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Certified Paraoptometric Coder

  • Answer 49 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Inability to distinguish certain shades of colors

2. Cloudy or opaque area in the normally clear lens of the eye

3. Infection of an oil gland in the eyelid

4. Nearsightedness

5. Type of severe headache accompanied by various visual symptoms

6. Inflammation or infection of conjunctiva

7. Inflammation of the eyelids

8. Eye disorder causing progressive thinning and bulging of cornea

9. Water-borne infection usually caught through poor contact lens hygiene

10. Condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time

11. Pupil

12. Macula

13. Retina

14. Iris

15. Accumulation of blood underneath the conjunctiva

16. Inflammation or infection of cornea

17. Abnormal growth of tissue on the conjunctiva

18. Cornea

19. Cut or scratch on cornea

20. Group of inherited disorders of the retina which cause poor night vision and progressive loss of side vision

21. Inflammation of one or more layers of the uvea

22. Ciliary muscle

23. Eye coordination problem in which eyes have a tendency to drift outward when reading or doing close work

24. Optic nerve

25. Rare type of eye cancer occurring in young children that develops in the retina

26. Loss or lack of development of clear vision in just one eye

27. Vision condition in which eyes make repetitive uncontrolled movements

28. Group of disorders leading to progressive damage to optic nerve. characterized by loss of nerve tissue resulting in loss of vision

29. Group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use

30. Lazy eye

31. Age-related vision condition in which there is a gradual loss of eye's ability to focus on near objects

32. Eye disease affecting macula - causing loss of central vision

33. Vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly but close objects do not come into proper focus

34. Vision disorders that interfere with reading and learning

35. Tearing or separation of retina from underlying tissue

36. Shadow images that are seen moving in field of vision caused by particles floating in fluid that fills inside of eye

37. Drooping of upper eyelid

38. Increase in pressure inside eye

39. Vision condition that causes blurred vision due to irregular shape of cornea

40. Slowly developing lump that forms due to blockage and swelling of oil gland in eyelid

41. Farsightedness

42. Lens

43. Condition in which there are insufficient tears to lubricate and nourish the eye

44. Condition occurring in diabetic patients which causes progressive damage to retina

45. Abnormal response of sensitive eyes to contact with allergens

46. Sty

47. Vascular layer of the eye; contains the iris and ciliary body and choroid

48. Abnormal growth of tissue on the conjunctiva

49. Crossed eyes