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Certified Records Manager

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. In imaging systems - any document or chart containing identification information about the content

2. A record needed to perform current operations - subject to frequent use - and usually located near the user Also referred to as current record.

3. Infrastructure - processes - and technologies used to store - generate - manipulate - and transmit information to support an organization

4. Individual responsible for coordinating records management activities within a department and acting as liaison between the department and the records manager/administrator

5. A system that contains the capability to retrieve a specific frame of microfilm according to its coded location on a particular roll

6. Field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation - receipt - maintenance - use - and disposition of records - including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activit

7. A method - material - or practice developed through consensus by experts in the field - which leads to results that are consistent - predictable - and desirable

8. A server that is dedicated to nothing more than file-sharing

9. A system that transforms reports into documents and data that can be searched - accessed - and leveraged in business processes

10. A series of standards surrounding quality management - including meeting customer and regulatory requirements - making continuous performance improvements - and providing customer satisfaction

11. An alphanumeric system in which numerals precede alphabetic coding

12. Process that converts and records data from a computer directly onto microfilm

13. Recorded information - regardless of medium or characteristics - made or received by an organization in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business

14. An alternative facility that is void of any resources or equipment and that can be used as a backup site for disaster recovery

15. An archivist who has successfully met all criteria for membership in the Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA)

16. Disaster planning service that involves moving data over a network to a secure remote site according to an established schedule

17. A predetermined pattern of vertical lines that - when read by an optical reader - can be converted to machine-readable language

18. The process of adding to the holdings of a records center or archives by transfer under an established and legally based procedure - by deposit - purchase - gift - or bequest

19. Process that ensures that an organization does not assume an unacceptable level of risk; includes both records risk analysis and records risk assessment procedures

20. A computer security mechanism that is designed to control access to or from a specified system according to the network policy

21. A device generally used as backup power for electronic devices and equipment

22. A publication that defines the scope of the records management program - its authority - the services it provides - and an introduction to concepts

23. A word - number - letter - or any combination of them - in a filing segment - considered when coding and arranging files

24. A fire suppression system used as an alternative to Halon and water; it does not deplete ozone in the environment

25. Activity of preserving the integrity and/or maintaining the currency of a file by reviewing - deleting duplicates - and/or adding information

26. Vendor-neutral certification that validates a professional's level of expertise in the technologies and best practices used to plan - design - and specify a document imaging/document management system - Formerly known as the Certified Document Imagin

27. Paper that has a reserve of an alkaline substance added for the purpose of counteracting any acid that may be introduced into the paper later - the buffering is effective only as long as free alkali remains. Papers that are to remain acid-free for lo

28. An alternate facility that has the equipment and resources to immediately recover the business functions affected by the occurrence of a disaster

29. In a dual-key encryption system - the sequence of characters that is used to encrypt plain text so that it cannot be read without the corresponding private key

30. A single alphabetic filing arrangement in which all types of entries (names - subjects - titles - etc.) are interfiled. Also referred to as topical filing system.

31. An electronic symbol or process attached to or logically associated with an electronic record and executed or adopted with the intent to authenticate the record

32. A structure used for classifying materials into a hierarchy of categories and subcategories

33. Worth of records for the conduct of current or future financial business and/or evidence thereof

34. An artificial intelligence application that uses a knowledge base of human expertise to aid in solving problems. Note: The problem-solving capability is based on the quality of the data and rules obtained from the human expert.

35. Documented requirements containing the particulars with which a system or project must conform

36. A comprehensive list of records series - indicating for each the length of time it is to be maintained and its disposition

37. A method of access to records requiring prior use of an external index

38. Regular distribution of records (especially vital records) to additional locations as a method of protection

39. Relationship between the dimensions of the original or master and the corresponding dimensions of the microfilmed or photocopied image

40. Recorded information or object which can be treated as a unit

41. In principle - papers that contain no free acid and have a pH value of 7.0 or greater. In practice - papermakers consider a paper having a pH value of 6.0 or greater to be acid-free

42. A system that converts microform images to digital images and then converts the resulting images to electronic format by optical character recognition

43. A statistical breakdown of requests for records during a specific period to determine usage of individual types of records

44. A type of liability insurance that provides additional coverage above and beyond the coverage normally provided under GL - auto - and homeowner's insurance.

45. An addressable entity - such as a computer - a storage device - or a storage subsystem - connected to a network

46. A detailed listing that includes the types - locations - dates - volumes - equipment - classification systems - and usage data of an organization's records in order to evaluate - appraise - and organize the information

47. A flexible - transparent sheet of film bearing a number of microimages arranged in a grid pattern with a heading area across the top

48. A control function used to regulate the volume of correspondence processed and to establish uniform systems for filing maintenance and retrieval

49. A rapid entry system - usually used as part of disaster recovery / emergency response program

50. In a dual-key encryption system - the sequence of characters that is used to decrypt ciphertext encrypted with the corresponding public key