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Certified Pediatric Nurse Exam

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Age group affected by mononucleosis

2. GER (gastroesophageal reflux)

3. Part of body that grows the fastest in infancy

4. What foods are prohibited for a person with Celiac Disease?

5. Average age of menarche

6. What is Cystic Fibrosis?

7. Sequence of resp distress

8. Steatorrhea

9. Precaustions needed for pt's with varicella

10. Why avoid circumcision in a baby with hypospadias?

11. Treatment of a bleed in hemophilia

12. Age group the limbs grow the fastest

13. What are the S/SX of bleeds in hemophilia?

14. Complications of acute otitis media

15. Cause of bronchiolitis

16. Common Asthma irritants

17. first tooth

18. Clinical signs of infection wilth sickle cell disease

19. Signs and Symptoms of Hemolytic Disease of the newborn

20. Treatment and nursing care for pertussis

21. Diastat rectal diazepam gel

22. Assessment of a patient with suspected epiglottitis

23. How is mononucleosis diagnosed

24. Pathophysiology related to Head Trauma

25. Assess the cause of enuresis

26. When does the surgery to correct hypospadias usually occur?

27. At 6-24 months - head circumference is what size in relationship to chest circumference

28. What is enuresis?

29. What is the cause of mononucleosis and its method of transmission?

30. Complications related to varicella

31. What can promote dryness in a child with enuresis?

32. What are the side effects of depakote?

33. Lead screening should begin. at ..

34. During an abdominal assessment when should auscultation occur

35. Treatment of Meningitis

36. Two important assessment rules related to coarctation of the aorta?

37. What occurs in a subacute baterial endocarditis?

38. At what age is a length board required?

39. Asthma inhaler - what can be done to decrease risk of thrush

40. Causes of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

41. What is Pyloric stenosis?

42. Pathophysiology of a fever and infection with sickle cell disease

43. Which growth chart is appropriate for use - Growth for the young child who is measured laying down?

44. S/SX of Hirschsprungs

45. Treatment for Hirschsprungs

46. What has the HIB vaccine been successful in reducing?

47. How does pertussis present?

48. What are development considerations for hemophilia?

49. Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

50. Leading cause of head injury