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1. The methods learning organizations use to create and foster productive learning
Action plans - interviews - questionnaires - focus groups - performance contracts
Culture - vision - strategy - and structure
Two-aix matrixes - flowcharts - dichotomy - graphic models
Howard Gardner
2. The three fundamental principles of HPI
Driving forces - restraining forces - current state - desired state
HPI uses a results-based - systematic approach - HPI focuses on accomplishments before behavior - Organizations are systems.
Benefit-to-cost ratio (Total Benefit / Total Program Cost)
3. The tasks involved in the development phase of strategic development
Social contexting - contexting - authority - and concept of time
Upper-left cerebral - lower-left limbic - upper-right cerebral - and lower-right limbic
Conduct a SWOT - establish strategic goals - develop strategies to achieve the strategic goals
4. Two types of job rotations
Cross-functional - cross-country/international
Functional context
Chat rooms are essentially synchronous (real-time) message boards.
External/organizational scans - identify business needs - identify change initiatives - collect data - analyze data - report on the data - design the change initiative
5. The learning theory that includes activities like behavioral modeling - simulations - role plays - skill drills - and rewards
In statistics - it means probably true
The sum of the numbers divided by the total number of values
Accelerated Learning
6. Change management
Learning technologies
Change is a process not an event. Change management is the process of directing change at each level of an organization.
7. The reliability test where one test is split into two shorter ones - by randomly assigning test items to one half or the other
Focused on fundamental shifts in how people view themselves - and intentional alterations of beliefs and values about the world and themselves
Learner self-concept - Learner prior experience - Readiness to learn - Orientation to learning - and Motivation to learn
Maslow's hierarchy - McGregor's Theory X and Y of management
8. Covariates
The selection of measurement points which can have a large impact on the research's ability to be generalized
Measures looking at opinions - behaviors - and attributes
The multiple dependent variables in a study with multiple independent variables
Facilitation is used to involve participants - and to help them learn from one another.
9. The method where instruction is provided in a self-directed format that is available at all times - even with a facilitator is not online
An effective - structured way that captures people's learning from an experience.
10. The questioning technique that seeks to develop critical thinking and creativity
- measure - analyze - improve - control
Identify organizational values - development mission - develop vision - develop value statements
Knowledge - skills
Socratic questioning
11. The philosophy of teaching focusing on the instructor rather than the participant - and is generally used to in reference to teaching children
Understandable - accurate - functional
Presentation software
Cross-functional - cross-country/international
12. The first component of the ASTD HPI model
Long-term process for performance improvement based on 1-on-1 interactions where mentee retains the responsibility for improvement
Central tendency
Business Analysis
Eager to succeed - open to support - interested in different tactics/methods and trying those out - learning oriented
13. Four activites to consider when closing a presentation
Questions that check for understanding or test for consensus
Review of objective and key points - review participant benefits - call participants to action - ask participants if they have any questions.
Threat - problem - solution - habit
Awareness - modeling - targeted interventions - desensitization - training
14. The three levels that - when in harmony - work to optimal performance in the Rummler and Brache's model
The extent to which an instrument represents the program's content
Organization - process - and job/performer.
Documentation audit - information system survey - identification of external information sources
Virtual Reality. Computer-based technology that gives the user a realistic - 3-D - interactive experience that engages as many senses as possible.
15. The topics of the A-B-C-D training development process
Audience - behavior - condition - and degree
External/organizational scans - identify business needs - identify change initiatives - collect data - analyze data - report on the data - design the change initiative
Purpose and character of use (commercial or nonprofit educational use) - nature of the copyrighted work - amount of the work used in relationship to the whole of the work - effect on the market potential for or value of the copyrighted work
16. The theory that describes how intelligences reflect how people prefer to process information
Theatre style
Multiple intelligences theory
Monetary impact/ROI
Determining needs - defining scope and budget - creating and sending the RFP - evaluating proposals and selecting vendors - notifying the vendor and negotiating the contract - implementing the project - monitoring the project - completing and evaluat
17. The characteristics of a complex system
Facilitators establish the initial mood or climate of the class experience - and clarify the purpose of individuals as well as the general purposes of the group
Focused on fundamental changes to thinking patterns and behaviors
The whole is more than the sum of the parts - patterns are everywhere in the system - cause and effect is never simple - history does and does not repeat itself - change come from chaos - the future can and cannot be predicted
Sorting - tabulating - and comparing raw to summarized data
18. Four things a coach does
Seels and Glasgow instructional systems design model
Do not discriminate in any aspect of employment based on disabilities - with reasonable accommodations such as interpreters - reading aids - instructional material modifications - etc.
Threat - problem - solution - habit
Identify performance gaps - gains commitment to learning - constructs practice to close gaps - drives application and reflection to improve competence
19. The theory that describes a person starting at age 18 - moving from career exploration to a series of events including educational specialization that leads to a career path and a final career commitment
20. Types of Level 4 instruments
problem - establish action plan - clarify values - identify alternatives - discover probable outcomes - eliminate alternatives systematically - start action
Skill variety - task identity - task significance - autonomy - feedback
Facilitation is used to involve participants - and to help them learn from one another.
Performance records - direct observation - supervisor checklists
21. The six founding principles of systems thinking
No right or final answers - cause and effect not related to space and time - all solutions require careful consideration - behavior gets worse before it gets better - all systems have limits - foresight benefits the organization
Audience - Behavior - Condition - and Degree
Determine business impact - improve the design of the learning experience - determine the content's adequacy
22. Three advantages of interviews as a data gathering technique
Rich data - comparable data across interviews with proper construction of interview protocol - and adds depth to quantative methods
Visual - Auditory - and Kinestethic
A variable in whole number or distinct units (opposed to continuous)
Return-on-investment ( (Benefits - Costs) / Costs) * 100
23. scripting
Upper-left cerebral - lower-left limbic - upper-right cerebral - and lower-right limbic
Raw and non-contextual - and can exist in forms usable or not
Electronic Performance Support System. Software that provides just-in-time help - guidance - coaching - or assistance to improve job performance.
A collection of code containing instructions for a computer to perform a specific action
24. Knowledge
Information that combined with understanding enables understanding
The multiple dependent variables in a study with multiple independent variables
Ishikawa - fishbone
Benjamin Bloom
25. LCMS
Learning Content Management System. Software that packages courses and learning materials for print - CD-ROM - and electronic publication.
Experiential learning
Hard data
Establish scope - create plan - implement plan - monitor/evaluate/revise plan
26. The three foundations of action learning
27. Types of synthesis models
Two-aix matrixes - flowcharts - dichotomy - graphic models
Interview - survey/questionnaire - observation - focus group - work diary/work log
28. List six categories of HPI solutions
Structure and processes - resources - information - knowledge and skills - motives - and wellness.
The extent to which an instrument represents the program's content
Visual - Auditory - and Kinestethic
Email - whiteboard - bulletin boards - chat rooms - online presentation tools - WIKIs - Blogs - forums - social sites
29. Describe a message board
Websites where users post questions - thoughts and observations - and can reply to other users postings of the same
- measure - analyze - improve - control
Psychomotor skills
Control groups - management estimates - extant data - external studies
30. Types of Level 1 instruments
Central tendency
Establish short-term objectives - create an action plan to achieve short-term objectives - allocate resources to the objectives - motivate employees to reach the objectives
Questionnaires - follow-up interviews - observation checklists
31. Contrast synchronous to asynchronous e-learning
High cost - scheduling difficulties - and temporary (unless learners have opportunity to practice)
Synchrononous occurs at a given time with a live instructor. Asynchronous is self-paced and available at any time.
The selection of measurement points which can have a large impact on the research's ability to be generalized
32. When a WLP professional - prior to a learning session - plans seating arrangement - arranges refreshments - determines goals and expectations for the class - what are they attempting to affect
Analytical - amiable - drivers - expressive
Cost or budget - lesson content - learner background and expectations - time available - and facilities/equipment/materials
External and environmental influences
Learner self-concept - Learner prior experience - Readiness to learn - Orientation to learning - and Motivation to learn
33. The four most important skills for a coach
Accelerated Learning
Electronic Performance Support System. Software that provides just-in-time help - guidance - coaching - or assistance to improve job performance.
Communication - client motivation - self-management - technical skills
Focused on learning and using new necessary skills through incremental change
34. Training that related to actual job circumstances
Functional context
Gain understanding or learning objectives - learn the materials - practice the delivery - prepare questions to stimulate learning.
35. The two management practices similar to complexity theory
Analytical - amiable - drivers - expressive
Skill variety - task identity - task significance - autonomy - feedback
Learning organizations - systems thinking
Numbers or variables used to classify a system
36. Types of Level 2 instruments
Benefit-to-cost ratio (Total Benefit / Total Program Cost)
Written tests - oral Q&A - performance tests - role plays
- measure - analyze - improve - control
37. Four characteristics of tasks that are well-suited for job aids
Dictatorship - anarchy - democracy
Low frequency - high complexity - high consequence of error - high probability of change in the future
In statistics - it means probably true
Disengagement - disidentification - disorientation - and disenchantment.
38. The method by which a trainer recognize signs of boredom - disinterest - or lack of understanding
Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) - Canfield Learning Style Inventory - and Learning Style Questionnaire
Observe body language
Howard Gardner
Cause Analysis
39. succession planning
Matching current - usually high-potential employees - with future roles within the company to systematic prepare them for a future role
Determine business impact - improve the design of the learning experience - determine the content's adequacy
Skill variety - task identity - task significance - autonomy - feedback
Likert scale
40. ROI
Diagnose the problem - generate alternative actions/behaviors - identify consequences for those actions/behaviors
Problem - action learning group - emphasis on careful questioning and listening - resolution to take action - commitment to learning - group facilitator/learning coach
Review of objective and key points - review participant benefits - call participants to action - ask participants if they have any questions.
Return-on-investment ( (Benefits - Costs) / Costs) * 100
41. VR
Data that has been given context
Self-contained chunk of instructional material
Focused on fundamental changes to thinking patterns and behaviors
Virtual Reality. Computer-based technology that gives the user a realistic - 3-D - interactive experience that engages as many senses as possible.
42. The linear scale use to rate statements and attitudes
Culture - vision - strategy - and structure
Learning technologies
Focused on learning and using new necessary skills through incremental change
Likert scale
43. The guidelines Carl Rogers describes as critical elements to remember in adult learning situations
A measure of the variability of scores from the mean
Facilitators establish the initial mood or climate of the class experience - and clarify the purpose of individuals as well as the general purposes of the group
Learning technologies
44. Four stages of accelerated learning
45. The e-Learning techniques allows learners to personally assess what can be learned - the value of the content - and the difficulty of the content
To systematically plan an organization's future
Dictatorship - anarchy - democracy
A variable that can have one of two possible values.
46. Systems thinking
External/organizational scans - identify business needs - identify change initiatives - collect data - analyze data - report on the data - design the change initiative
Thinking about the whole organization - rather than individuals - and looking primarily at processes
The process that connects information - education - expertise - and practical application of people in an organization for the purposes of sharing and access.
Scaling and integrity
47. The factors that are defined during the performance gap analysis
Lack of knowledge or skills - lack of physical resources - process problems - lack of information - lack of leadership - lack of information on consequences - lack of motivation - inadequate feedback - inadequate incentives - performer's lack of capa
Extroversion/Introversion - Sensing/Intuition - Thinking/Feeling - Judgment/Perception
Driving forces - restraining forces - current state - desired state
Change Management
48. The three major tasks of analyzing data
Email - whiteboard - bulletin boards - chat rooms - online presentation tools - WIKIs - Blogs - forums - social sites
Howard Gardner
Synchrononous occurs at a given time with a live instructor. Asynchronous is self-paced and available at any time.
Sorting - tabulating - and comparing raw to summarized data
49. The four dimensions of personality per the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Rote skills
Mentoring is longer term - and mentors do not have responsibility for participants improvement.
Hard data
Extroversion/Introversion - Sensing/Intuition - Thinking/Feeling - Judgment/Perception
50. Closed questions
Determining needs - defining scope and budget - creating and sending the RFP - evaluating proposals and selecting vendors - notifying the vendor and negotiating the contract - implementing the project - monitoring the project - completing and evaluat
A collection of code containing instructions for a computer to perform a specific action
A measure of the variability of scores from the mean
Questions that check for understanding or test for consensus