Test your basic knowledge |

Career Orientation Basics

Subjects : literacy, soft-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A personal evaluation to help you make decisions

2. The personality or activity by which a person is known

3. Cluster that involves protective and legal services

4. Clash of ideas or values

5. The person who has hires someone to do a job

6. Business owned by one person

7. Amount of money taken from an employee's gross pay for taxes - insurance - social security - and other benefits

8. The type of job in which a person is employed

9. When two or more companies rival for consumer dollars

10. Focusing or concentrating in a particular skill

11. A group of employees

12. Cluster that involves developing - promoting - and providing goods to consumers; performing tasks for consumers

13. An introductory letter written to a prospective employer

14. Natural method or way one thinks or learns

15. The total amount of an employee's earnings before deductions are taken out

16. Economic rules which influence consumer buying decisions

17. A free flowing economy based upon the laws of supply and demand to allow individuals or companies to buy and sell goods and/or services at a profit

18. Something a person wants to acheive later in life requiring much planning

19. Clash of ideas or values

20. Cluster that involves the systematic use of observations and experiments to gain knowledge about the world; the practical use of scientific knowledge; solving practical problems by combining science and mathematics with technology; the study of numbe

21. The future prospects for employment in a particular job or field

22. Collection of information about oneself

23. Business owned by many people but treated by the law as though it were one person

24. An individual characterstic that helps one determine their personality

25. A group of workers who collectively bargin for higher wages - improved benefits - and better working conditions

26. Economic rules which influence consumer buying decisions

27. A belief - understanding - and recognition of one's own abilities

28. Employment during special seasons

29. A plan which includes the education and training requirements to reach a career goal

30. Any education or training following high school

31. Buying a finished good or service with the intent to resell it by the unit

32. Earnings above base pay

33. A temporary paid or unpaid position that involves direct work experience in a career field

34. Undertaking or venture to make more with risk

35. Focusing or concentrating in a particular skill

36. The ability to perform a certain activity well

37. Jobs with similiar work actvities

38. A belief - understanding - and recognition of one's own abilities

39. Worldwide financial management system

40. Time an employee may take off work with pay

41. Business owned by one person

42. To find out more by reading and talking to people

43. Way in which one uses or utilitizes the brain best

44. The work done over a period of years in one area of interest

45. Rules of behavior in the workplace

46. The environment of the workplace

47. Cluster that involves planning - organizing - and directing business operations

48. Work that a person does for pay

49. To give up something to resolve a conflict

50. A wide variety of workers with different backgrounds - experiences - ideas - and skills in the workplace