Test your basic knowledge |

Certified Professional Photographer

Subject : certifications
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. What are luminance and illuminance?

2. What determines what will be a 'normal' focal length lens on a particular camera?

3. The histogram of a properly exposed grey card will show a vertical bar where on the histogram?

4. What kind of lighting patter is useful to narrow a face?

5. What is a flag?

6. If an image is too blue - what color adjustment should be made in Photoshop to correct it?

7. What does side lighting emphasize?

8. The useable exposure range of a sensor - or the range of subject brightness is called what?

9. What do TTL systems react to?

10. What is the effect of front lighting?

11. When the size of the aperture is decreased - it is said to be what?

12. Can you save layers in a JPEG file format?

13. The term to describe the combination of aperture and shutter speed that can be changed by moving them in opposite directions.

14. What is a BYTE?

15. This stores electronic images captured in a digital camera until they can be transferred to a computer.

16. Name two ways you can increase depth of field (other than changing aperture).

17. The area of acceptable sharpness in an image is called what?

18. Color systems divide all colors into which three measurements?

19. What are the effects of high side lighting?

20. What is a derivative file?

21. What do the bars on the right of a histogram represent?

22. What kind of light will be produced when using a large white umbrella close to a subject?

23. The term "ISO speed" is used to describe what?

24. Instead of permanently altering your image when adjusting for color and value - what should you do?

25. This kind of lens has a variable focal length.

26. When buying a lens hood - you should get it in what size relative to the lens?

27. This kind of meter is preferred by photographers working in a studio situation where lighting conditions can be altered.

28. What color is between Magenta and Cyan on the color wheel?

29. Blue is opposite what color on the color wheel?

30. What angle of view does an incident meter read?

31. To emphasize texture in a portrait - what kind of light source is recommended?

32. What do the bars on the left of a histogram represent?

33. Convex lenses cause light rays to do what?

34. An SLR camera uses what to allow you to see exactly what you'll photograph?

35. If an image is too green - what color adjustment should be made in Photoshop to correct it?

36. The amount of motion blur in an image will increase if you do what?

37. Maximum depth of field at a given aperture is achieved by focusing at what?

38. Bit depth refers to what?

39. The image transmitted by the lens is recorded by the what?

40. If an image is too magenta - what color adjustment should be made in Photoshop to correct it?

41. To minimize facial wrinkles - this type of lighting is best.

42. If an image is too yellow - what color adjustment should be made in Photoshop to correct it?

43. Most modern lenses are based on this kind of lens.

44. This type of file format compresses images by discarding pixels; therefore - each time an images is compressed - it loses pixels.

45. If an image is too cyan - what color adjustment should be made in Photoshop to correct it?

46. A tonal correction cannot be accomplished by using a...

47. What is TTL?

48. Why is depth of field greater on a short lens versus a long lens?

49. Most inkjet printers intended for photographic printing include light and dark inks of all of the colors except for one. Which color ink is usually available only in one density?

50. As the aperture is stopped down - what happens to sharpness?