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Subject : health-sciences
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What can cause mitral prolapse?

2. Which area of the endocardium is especially vulnerable to infarction? Why?

3. 2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic

4. What are anitschkow's cells

5. most common heart tumor

6. What causes the CO curve to shift upwards?

7. What are the complications from bacterial endocarditis?

8. How does acidosis affect contractility?

9. What is the cushing triad?

10. progressive lengthening of PR until beat is dropped - a p wave not followed by QRS

11. What causes the midsystolic click

12. PROVe

13. What causes the murmur heard in MR to enhance?

14. Given P = QR - what factors influence resistance?

15. dyspnea - fatigue - edema and rales - multiple causes

16. congenital heart defect with congenital rubella

17. In an EKG - What is the p wave?

18. In an acute MI - are there any visible changes via LM in the first 2-4 hours

19. Right to left shunts are more common in babies or kids?

20. What does FAN MY SKIN On Wednesday stand for?

21. S3 - dilated heart on US - balloon appearance on CXR - eccentric hypertrophy

22. When during cardiac nodal cells depolarize?

23. which ethnic groups have higher association with HTN?

24. What happens in phase 3 of the cardiac ventricular action potential?

25. Does blood flow across the actual ASD account for abnormal heart sounds? What is the reason?

26. port wine stains on face - intracerebral AVM - siezures - early onset glaucoma - congenital

27. benign - painful - red - blue tumor under fingernails from smooth muscle cells

28. Which valve is most commonly involved in bacterial endocarditis?

29. What causes the cushing reflex and why

30. What kind of infarct show ST depression

31. What is the association with wide S2 splitting?

32. If HR is too fast (V tach) what happens during diastole?

33. In an EKG - What is the QT interval?

34. In an EKG - What is the PR interval?

35. moncekberg

36. immune mediated transmural vasculitis with fibrinoid necrosis - small and medium vessels - renal and viscera - not pulm arteries - hep B seropos in 30% of pts

37. In an EKG - What is the T wave?

38. Wegener's presentation

39. What does an isoelectric ST segment indicate?

40. What is the early and late lesion in rheumatic heart disease

41. When and why do you hear the S4 sound

42. What is the S2 sound?

43. What causes ankle - sacral edema - jugular venous distention

44. p - anca

45. Mitral stenosis is most often secondary to which condition?

46. Which artery supplies the SA and AV nodes?

47. MAP is also known as

48. necrotizing granulomas in lung and upper airways - nectrotizing GN - small vessel vasculitis

49. list the coronary vessels most likely to be occluded

50. In an inferior wall infarct - which artery is affected and which leads show Q waves