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CCNA Voice - 4

Subjects : cisco, it-skills, ccna
  • Answer 37 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Can a RADIUS server provide both functions

2. The CO switch produces __ records - which include typical informational elements such as calling number - called number - connect time and date - call duration - and service characteristics.

3. Is responsible for maintaining and updating the telco general requirements (GR) for mostly the U.S. markets

4. If Cisco is using SIP the__ sends information to the RADIUS

5. Different records are generated by the __________ than by the egress (outgoing) softswitches

6. The client and RADIUS server are authenticated through the use of a __ __ - which is never sent over the network - User passwords are sent __

7. You can see how much cash is available for the call to be made.

8. For PSTN the voice traffic is bill is based on __ __ - data traffic usage is based on a __ __ to be billed in different ways.

9. Each __ has its own set of features and information fields about the session established between__ VoIP endpoints so service providers can collect data

10. RADIUS add features by __

11. What are the 2 billing services in the Voip world

12. The person pays after the call has been made but needs to be __

13. The incumbent telcos (IXCs) and their vendors work out their intercarrier billing with

14. Operates on the client/server model.

15. With legacy billing systems expect CDRs to be presented in __

16. __ __collects - correlates - and aggregates the accounting messages generated by the various VoIP-enabled network elements involved in a call - required by__ __ that already have a billing system in place

17. __ __ server collects and stores statistical data

18. Process of measuring resource consumption - allowing monitoring and reporting of events and usage for various purposes including billing - analysis - and ongoing policy management

19. Determining whether the client is allowed to perform or request certain tasks or operations

20. For billing services that a server request are __ and __ - the clients are __ __ - Where is the process and billing takes place__

21. __ offer simpler billing becase the points are __ and tied to a __ location

22. CDR records are generally stored in __ __ __ at the server or located in a __ package or in a ___ database

23. For Voip the __ to move - __ and __ traffic are all packets that are transported from one location to another over the network and __ definition bill who or what

24. __provides a vehicle to identify a client that requires access to some system and logically precedes

25. __ __ server provides security services and stores security data

26. It offers a comprehensive view of customer data and voice services.

27. They money you receive from migrating its time-division multiplexing (TDM)-based network to VoIP

28. Are the standards for every provider to offer billing-related information - telephony call control switch collects info during the course of the month

29. For cisco SPS - __ SIP protocol ask a recipient if they want the call - __ SIP protocol hangs up a call

30. Voip records averages __ events for a normal call

31. How can RADIUS authenticate a user __ - __ - __

32. __ __consists of a network access server (NAS) - which gives one or more remote users access to network resources.

33. Data-communications protocol designed to provide security management and statistics collection in remote computing environments

34. The call flow for such a service involves collecting the phone number of the person who originated the call

35. System guides the caller throughout the application and enables him to use dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones to traverse through the validation process

36. Telephone follows you to another location

37. The best place to store data is __