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1. Frames issues & provides choices for faculty
Engagement Leadership Style
Caring Model / Philosophy
2. Reinforces knowledge rather than learning new material - Imagery Stimulates critical thinking by exploring mental models. - Decreases anxiety--increases skill performance.
Analysis/Analyzing Objectives
Transactional Leadership Style
3. Occurs while learning process is unfolding.
Bloom's Level 5 (old Bloom's Level 6)
Adult Education Philosophy
Behavioral Learning Theory
Formative Evaluation
4. Based on knowledge & traditional content - does not emphasize problem solving
Affective Learning Domain
Qualities Associated with Critical Thinking Analysis
Narrative Pedagogy
5. OLD (Nouns) - NEW (Verbs) - 6 Levels: Synthesis (Creating) - Evaluation - Analysis (Analyzing) - Application (Applying) - Comprehension (Understanding ) - Knowledge (Remembering)
6. Judgement that the test measures what it's intended to measure -Reliability Ability of the the test to provide dependable and consistent scores
Bloom New Lowest 3
Reconstructionism Educational Theory
Knowledge/Remembering Verbs
7. Completed at the end of a course/program - The final outcome.
Cognitive Development Learning Theory
Summative Evaluation
Behavioral Learning Theory
8. Focus is on: What is good?
Cognitive Learning Domain
Reconstructionism Educational Theory
9. Emphasizes problem solving rather than the content of specific subjects. Student centered - Goal oriented inquiry which leads learners to problem solving. Students assisted to develop the self through field trips - lab work - simulation; apply learni
Analysis/Analyzing Learning Activities
Factors Affecting Reliability
Progressivism Educational Theory
10. Share relevant stories to facilitate content & skills acquisition. A practical discourse using nine themes allows education to be gained thru experiences of teachers - students and clinicians to direct nursing education.
Cognitive Development Learning Theory
Transformational Leadership
Narrative Pedagogy
Analysis/Analyzing Objectives
11. Occurs when a leader develops in a particular situation. Switching instinctively between styles
Laissez Faire Leadership Style
Situational Leadership Style
Concept Mapping
Summative Evaluation
12. Interpretation and synthesis of knowledge across discipline boundaries; requires communication & interdisciplinary collaboration.
Scholarship of Integration
Postmodern Discourse
Autonomous learners
Narrative Pedagogy
13. Remembering - Understanding - Applying
Nursing's Metaparadigm
Bloom New Lowest 3
Humanism Educational Theory
P Value Item difficulty
14. Collaborative learning - Socratic questioning - Debates
Transformational Leadership
Engagement Leadership Style
Behaviorism Educational Theory
Learning Activities to Support Critical Thinking
15. Apply - Demonstrate - Use - Develop - Examine - Employ - Illustrate - practice - Schedule - Solve - write
Analysis/Analyzing Learning Activities
Critical Philosophy
Application/Applying Level Objectives
Cognitive Learning Domain
16. Focus is on: What is truth?
Participative Leadership Style
Knowledge/Remembering Verbs
Comprehension/Understanding Learning Activities
17. All behavior is learned and can be shaped / rewarded to attain desired ends.
Engagement Leadership Style
Scholarship of Integration
Adult Education Philosophy
Behavioral Learning Theory
18. Leader manages 'by the book' - everything by procedure or policy. If not covered by 'the book' leader refers to the next level - not facilitate curriculum
Bureaucratic Leadership Style
Factors Affecting Reliability
Bloom New Lowest 3
19. Reasoning - Inference - Interpretation- Knowledge - Open-mindedness
Narrative Pedagogy
Psychomotor learning domain
Qualities Associated with Critical Thinking Analysis
Behavioral Learning Theory
20. Truth is related to specific context and is constantly being constructed.
Psychomotor learning domain
Postmodern Discourse
Narrative Pedagogy
Qualities Associated with Critical Thinking Analysis
21. The liberation for thought occurs through analysis of power and relationships within social structure information.
Critical thinking
Critical Philosophy
Narrative Pedagogy
Transactional Leadership Style
22. Reports - tables - diagrams - directions - & regulations
Understanding written communication
Bloom's Taxonomy
Bloom's Level 6 (old Bloom's Level 5)
Narrative Pedagogy
23. Focuses on getting the job done - Chairperson engages faculty in the development & adoption of a new curriculum.
Scholarship of Discovery
Transactional Leadership Style
Case Study
24. Positive reinforcement & reward. Student subject to natural law; motivated to learn through positive reinforcement; rewarded for scientific objectivity and objective analysis (Realism Philosophy).
Behaviorism Educational Theory
Analysis/Analyzing Objectives
25. Teaching strategy...small teams each w/ learners of different levels use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each person is responsible for learning and helping teammates learn.
Behaviorism Educational Theory
Cooperative/Collaborate learning
Laissez Faire Leadership Style
Scholarship of Teaching
26. Applying ideas - rules of procedure - methods - formulae - principles - & theories in job related situations
Cooperative/Collaborate learning
Behavioral Learning Theory
Psychomotor learning domain
27. Development is sequential and progresses in an uneven/interrupted manner through several phases.
Cognitive Development Learning Theory
Teaching to the Affective Domain
Analysis/Analyzing Learning Activities
Critical Philosophy
28. Breaking down material or information into its constituent parts and detecting the relationship of the parts and the way they are organized. Organizing - Prioritizing - Differentiating
29. Insufficient length (min. 25 mult. choice) - Insufficient group variability - Test scores to a smaller group of (N) will decrease reliability
Scholarship of Application
Qualities Associated with Critical Thinking Analysis
Factors Affecting Reliability
30. Analyzing - Evaluating - Creating
Progressivism Educational Theory
Bloom New Highest 3
31. P values (intended) .70-.80 (ideal) - Can be .3-.8 (bell curve) - 1.00 - Upper limits of P value - 100% answered question correctly
Understanding written communication
Comprehension/Understanding Learning Activities
Cognitive Learning Theory
P Value Item difficulty
32. Nursing labs with return demonstration - Simple problem-solving in class -Developing nursing care plans - Role playing
Application/Applying Learning Activities
Behaviorism Educational Theory
Nursing's Metaparadigm
33. 0-1.00 - Correspondence between 2 tests or measures - Standardized tests >0.9 - Classroom tests 0.7-0.8
Reliability Measurement
Concept Mapping
Comprehension/Understanding Objectives
Bloom's Taxonomy
34. Learner chooses their own path & assumes life long learning responsibilities by collaboration with other learners & facilitation of the educators. Self-actualization & education lead to happiness.
Application/Applying Level Objectives
Humanism Educational Theory
Scholarship of Application
35. Focuses on choices & individualism ...not problem solving
Bloom's Taxonomy
Formative Evaluation
Scholarship of Teaching
36. Excellent critical thinking teaching strategy
Adult Education Philosophy
Narrative Pedagogy
Cognitive Learning Theory
37. Creating analogies - writing summaries - Explaining to a peer - Pair or team discussions - Answering questions during a lecture - Viewing Power Points
Essentialism Educational Theory
Laissez Faire Leadership Style
Comprehension/Understanding Learning Activities
Analysis/Analyzing Bloom's Level 4
38. Teaching to Cognitive Domain Cooperative learning - AV presentations - Lecture - Discussion - Concept Mapping - Analogies
39. Focuses on energizing people to perform at a higher level.
Participative Leadership Style
Transformational Leadership
Scholarship of Teaching
Teaching to the Psychomotor Domain
40. Intellectual growth - activism - and empowerment can change injustice and inequity for all persons. Florence Nightingale.
Psychomotor learning domain
Feminist Philosophy
Qualities Associated with Critical Thinking Analysis
41. Eliminates adversarial relationships. Education consists of an integration of humanistic-existential - phenomenological - feminist and caring ideologies.
Caring Model / Philosophy
Bloom's Level 5 (old Bloom's Level 6)
Cognitive Development Learning Theory
Authoritarian/Autocratic Leadership Style
42. Individual or group projects - Debating ethical issues - Participating in case studies - Conducting research - Completing nursing care maps - Critiquing peer's performance
Writing that focuses on thinking
Analysis/Analyzing Learning Activities
Affective Learning Domain
Feminist Philosophy
43. Learning encompasses attitudes - beliefs - values - feelings - emotions - & motivation. The expression of these often involves statements of opinions - beliefs - or an assessment of worth.
Reliability Measurement
Affective Learning Domain
Transactional Leadership Style
Understanding written communication
44. Link concepts w/ arrow to describe the direction of the relationship - Makes learning an active process rather than a passive one.
Concept Mapping
Remembering or recognizing appropriate terminology
P Value Item difficulty
Affective Learning Domain
45. Learning is interactive and occurs in a social/historical context. Knowledge - ideas - attitudes and values are developed as a result of relationships with people.
Cognitive Development Learning Theory
Comprehension/Understanding Learning Activities
Cognitive Development: Sociocultural Historical Influences Learning Theory
46. An analysis of a clinical situation or incident - Learner must analyze and interpret the data provided
Progressivism Educational Theory
P Value Item difficulty
Bloom New Highest 3
Case Study
47. Demonstration - Followed by practice - Return demonstration
Postmodern Discourse
Critical Philosophy
Teaching to the Psychomotor Domain
Knowledge/Remembering Verbs
48. Occurs when questions involve problem solving
Essentialism Educational Theory
Application/Applying Level Objectives
Critical thinking
49. Using empathy - Setting an example - Counseling - Journaling - Role modeling
Writing that focuses on thinking
Teaching to the Affective Domain
Case Study
50. Educator models the behavior; information flows form educator to learner. Student encouraged to expand the mind by inquiry - discovery - aesthetics - synthesis and application of knowledge to life. Belief in strong liberal arts foundation. (Idealism
Authoritarian/Autocratic Leadership Style
Psychomotor learning domain
Comprehension/Understanding Objectives
Essentialism Educational Theory