action potential?
Aortic/pulmonic stenosis and mitral/tricuspid regurg
Late systolic crescendo murmur with a midsystolic click
Initial repol - inactivation of of voltage gated Na channels - voltage gated K channels begin to open
46. L to R shunt becomes R to L due to increase pulm pressures from original congenital heart defect
47. What causes the early cyanosis in Tet of Fallot?
R to L shunt caused by stenoic pulmonic valve
Volatage gated Ca channels
Aortic insuffic - late
Inc RA pressure - due to filling against closed tricupsid valve
48. Rank the following by speed of conduction - av node - atria - purkinjee - ventricles
Tricuspid - don't tri drugs - S. aureus - pseudomonas - candida
Purkingee>atria>ventricles>AV node
Neg inotropy - HF - narcotic overdose
Polyarteritis nodosum
49. In a lateral wall infarct - which artery is effected - and which leads show Q waves?
LCX - I - aVL
Granulomatous vasculitis with eosinophilia. Asthma - sinusitis - skin lesions and periphereal neuropathy (wrist/foot drop) heart - GI - kidneys
50. with what heart sounds do ASD usually present?
Pulmonary flow murmur and diastolic rumble
Wolff - Parkinson white syndrome
R to L shunt caused by stenoic pulmonic valve
Eisenmenger's syndrome