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Certified Medical Administrative Assistant

Subject : certifications
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Available every day of the year - including holidays - for items up to 70 lbs in weight and 108 inches in height

2. Individual - group - government

3. In instrument to crush

4. An instrument to crush

5. Muscles - bones - joints - marrow

6. Accommodate the patient as best as possible; ensure that the patient is aware that making an appointment is the most effective way to receive care

7. The portion of a service fee that the patient must pay

8. An instrument to cut

9. A new opening

10. Bo/o

11. Oste/o

12. Pertaining to the middle or near the middle plane of the body

13. A document that describes the insurance coverage for an individual or property

14. Blood condition

15. Kidneys - bladder - ureters - urethra

16. Skin - hair - nails

17. Cerebr/o

18. Objective clinical evidence

19. Excision

20. Statement of the patients symptoms

21. Rhin/o

22. Information reguarding the patients lifestyle (drinking and smoking etc)

23. Produced by - pertaining to producing

24. The amount the patient pays for an insurance contract

25. Makes copies of card - contact insurance carrier to determine exactly which services they patient is eligible to receive -

26. Greater benefits and low premiums

27. Below another structure

28. Far from the point of attachment to the trunck of far from the beginning of a structure

29. Determine the patients status (new or Established) - obtain the required general information - enter info into patient history form - review the form for accuracy - enter the patents name into the computerized ledger - assemble the appropriate forms

30. Make sure the original appointment time is properly removed - then schedule the new appointment

31. Front surface of the body

32. Small groups of patients are scheduled at intervals throughout the hour

33. Implied contract where the physician is expected to assess and treat the patient with the same amount of knowledge - skill - and judgment as another physician

34. cephal/o

35. Decision made based on information reguarding the patient's history and the results of the doctors examination

36. Disease condition

37. State of; conditon

38. Process of crushing

39. Inflammation

40. A written form that states their understanding of treatment

41. Leuk/o

42. Stomach - intestine

43. Amount payable by the carrier toward the cost of service for which the patient for

44. Arthr/o

45. Pertaining to the side

46. Letters - postal cards - postcards - and business reply mail

47. Arrangements should be made for the patient to be seen the same day

48. Above another structure

49. Size - number of appointments - space for detail - comfort for writing

50. Lying on the back