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CCNA Voice - 3

Subjects : cisco, it-skills, ccna
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Preferred codec for skype - PC to phone apps - A free speech codec suitable for robust voice communication over IP.

2. When companies merge make sure you configure the __ __

3. Proxy server is not required in an __ based system

4. Echo cancellers are limited by the total amount of time they wait for the reflected speech to be received __ __. A good time to configure is __ms

5. Defines many different causes of delay (actual packetization - compression - and packet switching) and is caused by devices that forward the frame through the network. Includes __ ___ for congested networks.

6. How do you fix queuing delay - you would add

7. __ recommends no more than __ms delay one-way transmission

8. RTP uses the __ __ to determine whether the packets are arriving in order - and it uses the __ __ information to determine the interarrival packet time (jitter).

9. __is characterized as the amount of time it takes for speech to exit the speaker's mouth and reach the listener's ear.

10. __ __ replays the last packet received

11. __ describes __ coding at __ - __ - __ and __ Kbps; you also can interchange ADPCM voice between packet voice and public phone or PBX networks

12. On a voip link What is the max packet loss

13. RTCP provides support for real-time conferencing of __ of any size within an Internet - does not send __ - offers __and supports __ media streams

14. [email protected] is a __ entry but coverts then to an __ address

15. Customers that have almost unlimited bandwidth - however - consider __ a worthwhile mechanism to enhance reliability and voice quality - mechanism makes it more probable that one of the packets will make the journey from sender to receiver

16. Is the variation of packet interarrival time.

17. The problem with VAD is detecting when speech __. This is known as__ Usually - the person listening to the speech does not notice this cut off because it did not record and transmit any codec.

18. __ Describes a compression technique that you can use to compress ___or other __ signal components of multimedia service at a low bit rate - MP-MLQ provides greater quality at __ Kbps - CELP provides flexibility at __Kbps

19. If a packet is lost What is replayed? packet loss is common in data networks but not in __

20. You hear your own voice in the background ( 4wire)

21. In an unmanaged - congested network - ___delay can add up to two seconds of delay (or result in the packet being dropped). This lengthy period of delay is___ in almost any voice network. delay)

22. __ is not wasting __ when there is no sound to transmit. At least __ % is wasted

23. Another compression method used often is ____ . A commonly used instance of this is ITU-T __ - which encodes using 4-bit samples - giving a transmission rate of __ Kbps.

24. This adaptation of jitter buffer __ is effective in compensating for delays.

25. Caused by the length a signal must travel via light in fiber or electrical impulse in copper-based networks.

26. __ is an _ measurement of voice quality and the __ measures the voice

27. __ protocol that carries audio and video packets - is the standard for transmitting__ __traffic across packet-based networks

28. Time of day of highest calls on circuit focus those on the __

29. __ is a __test given to listeners. The listeners give each sample of speech material a rating of __ (bad) to __ (excellent)

30. Propagation delay in conjuction with handeling delay can cause noticeable

31. ___describes CELP compression that enables __ to be coded into _ Kbps streams;

32. Simplify the router - use H.323 gatekeeper or voice managers to avoid __ __

33. What are 3 things you can do if they want to implement a corporate dial plan

34. ___ ___ are used within Cisco IOS Software to determine what level of ___ - if any - exists within the network.

35. A __ can trick the human ear into perceiving a higher-quality voice - but a __ cannot be tricked.

36. PCM and ADPCM are examples of __ __

37. __ Kbps low-delay variation of CELP voice compression 16 kbps

38. Is the amount of time it takes to actually place a bit or byte onto an interface. Its influence on delay is relatively minimal.

39. Who scored highest in the MOS

40. __ builds in some reliability to the connectionless __ protocol - enables reliability with out using the overhead of __ - what protocol send multiples of the same packet __

41. Using G.729 - just __ conversions from D/A cause the MOS score to decrease rapidly but __ is less resilient

42. The difference between when the packet is expected and when it is actually received is __. - exists only in __ ___ networks

43. It has a large header of __ bytes - Size of headers IP/RTP/UDP

44. The jitter buffer found within Cisco IOS ___ is considered a __ queue. This queue can grow or shrink exponentially depending on the interarrival time of the __ packets.

45. To make audio and video work with RTP what do you need. 2 things

46. Satellite transmission takes approximately __ ms for a transmission to reach the satellite and another __ ms for it to come back down to Earth. This results in a total delay of __ ms.

47. How many times can a digital to analog conversion in my network and PSTN total network happen - __ speech is less robust conversion

48. The data part of RTP is a thin protocol that provides support for applications with real-time properties - such as __ __ (for example - audio and video) - including __ __ - loss detection - and content identification.

49. How does G.729 header go __/__/__

50. __ the 64 Kbps __ voice coding technique - This is used for the digital voice delivery in the __ or __