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Career Planning And Talent Management

Subject : soft-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Testing based on one's core values; allign to career choice

2. Individual Development Plans; Plans for improvement on the current job or job advancement; usually integrated with a performance appraisal.

3. Provides accurate picture of a person's personality.

4. Modeling - awareness programs - training - desensitization

5. Summary statement - often with a resume - that highlights a person's work history and skills.

6. People must be respnsible for their own development;Executives support and develop; organization provides opportunities

7. Strenths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats; Analysis tool - part of strategic planning; identify factors within and outside an organization.

8. Leverages concepts from psychology; scientific approach to career decision-making based on behaviors.

9. Identifies past - present and future performance gaps.

10. Degree to which one's position / status is viewed.

11. Identifying key positions and candidates to meet short and long term timeframes; identify needs of candidates; Who is qualified? Who is ready?

12. Helps establish HRD strategic plan - determine organizational strents and weanesseses (internal and external)

13. Americans with Disability Act; Prohibits discrimation; right for consideration but doesn't guarantee the job.

14. Accents; Gross translation errors; Nuance - no similar command of the same language

15. Divid job into required competencies or skills: mgrial/admin - supervisory - functional

16. Does the measurement measure what it was intended to measure?

17. Super; Ginzberg - starting at 18....; Trait-and-factor; Personality / topology (Roe - Holland)

18. More traditional; teacher focused; Japanese culture; formal

19. Examine a single task within a job and break down into 2+ steps; time consuming; lots of detail.

20. Professional guidance used to make good career decisions.

21. Process to ensure continuity in key leadership positions.

22. Major responsibilities of a deparment with specific outcomes to customers (internal & external)

23. Martson; Uses 4 dimensions: Dominance - Influence - Supportiveness - Conscientiousness

24. Climb-the-ladder (traditional); spiral - consultants - transfers kills from one industry to another; attend workshops.

25. All tools of succession planning. ; Assessments; Training; Mentoring/coaching; Job-rotation; OJT

26. I - reaction of student; II - increased learning/knowledge; III - behavior improvement; IV - effect on business based on trainee performance

27. Knowledge - Skills - Attitude (or Ability); Bloom's taxonomy

28. All duties and tasks done for a single job; KSAs required and resources needed.

29. Identifies all skill and knowledge gaps and skills and required knowledge to meet future workforce needs.

30. Human Resource Development. The organized education and learning offered by employers.

31. Identies development needs of current and future leaders.

32. Increased functional knowledge - build new skill sets - exposure to entire operation; formal program

33. Analysis that is conducted to understand target population - demographics; all prior to job analslys - training or other interventions.

34. Tool to predict career success and choice; identifies what motivates a person.

35. Intimate - < 18'; Personal - 18' to 4'; Social - 4' to 12'; Public - 12' +

36. Interview; Survey - open ended questions; Observe; Work log/diary

37. DECIDES - a rational decision making process with 7 steps: Define - Establish an plan - Clarify values - Identify Alteratives - Discover potential outcomes - Eliminate alternatives - Start action

38. Explain duties of the job but do not get into specific tasks.

39. Ability to repeat the same measurement the same way over time.

40. Testing based on a person's interests; allign to career choice

41. Race - age - gender - generational - ethnicity

42. Concept to be used in instructional methods; motivate user by having them see the benefit they will derive.

43. MBTI; consists of categories that identify 16 types of personalities. Used in career development. No measure of maturity - intellegence or mental health.

44. Done by a professional; several times in a career; broad occupational interests

45. First step in building a strategic plan; values critical to the organization.

46. 'Adult Learning';Malcolm Knowles - how people learn: self-concept - prior experience - readiness to learn - orientation to learning - motiviation to learn.

47. Adults need to be involved in planning their instruction;Experience provides basis for learning;Must have immediate relevance to their jobs;Problem centered

48. Affect success of the organization; improve the bottom line.

49. Pre-analysis (organization - cost-benefit - etc..); Analysis completed; Project plan - prioritize titles/functions - develop implementation strategy

50. Explain the how and what of career choice; Roe - Holland - psychodynamic