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Certified Hazardous Materials Manager
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1. Interim Status
Clean Water Act
In RCRA - a facility that predates RCRA but is pursuing a RCRA permit
will sink. All flammable liquids and most gases have a vapor density greater than 1.0
Two general categories: Organizational evaluation standards and Product and Process evaluation standards
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health - conducts research in occupational safety and health - develop criteria as a basis for new standards - provides education - manpower development and training on health and safety equipment - enfor
Atomic Energy Act
Represents only 3% of Earth's water -~70% or Earth's fresh water is tied up in glacial ice and the other 30% is in groundwater with very little surface water
Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (1986)
limited access and/or toxic atmospheres the potential for an IDLH atmosphere makes it a 'permit required confined space'
Solid Waste Management Unit (RCRA)
Maximum Contaminate Level - legally enforceable public health goal
Initiation - Document review - prepare for on-site audit - perform on-site audit - prepare the audit report - complete the audit - conduct the audit follow-up
4. What are the four types of torts?
Trespass - Nuisance - Negligence - Strict Liability
Sound is characterized by pressure - power - and intensity
EPA - Protection of the Environment
Department of Homeland Security (US Coast Guard - US Secret Service - Transportation Security Administration (TSA) - US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
5. How do you calculate the Hazard Index (HI)?
HI = dose / RfD
Pollution Prevention - the highest priority is source reduction - the most effective P2 activity is product modification to avoid solvent use
1. Prevent or reduce 2. Recycle 3. Treat 4. Dispose or otherwise release
National Priorities List - Superfund
6. Nitric Oxide
OSHA General Industry Standard
Noise exposure forecast - a noise rating associated with airports
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - covers generation of haz waste - transportation of haz waste - USTs - and non-haz solid waste
Nitric oxide exists in equilibrium with nitrogen tetroxide in the ambient atmosphere - is colorless - is a dissociation product of nitrogen trioxide and is an irritant of the eyes and mucous membranes
7. Receiving water quality criteria
The dose expected to cause the death of 50% of an exposed population within 30 minutes
TMDLs - Turbidity - pH - Bioassay
Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (1986)
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act (requires EIS)
8. ROD
gaining electrons
Required for facilities manufacturing - mining - and utilities that manufacture or process over 25 -000 pounds or 'otherwise use' over the threshold planning quantity of extremely hazardous substances
Three. 100 (one) 50 (two) 25 (three) 12.5
Record of Decision
9. Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest
When the release results in exposure to persons solely within the boundaries of the facility
Not considered a hazardous waste if the mixture no longer retains the characteristic that made it hazardous (i.e. ignitability)
Represents only 3% of Earth's water -~70% or Earth's fresh water is tied up in glacial ice and the other 30% is in groundwater with very little surface water
Includes the EPA ID number - the name of the primary transporter - the names of backup transporters - an ER number that must be answered 24/7 - the name and address of the generator - the signature of the generator or an agent
10. MACT
Does NOT require an employer to pay for non-specialty safety toe footwear
Has thermal resistance - chemical resistance - high tensile strength - not electrically conductive
Requires 40-hours off-site safety training - 3 days of supervised field experience. Supervisors require 8 hours of additional training.
Maximum Achievable Control Technology
11. 29 CFR 1910.120
Covers Haz Waste Operations - Cleanup - and ERs
Time - Distance - Shielding (ways to reduce exposure to radiation)
Have the full effect of the law and can be enforced civilly and criminally
All Appropriate Inquiries - must update government records or visual inspections after 180 days - requires that the environmental professional sign the report - provide an opinion regarding site conditions - review historical records - and provide pr
12. Half-lives to get to 12.5% of original radionuclide
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (AEA)
Concentrations >= 50 and >500 ppm PCB
Three. 100 (one) 50 (two) 25 (three) 12.5
limited access and/or toxic atmospheres the potential for an IDLH atmosphere makes it a 'permit required confined space'
13. Life Safety Code hazards
Established water quality criteria - requires assessment of watersheds - established the NPDES program - requires point source compliance with treatment technologies
Chronic Daily Intake
Concentrations >= 50 and >500 ppm PCB
low - ordinary - high
14. CAMU
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1972)
Corrective Action Management Unit (RCRA) - needs to assess environmental and health risks - if it will enhance the timeliness of remediation - will minimize the land utilized for final disposal - will provide expeditious implementation of site remedi
Has thermal resistance - chemical resistance - high tensile strength - not electrically conductive
lithium (Li) - sodium (Na) - and potassium (K) Dangerous when wet
Solid Waste Management Unit (RCRA)
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator - <100 kg per month or <1kg of acute waste per month AND accumulates <1000 kg or <1 kg acute or <100kg cleanup from an acute spill
Oil - gasoline - paint
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act (requires EIS)
16. TLV
Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats (business)
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
compatibility among stored chemicals - spill control and containment - storage cabinet construction
Threshold Limit Value
17. 5 EMS components
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Environmental policy - planning - Implementation and operation - Checking and Corrective Action - Management Review
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
Corrective Action Management Unit (RCRA) - needs to assess environmental and health risks - if it will enhance the timeliness of remediation - will minimize the land utilized for final disposal - will provide expeditious implementation of site remedi
18. 29 CFR = ?
Temporary storage for less than 30 days - impervious flooring - PCB marked - must be disposed of within one year - PCB cleanup spills to grazing land or vegetable gardens are subject to standards at the discretion of the regional office - limited to
Department of Labor
Two general categories: Organizational evaluation standards and Product and Process evaluation standards
Confined space - HAZWOPER - respirator training
19. BACT
Coast Guard - Navigation and Navigable Waters
SCBA operated in pressure demand mode
Corrective Action Management Unit (RCRA) - needs to assess environmental and health risks - if it will enhance the timeliness of remediation - will minimize the land utilized for final disposal - will provide expeditious implementation of site remedi
Best Available Control Technology
20. IM
Interim Measures
Normally stable
On the periodic table - a set of elements that act the same chemically. Eg. Noble Gases - Halide series
Federal Insecticide - Fungicide - and Rodenticide Act
21. Tolerances
Invasive evaluation of potential RECs
FIFRA definition for pesticide residue on food
between 16 Hz and 20 -000 Hz frequencies
22. TSDF
Concentrations >= 50 and >500 ppm PCB
Spill Prevention - Control - and Countermeasure Plans - required for facilities with more than 1320 gallons of above ground oil storage or 40 -000 gallons of below ground storage - must be reviewed every five years - must be sealed by a PE unless it
Transport - Storage - Disposal Facility - is required to have a waste tracking program - a training plan - arrangements with emergency responders - an employee onsite at all times
Normally stable
In RCRA - a facility that predates RCRA but is pursuing a RCRA permit
will float
limited liability to the extent of assets - continuity of life - centralization of management - free transferability of ownership interests (an LLC can only have two of these traits)
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
24. HSWA
The removal of electrons from an electrically neutral atom
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (AEA)
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (expanded RCRA)
Corrective Measures Study (RCRA)
25. AEA
Atomic Energy Act
Corrective Action Management Unit (RCRA) - needs to assess environmental and health risks - if it will enhance the timeliness of remediation - will minimize the land utilized for final disposal - will provide expeditious implementation of site remedi
1. Short title (eg TSCA) 2. Public law citation (eg. PL 101-459 = 549th law of the 101 Congress) 3. United State Code (USC) (eg. 42USC
Has one or more states of matter in the mixture
26. CERCLA Section 102
27. NEF
A material used in PPE - very effective against hydrocarbons but dissolves in water
RCRA Facility Investigation
CAA - Clean Air Act
Noise exposure forecast - a noise rating associated with airports
28. Reduction
Hazardous Air Pollutant
gaining electrons
TMDLs - Turbidity - pH - Bioassay
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (expanded RCRA)
29. NFPA Diamond
Red=Flammability - Yellow=Reactivity - Blue=Health - White=Special Precautions - 1 is lowest hazard - 4 is extremely hazardous
1) Duty of the defendant to the plaintiff 2) Breach of that duty 3) Damage to the plaintiff 4) Breach was the proximate cause of the damage
Have the full effect of the law and can be enforced civilly and criminally
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
30. COC
Chain of Custody - provides written documentation of the history of the sample
Prevention of Serious Deterioration
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (expanded RCRA)
Requires 40-hours off-site safety training - 3 days of supervised field experience. Supervisors require 8 hours of additional training.
31. Phase II ESA
Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (1986)
Invasive evaluation of potential RECs
Corrective Action (HSWA) - requires identification of all SWMUs on a site before issuance of a Part B permit - a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program - can require clean-ups outside a facilities boundary - provide for temporary treatment unit
Part A- Who and what Part B- Where and how much
32. Hazardous waste characteristics
corrosive/highly toxic - flammable - non-flammable
Temporary storage for less than 30 days - impervious flooring - PCB marked - must be disposed of within one year - PCB cleanup spills to grazing land or vegetable gardens are subject to standards at the discretion of the regional office - limited to
Ignitability - corrosivity - toxicity - reactivity
Material that can be separated by a physical process (evaporation) - density differences - or simple solubility difference.
33. Audible range for humans
CAA - Clean Air Act
Maximum Achievable Control Technology
19.5% (O2/vol) or less
between 16 Hz and 20 -000 Hz frequencies
34. Laws with P2 components
Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid - Short chain hydrocarbons including gasoline. NAPLs adhere to soil particles
Established water quality criteria - requires assessment of watersheds - established the NPDES program - requires point source compliance with treatment technologies
In RCRA - a facility that predates RCRA but is pursuing a RCRA permit
35. A mixture of a hazardous waste (non-listed) and a solid (non-hazardous) waste is?
Immediate (acute) health hazards - delayed (chronic) health hazards - and sudden releases of pressure
Recycling the solution directly into the process from which it was generated. Disposal in a landfill and volatilization are not acceptable under RCRA
Not considered a hazardous waste if the mixture no longer retains the characteristic that made it hazardous (i.e. ignitability)
Covers building services and fire protection equipment
36. Class III UIC
Includes manifests - exception reports - applicable records for the previous year - and certificates of disposal or destruction
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - covers generation of haz waste - transportation of haz waste - USTs - and non-haz solid waste
if the HVL of lead is 0.33 cm and you double the thickness you reduce the exposure to 1/4 of the original exposure
Used to dispose of oil and gas production wastes (SWDA)
37. 29CFR1910.132(h)(2)
1. Prevent or reduce 2. Recycle 3. Treat 4. Dispose or otherwise release
Carbon dioxide
Covers Haz Waste Operations - Cleanup - and ERs
Does NOT require an employer to pay for non-specialty safety toe footwear
38. New Source Review
Federal Insecticide - Fungicide - and Rodenticide Act
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act (requires EIS)
Total Maximum Daily Load - CWA Section 303
Required for a new facility or a modified existing facility (>10%)
National Priorities List - Superfund
Preliminary Assessment/ Site Inspection
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. A rapid pressure increase in a confined vessel that results in a sudden release of pressure as the vessel ruptures
30% of Earth's fresh water supply
40. PA/SI
Preliminary Assessment/ Site Inspection
SCBA operated in pressure demand mode
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator - <100 kg per month or <1kg of acute waste per month AND accumulates <1000 kg or <1 kg acute or <100kg cleanup from an acute spill
lithium (Li) - sodium (Na) - and potassium (K) Dangerous when wet
41. Emergency response not required...
When the release results in exposure to persons solely within the boundaries of the facility
Approval - Conditional Approval - Disapproval
1. Congress enacts a law 2. Agency establishes a rulemaking schedule 3. Agency establishes a docket 4. Develop a concept for regulation 5. Publish proposed regulation in Fed Reg 6. Public hearing 7. Withdraw - make minor revisions or publish final re
Should only be available to those who 'need to know' (CFATS)
42. SPCC
In RCRA - a facility that predates RCRA but is pursuing a RCRA permit
Hazardous Air Pollutant
Spill Prevention - Control - and Countermeasure Plans - required for facilities with more than 1320 gallons of above ground oil storage or 40 -000 gallons of below ground storage - must be reviewed every five years - must be sealed by a PE unless it
Federal Facilities Compliance Act (1992) - provided a statutory basis for pursuing monetary penalties against Federal Facilities
Remedial Design/ Remedial Action
Federal Insecticide - Fungicide - Rodenticide Act
Invasive evaluation of potential RECs
44. Used Oil
Environmental policy - planning - Implementation and operation - Checking and Corrective Action - Management Review
fume - solid - 0.03um - 0.3um smoke - solid - 0.05 um - 1um mist - liquid - 0.5um - 3um dust - solid - 1um - 10mm spray - liquid - 10um- 10mm
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - covers generation of haz waste - transportation of haz waste - USTs - and non-haz solid waste
Arsenic (5 ppm max) - Cadmium (2 ppm max) - Chromium (10ppm max) - Lead (100 ppm max) - Total Halogens (4000 ppm max) - Flash point (100oF minimum)
45. 40 CFR = ?
EPA - Protection of the Environment
Requires 40-hours off-site safety training - 3 days of supervised field experience. Supervisors require 8 hours of additional training.
Limit of Detection - Should be at least 25% of the TLV for a air monitoring device to be acceptable for use
In RCRA - a facility that predates RCRA but is pursuing a RCRA permit
46. 10 CFR =?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Dept of Energy
A list of impaired waters
Includes grab sampling - pH and temp of the sample - rainfall measurements - record of the date and duration of the sampling
OSHA Construction Standard
47. Heterogeneous
Environmental policy - planning - Implementation and operation - Checking and Corrective Action - Management Review
Has one or more states of matter in the mixture
Composite noise level - a noise rating associated with airports
Maximum Achievable Control Technology
48. TSCA inventory list requirements
Spill Prevention - Control - and Countermeasure Plans - required for facilities with more than 1320 gallons of above ground oil storage or 40 -000 gallons of below ground storage - must be reviewed every five years - must be sealed by a PE unless it
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health - conducts research in occupational safety and health - develop criteria as a basis for new standards - provides education - manpower development and training on health and safety equipment - enfor
All chemical manufactured for sale LQG Large Quantity Generator - >1000 kg per month or > 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month SQG Small Quantity Generator - 100 kg < x < 1000 kg per month - AND accumulates <6000 kg at any time
Federal Insecticide - Fungicide - Rodenticide Act
49. LEPC
Toxic Substances Control Act (requires toxicity testing of new compounds)
Local Emergency Planning Committee
OSHA General Industry Standard
5 ft (UFC)
50. CWA
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
Clean Water Act
fume - solid - 0.03um - 0.3um smoke - solid - 0.05 um - 1um mist - liquid - 0.5um - 3um dust - solid - 1um - 10mm spray - liquid - 10um- 10mm
Required for facilities manufacturing - mining - and utilities that manufacture or process over 25 -000 pounds or 'otherwise use' over the threshold planning quantity of extremely hazardous substances