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1. Connecticut - Delaware - D.C. (Court of Appeals) - Maine - Maryland - New Hampshire - New Jersey - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - and Vermont
de novo
procedural law
Atlantic Reporter (A. or A.2d)
restatement of law - encyclopedia - law review article - treatise: all represent
2. A prior case within a particular jurisdiction that has 1. facts and legal issues substantially similar to the facts of the case before the court and 2. it was decided by a majority decision of a higher court of that jurisdiction and 3. the case was r
The Federal Supplement contains only selected decisions of
Code of Federal Regulations is an
Decennial Digest is part of the...
3. Legal document that carries the most weight and embodies the government's authority to exist and serves as an outline for the exercise of governmental powers.
Case law concerning federal rules of procedure is collected in
United States Reports is cited as...
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
constitutional law
4. Use index to find statute section; read the statutory section; and check supplements for status.
To locate Statutes and Constitutions
Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company (Lawyers Co-op)
American Digest System
5. Into seven regions.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Headnotes in the American Digest System
The National Reporter System divides the country
6. The process used to synthesize legal principles from all prior cases with similar facts and similar issues of law to arrive at a decision in a specific case
stare decisis
Computerized search tools
United States Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.)
primary authority
7. Slip opinions collected and published periodically in a softbound or looseleaf format (in advance of the next bound volume of the case reporter series).
Statutes at Large
Statutes are published as
advance sheets
American Digest System indexes and classifies all case law
8. The cited authority contradicts the proposition stated in the memorandum
restatement (of law)
See - e.g. -
correct Statutes at Large citation
9. A bill that has been adopted into a law but has been printed singly rather than as a part of a group of laws
slip law
Case citation - state
United States Supreme Court Reports - Lawyers' Edition is cited as...
American Law Reports (A.L.R.) is the leading
10. Opinion issued by one or more judges of the appellate court which disagrees with both the result and the reasoning of the majority opinion. There can be more than one
dissenting opinion
The official reporter of the U. S. Supreme Court is...
11. Slip opinions compiled in two different sets of advance sheets: (1) United States Law Week (U.S.L.W) - published weekly by the Bureau of National Affairs and (2) United States Supreme Court Bulletin - published by Commerce Clearing House.
Procedural Rules - Rule 42 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
A decision of an administrative agency is classified as...
U.S. Supreme Court Reporting
12. Shepard's Citations - statute edition
correct standard case citation
Case citation - Internal Revenue Service
To determine whether a particular statute has been ruled unconstitutional by a court - one may use
rules of procedure - local court rules - executive orders - administrative regulations: all represent
13. Federal Rules Decisions
Case law concerning federal rules of procedure is collected in
Procedural Rules - Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
American Law Reports (A.L.R.) is filled with
correct Statutes at Large citation
14. Compiled by topic
United States Code is
American Digest System indexes and classifies all case law
A.L.R. (sometimes called A.L.R. First)
15. Statutory law
Executive orders are
United States Reports is an
The first ninety volumes of United States Reports originally were compiled by seven successive - private reporters
16. Fed. R. App. P. 2.
Case citation - individuals
West's Federal Practice Digest 3d
United States Reports
Procedural Rules - Rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
17. Shepard's Citations is used
All statutory codes are updated by...
to update the status of a particular case
In a petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court - the name of the appellant appears first in the case caption
Shepard's Citations
18. Combined digest to access all federal courts.
19. A publication of law that is not specifically authorized or sanctioned by an official body but - rather - is compiled by a private publisher i.e. West Publishing Company (West) and Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company (Lawyers Co-op)
components of United States Code citation
American Digest System
Shepard's Citations
unofficial publication of law
20. Surnames are used for individual parties (Watson v. Jones).
West Publishing Company (West)
Case citation - individuals
procedural law
21. Only those state appellate court cases which are significant (indicates a change in the law or a new trend in legal thinking).
The signal 'infra' is used in legal memoranda and briefs
United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.)
rules of procedure - local court rules - executive orders - administrative regulations: all represent
American Law Reports (A.L.R.) selects and publishes
22. U.S. Const. art. IV -
United States Reports is cited as...
Federal session laws are codified and published in
correct Constitutional article citation
23. Persuasive legal authority that consists of law from other jurisdictions - legal encyclopedias - American Law Reports - restatements of law - dictionaries - treatises and periodicals
Statutes are published as
secondary authority
United States Reports
24. Sometimes called a hornbook - is a single-volume text written by a legal scholar in a given topic area
Digests are compilations of case law
See - e.g. -
key number system
25. Used to indicate that the full citation appears immediately above - meaning that no other citations intervene between the full citation and the short form id.
Southern Reporter (So. or So.2d)
United States Reports is cited as...
United States District Courts case reporters
26. Indicates that the full citation appears later in the memorandum - brief - or other work.
American Digest System indexes and classifies all case law
U.S. Law Week
27. Contain a general commentary on or explanation of the subject.
Secondary authorities are those that
substantive law
stare decisis
28. The method used to determine whether a case still is good law is to check the citation in the appropriate set of Shepard's Citations.
South Western Reporter (S.W. or S.W.2d)
29. Official publication
United States Code is an
Shepard's Citators
See - e.g. -
U.S. Reports contains
30. The cited authority presents helpful background information about the proposition
American Digest System
Shepard's Citations
slip law
See generally
31. Rule of law for which the case is cited as precedent; it is the legal effect of the facts of the case
concurring opinion
components of a Code of Federal Regulations citation
A scope note tells a researcher coverage of a particular
32. Fed. R. Crim. P. 42
Procedural Rules - Rule 42 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
stare decisis
American Law Reports (A.L.R.) selects and publishes
33. A very brief opinion; a cursory opinion; an opinion so abbreviated that it is hardly an opinion at all
memorandum opinion
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
U.S. Law Week
to update the status of a particular statute
34. Unofficial U.S. Supreme Court case reporter published by West
The first ninety volumes of United States Reports originally were compiled by seven successive - private reporters
components of United States Code citation
Supreme Court Reporter
per curiam opinion
35. Identifies the court issuing the opinion - the parties - and the docket number assigned to the case
elements of a reported case
American Digest System indexes and classifies all case law
36. A syllabus of the court
Federal Register is an
U.S. Reports contains
restatement of law - encyclopedia - law review article - treatise: all represent
parallel citations generally are not provided for federal cases
37. USOC - also known as the Blue Book - is universally accepted authority on legal citations - which is published jointly by the law reviews of Columbia - Harvard - the University of Pennsylvania - and Yale Law Schools.
statutory law
U.S. Law Week
components of a Federal Register citation
A Uniform System of Citation
38. Legal dictionary - treatise - restatement of law - encyclopedia
These represent secondary authority
American Law Reports (A.L.R.) is filled with
Until 1932 - cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court were combined in
official publication of law
39. The abbreviation for the agency typically is used in the case name (FCC - SEC - etc.).
See generally
Case citation - all other administrative agencies
All statutory codes are updated by...
40. There are 3 case reporters for the U.S. Supreme Court - United States Reports (U.S.) Official - Supreme Court Reporter (S.Ct.) Unofficial - United States Supreme Court Reports - Lawyers' Edition (L.Ed. or L.Ed.2d) Unofficial
Until 1932 - cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court were combined in
Southern Reporter (So. or So.2d)
U.S. Supreme Court Case Reporters
components of a Federal Register citation
41. Is used to check the current status of a case
42. 1. volume number of encyclopedia 2. abbreviated name of encyclopedia 3. title of article (underscored or in italics) 4. section symbol and section number within the article; 5. specific page within section; and 6. date of publication
A.L.R. (sometimes called A.L.R. First)
components of a legal encyclopedia citation
restatement (of law)
43. Primary authority
rules of procedure - local court rules - executive orders - administrative regulations: all represent
Procedural Rules - Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Statutes are published as session laws
National Reporter System and American Digest System are...
44. The appellate court reviews the record for prejudicial legal errors committed in the trial court but gives great deference to the findings of fact; factual findings are generally reversed only when they are "arbitrary or capricious"
Decennial Digest is part of the...
C.J.S. uses the
on the record
45. Signal used to indicate page numbers in another reporter
most correct definition of star paging
U.S. Reports contains
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
All statutory codes are updated by...
46. Legal encyclopedia published by Lawyers Co-op
Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.)
American Jurisprudence - Second Series (Am. Jur. 2d)
A decision of an administrative agency is classified as...
47. The publication where rules and regulations of administrative agencies are codified
North Western Reporter (N.W. or N.W.2d)
Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)
See - e.g. -
The first ninety volumes of United States Reports originally were compiled by seven successive - private reporters
48. All slip laws enacted during a legislative session that are arranged in chronological order according to date of enactment
components of law review citation
if a researcher knows the date when a federal statute was adopted the
components of Statutes at Large citation
session laws
49. American Digest System
Decennial Digest is part of the...
Case citation - state
To determine whether a particular statute has been ruled unconstitutional by a court - one may use
All statutory codes are updated by...
50. Virginia Koerselman - Comment - Worker's Compensation - 15 Creighton L. Rev. 415 (1981).
components of United States Code citation
The signal 'infra' is used in legal memoranda and briefs
correct law review citation
if a researcher knows the date when a federal statute was adopted the