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CBAP Business Analysis And Planning

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What are the inputs to the task - Define Business Need?

2. What are the characteristics of a Problem Record?

3. What is the output of the task - Determine Solution Approach?

4. The goal of this task is validate that the stated requirements expressed by the stakeholder match the stakeholder's understanding of the problem and the stakeholder's needs. Analyst's understanding conforms to the actual desire or intentions of the s

5. What are the inputs to the task - Define Business Case?

6. Defines what must be delivered in order to meet the business need - and the effect of the proposed change initiation on the business and technology operations and infrastructure.

7. Limited to "as-is" perspective. - Existing documentation may not be up-to-date or valid. - Can be a time-consuming and even tedious process to locate the relevant information

8. When a requirement is changed - the BA can easily review all the related requirements and software components in order to understand the impact of the change.

9. Divides requirements into 4 categories - Must - Should - Could - Won't

10. The BA is a stakeholder in ______ business analysis activities.

11. According to the BABOK 2.0 - what type of analysis generates STAKEHOLDER requirements?

12. What are the factors of influence by stakeholders on a project?

13. Three types of organizational structures

14. Using this technique the business analyst has collected the deliverables - activities - tasks - and estimates from all the involved stakeholders and rolls them up to get a total for all the activities and tasks.

15. This describes how the chosen solution will deliver the solution scope - may break delivery down into releases or provide a roadmap that indicates the timeframe in which a capability is expected.

16. What are the techniques used in the task - Define Assumptions & Constraints?

17. Allocate stakeholder and solution requirements among solution components and releases in order to maximize the possible business value given the options and alternatives generated by the design team.

18. Familiarity with the range of commercially available solutions or suppliers can assist with the identification of possible alternatives.

19. Is generally understood to describe just one way that an actor can accomplish a particular goal

20. What are the inputs for the task - Evaluate Solution Performance?

21. What are the inputs for the task - Prepare Requirements Package?

22. Use of parameters - multiplied by the number of hours. (COCOMO II - Function Point Counting - Use Case Points - and Story Points)

23. Knowing the dependencies and relationships between requirements helps when determining the sequence in which requirements are to be addressed. Common relations are:

24. This knowledge area involves analyzing stakeholder needs to define solutions that meet those needs - assessing the current state of the business to identify and recommend improvements and the verification and validation of the resulting requirements.

25. Technique involving refinement of estimates. Estimate the details for activities in the current iteration or increment and provide an analogous estimate for the entire scope of work. As the end of the iteration approaches - estimates for the next ite

26. What are the techniques for the task - Verify Requirements?

27. Understanding of the competitive forces that shape an industry - understand the various customer segments that the industry services and the demographic or other characteristics common to that segment.

28. Includes the standard definition of data elements - their meanings and allowable values.

29. What are the techniques used in the task - Evaluate Solution Performance?

30. Elements identified for each activity and task.

31. States the business need - identifies key stakeholders and briefly describes the positive impact that meeting the business need will have on those stakeholders.

32. What are the techniques used in the task - Define Transition Requirements?

33. What is the output of the task - Prioritize Requirements?

34. Documents terms unique to a domain.

35. What is the output of the Manage Business Analysis Performance task?

36. What are the Primitive Data Elements?

37. What is the output of the task Document Elicitation Results?

38. The knowledge area that describes how a BA manages conflicts - issues and changes in order to ensure that stakeholders and the project team remain in agreement on the solution scope - how requirements are communicated to stakeholders and how knowledg

39. The goal of this task is to meet with stakeholder(s) to gather information regarding their needs.

40. What is the output of the task - Define Business Need?

41. This technique shows how information is input - processed - stored and output from a system in a visual representation.

42. Ensure that the solution meets the business need and determine the most appropriate response to identified defects.

43. What are the underlying competencies a BA should possess?

44. Involved motivating people to act in ways that enable them to work together to achieve shared goals and objectives.

45. What are the output(s) of the task - Validate Solution?

46. What are the inputs to the task - Validate Solution?

47. Defines the key terms and data relevant to a business domain.

48. What describes how - when and why the business analyst will work with stakeholders?

49. Define the requirements that must be met in order for a solution to be considered acceptable to key stakeholders.

50. What are the techniques used in the task - Define Business Case?