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Certified Pediatric Nurse Exam

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Common Asthma irritants

2. What are the side effects of depakote?

3. Test to evaluate a Seizure disorder

4. Main cause of urinary tract infections

5. What is an acute otitis media?

6. Signs of increased ICP

7. When does the surgery to correct hypospadias usually occur?

8. Precaustions needed for pt's with varicella

9. Non-pharmalogical measures to treat GER

10. difference btwn GER and GERD

11. Males Reproductive issues for CF patients

12. ABG

13. Cause of bronchiolitis

14. Puberty for boys

15. Signs and symptoms of varicella Prodromal

16. Etiology of GERD

17. Considerations should be taken when treating a child with cystic fibrosis who has a ___________ tx promptly since bacterial colonization increases destruction of lung tissue----prevention is key

18. How is Celiac Disease diagnosed?

19. What should be used for feeding a child during the post operative period following cleft palate surgery?

20. Treatment and nursing care for pertussis

21. BMI-@ risk for overweight

22. Age group the limbs grow the fastest

23. Assessment of a patient with suspected epiglottitis

24. signs and symptoms of meningitis in older children

25. Growth spurt for adolescent boys

26. What occurs in a subacute baterial endocarditis?

27. Pathophysiology of intussusception

28. Average rate of growth for the 1st year

29. Prevention of bronchiolitis spreading

30. Treatment of Meningitis

31. Define Magical thinking

32. How many days after birth do bilirubin levels return to normal limits?

33. Define Proximodistal

34. Kawasaki Disease

35. Basic defect in coarctation of the aorta

36. Term infant --Bilirubin peaks at what day of life

37. What level does the bilirubin need to be at in order for jaundice to occur?

38. Childs weight at 6 months compared to birth weight

39. Signs and symptoms of Reye's Syndrome

40. Viral Croup

41. How is mononucleosis diagnosed

42. Signs of heart failure

43. Complications related to varicella

44. Temp of home water heater to avoid burns

45. Encoperesis

46. first tooth

47. Clinical signs of infection wilth sickle cell disease

48. Normal Bilirubin

49. Treatment for sickle cell disease

50. Cephalocaudal