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CCNA Network Fundamentals Vocab

Subjects : cisco, it-skills, ccna
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1. The layer 2 pdu that has been encoded by a data link layer protocol for digital transmission. Some different kinds of frames are ethernet frames and PPP frames.

2. A network device that has an IPv4 address assigned to it to communication over a network.

3. A service or a program to look up information in the DNS

4. Unique addresses that are public domain addresses.

5. A source of information that is highly reliable and known for its accuracy

6. The time that passes while some event occurs. In networking - latency typically refers to the time that occurs between when something is sent in a network until it is received by another device.

7. A removable component that has memory space for storage. Used on the router or switch for storing the compressed operating system image.

8. In IP subnetting - this refers to the portion of a set of IP addresses whose value must be identical for the addresses to be in the same subnet.

9. MDIX is an alternative operation of ethernet ports on a hub. In this mode - the mapping of the wire pairs used in the hub port is in a crossover configuration. This allows you to use a straight-through cable to interconnect the hub to another hub.

10. Used by tcp or udp - with values between 0 and 1023 - these ports are allocated by high-privilege processes. They are used so that all clients know the correct port number to connect to.

11. Somtimes called place-value notation - this is a numeral system in which each position is related to the next by a constant multiplier - a common ration - called the base or radix of that numeral system.

12. Define in RFC 1918 - an IP address that does not have to be globally unique because the address exists inside packets only when the packets are inside a single private IP internetwork. Private IP addresses are popularly used in most company today - w

13. An IPv4 multicast address that is restricted to a local group or organization.

14. Communication that uses a common clocking signal. In most synchronous communicatino - one of the communicating devices generates a clock signal into the circuit. Additional timing information is not required in the header.

15. The connection of devices on a common media. Sometimes a physical network is also referred to as a network segment.

16. A process by which an end device - after it receives data over some transmission medium - examines the headers and trailers at each successive higher layer - eventually handing the data to the correct application. Sometimes called de-encapsulation.

17. Additional data that is provided with a command to provide information used by the execution of the command. IOS command arguments are entered at the CLI after the command

18. A group of 8 binary bits. It is similar to - but not the same as - a byte. One Application in computer network is to use octets to divide IPv4 addresses into four components

19. The networking layers whose processes are not affected by the media being used. In ethernet - these are all the layers from the LLC sublayer of data link upward.

20. A rectangular cabling connector with eight pins - often used with ethernet cables.

21. A device on a network that serves as an access point to other networks. A default gateway is used by a host to forward IP packets that have destination addresses outside the local subnet. A router interface typically is used as the default gateway. W

22. A group that receives a multicast transmission. The members of a multicast group have the same mulitcast IP addressing to receive the same transmission.

23. The passage of a data packet between two network nodes.

24. A part of the ethernet frame that fills in the data field to ensure that the data field meets the minimum size requirement of 46 bytes.

25. A company that helps create the Internet by providing connectivity to enterprises and individuals - as well as interconnecting to other ISPs to create connectivity to all other ISPs.

26. A protocol used between routers so that they can learn routes to add to their routing tables.

27. Ethernet that transmits data at 1 -000 -000 -000 one billion bits per second.

28. The cabling and connectors used to interconnect the network devices.

29. Using values between 1024 and 49 -151 these numbers are equivalent to well-known ports in concept - but they are specifically used for nonprivileged application processes.

30. The extent of a certain item. For example - an address scope is also known as a range of addresses from beginning of the range to the end.

31. The minimum time a NIC or interface can take to send an entire frame. Slot time - then - implies a minimum frame size.

32. Any communication in which the sender and receiver do not prearrange for communications to occur

33. The actual data transfer rate between two computers at some point in time. Throughput is impacted by the slowest-speed link used to send data between the two computers - as well as myriad variables that might change during the course of a day.

34. The limited CLI mode where the commands available to the user are a subset of those available at the privileged level. In general - use the user Exec commands to temporarily change terminal settings - perform basic tests and list system information.

35. In TCP - the process of taking a large chunk of data and breaking it into small enough pieces to fit within a TCP segment without breaking any rules about the maximum amount of data allowed in a segment.

36. A method of internal processing by LAN switches. The switch must receive the entire frame before it sends the first bit of the frame. Store and forward switch is the method used by cisco switches.

37. An IP address that has been registered with IANA or one of its member agencies - which guarantees that the address is globally unique. Globally unique public IP addresses can be used for packets sent through the Internet.

38. In LAN switches a reference to cases in which a frame is forwarded - or switche - when the incoming and outgoing interfaces use the same speed. It is the opposite of asymmetric switching.

39. A signal on a medium used to support the transmission of data. Data is carried over the medium by modulation.

40. The portion of a binary number that carries the most weight - the one written farthest to the left. High-order bits are the 1s in the network mask.

41. A numbering system characterized by 1 and 0

42. The first half of a MAC address. Manufactures must ensure that the value of the OUI has been registered with the IEEE. This value identifies the manufacturer of any Ethernet NIC or interface.

43. A network topology characterized by a central location connected to multiple hubs. In an extended star - these interconnected hubs may be connected to more hubs. It is essentially a hierarchical topology but typically is drawn with the central site i

44. A technique used to attack an ethernet network by sending fake ARP messages to an ethernet LAN. These frames contain false MAC addresses that confuse network devices - such as switches. As a result - frames intended for one node can be mistakenly sen

45. Resources used to manage or operate the network. Overhead consumes bandwidth and reduces the amount of application data that can be transported across the network.

46. A member of a multicast group. Every multicast client in each group has the same IP address. Multicast addresses begin with 224... and end with 239...

47. A logical storage in a host's RAM to store arp entries.

48. A delineation of networking protocols and standards into different categories - called layers - along with definitions of which sets of standards and protocols need to be implemented to create products that can be used to create a working network

49. A general type of cable - with the cable holding twisted pairs of copper wires and the cable itself having little shielding.

50. A form of transmission where one device transmits to all devices within the network or on another network