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CCNA TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Subjects : cisco, it-skills, ccna
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Mac address layer

2. NFS is a ____ on layer ___

3. Connection-oriented transport protocol

4. What does ARP do

5. Data Bits are on layer ___

6. BOOTP port

7. UDP layer

8. HTTPS port

9. Parts of a TCP Connection-oriented data transfer

10. Data Packets are on layer ___

11. CSMA/CD is a ____ on layer ____

12. Syslog port

13. Well-known TCP/IP ports

14. SNMP port

15. TCP Acronym

16. Telnet port

17. Physical network address

18. Router Layer

19. HTTP is a ____ on layer ___

20. Fiber optic or copper cable layer

21. Unicode is a ___ on layer ___

22. RPC is a ___ on layer ___

23. POP port

24. SMTP is a ____ on layer ___

25. Data segments are on layer ___

26. FTP is a ____ on layer ___

27. IP Acronym

28. Registered TCP/IP ports

29. FTP port

30. TCP connections are established by a _____

31. Cisco Switch layer

32. SMB port

33. ARP is a ____ on layer ____

34. DNS port

35. ICMP Layer

36. An E-Mail Client is a ____ on layer ___

37. HTTP port

38. Private TCP/IP ports

39. Routed Protocols ______

40. IPsec Layer

41. TCP layer

42. Logical network address

43. ICMP Acronym

44. IP layer

45. A Web Browser is a ____ on layer ___

46. MIME is a ___ on layer ___

47. Telnet is a ___ on layer ___

48. iSCSI is a ____ on layer ___

49. DHCP is a ____ on layer ___

50. Data Frames are on layer ___