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Certified Volunteer Administrator
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1. Trustworthiness/Reasonablilty of Copmmitments
Will refer specifically to distinguish them from implmentation actions themselves
Most forward looking and most liked to the organization's overall mission and goals. May include 360 degree feedback
Managing this requires a planned - perscribed - gradual and intentional approach - Program evaluation consistant with outcome and performance-based measurements
VA accepts responsibility to be reasonable - realistic and professional in determining the appropriateness of expectations or requests
2. Task and Development-Oriented Perfromance Management
Supervisor ensures that the role and responsibilities are understood and carried out effectively but also fosuses to a varying extent on the developmnet of the volunteer Generally take about an hour
External focus/differentiation - Highly Competitive - Results oriented/Goal oriented
VA accepts responsibility to promote understanding and the actualization of mutual benefite inherent in any act of volunteer service
1. Feasibility study 2. Building a business case3. Risk management analysis 4. Creating terms of reference 5. Determining the scope of the project 6. Identifying a sponsor - often someone in the organization 7. Developing a communications plan 8. Doi
3. What is a 'Duty'?
VA will seek to overcome obstacles to excellance
Identifies certain interests or activites that our behavior mush respect - espicially those areas of our lives that are of such value to us that they merit protection from others - e.g. Each person has a fundemental right to be respectes and treated
An ethical demand that other poeple can make of you ie: the duty not to hurt or offend others
A set of core beliefs and attitudes that guide actions
4. Trustworthiness/Principled
VA understands and works to promote the core ethical values
Needed when there is opposition to the change or allocation of resources that you wish to change - Manager of volunteer use this strategy in a social change program or organization that seeks to make a transformative difference in that they do - Need
Resources dedicated to or consumed by the program ie: money - staff - time - equipment - supplies
A particular code of values about how someone behaves or a swt of standards by which individuals judge one another - organizations and every day occurances.
5. Entrepreneurial Program
Organizational Management - Human Resource Management - Accountability - Leadership & Advocacy
VA will base his/her actions on core ethical values and will not comprimise those values for convienence
Internal focus/integration - Harmony and loyalty - Emphasis on cohesion - development and morale - Teamwork - participation and consensus
Individual empowerment reigns - Structure is at a minimum
6. The Common Good Approach
7. Outputs
VA understands and works to promote the core ethical values
The direct products of program activities - usually measured in terms of volume of work accomplished ie: tangeable results that can be measured in numbers (program attendees - persons trained - meals delivered)
VA accepts responsibility to promote understanding and the actualization of mutual benefite inherent in any act of volunteer service
VA is commited to fairness and forthrghtness
8. Traditional Volunteer Program
Managing this requires a planned - perscribed - gradual and intentional approach - Program evaluation consistant with outcome and performance-based measurements
Will refer specifically to distinguish them from implmentation actions themselves
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
VA assumes the responsiblilty to treat all indiviauals with whom he/she work equitably
9. Operational Plan
10. Imputs
Focuses on the concenquences that actions or policies have on the well-being ('utility') of all persons directly or indirectly affected by the action or policy
Supervisor ensures that the role and responsibilities are understood and carried out effectively but also fosuses to a varying extent on the developmnet of the volunteer Generally take about an hour
Resources dedicated to or consumed by the program ie: money - staff - time - equipment - supplies
VA will interact with all volunteers in a forthright manner with the upmost sincerity and good intent - never conduction business in a deceptive manner and continually promoting that principal throguhout the organization
11. The Rights Approach
Organizational Management - Human Resource Management - Accountability - Leadership & Advocacy
An ethical demand that other poeple can make of you ie: the duty not to hurt or offend others
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
Identifies certain interests or activites that our behavior mush respect - espicially those areas of our lives that are of such value to us that they merit protection from others - e.g. Each person has a fundemental right to be respectes and treated
12. 5 P's for Strategy
Plan - Pattern - Position - Perspective - Ploy
The process of gathering feedback from supervisors - clients -and co-owrkers as one part of a performance management process - Best used for developmet
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
Dedicated to consciousness-raising for change - Would fit a program in which competitivenss is desired - Based on social change more then economic competitiveness
13. The Utilitarian Approach
14. Justice & Fairness/Impartiality
The direct products of program activities - usually measured in terms of volume of work accomplished ie: tangeable results that can be measured in numbers (program attendees - persons trained - meals delivered)
VA assumes responsbility for having impartial and objective standards that avoid discriminatory or prejudicial behaviors
VA is commited to fairness and forthrghtness
The theories-in-use or worldviews that explain and make sense of what happens in the organization
15. Citizenship & Philanthropy/Philosophy of Volunteerism
VA (Volunteer Administrator) accepts responsibility for on-going development of a personal coherent philosophy of volunteerim as a foundation for working with others in developing volunteer programs
VA commits to omproving his/her knoweldge - skills and ability to make judgements
A set of core beliefs and attitudes that guide actions
What the program does with the imputs to fulfill it's mission ie: strategies - techniques and methods
16. Justice & Fairness/Procedural Fairness
Used if there is good communication and reasonably strong relationahip - a situation in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that something in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that smoething needs to happen
VA assumes responsibility to have an open and imparital process for collection and evlauating inofrmation critical for making decisions
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
VA assumes the responsbility to be kind - compassionate and generous in all actions to minimize the harm done to others in the performance of one's duties
17. Citizenship & Philanthropy/Social Responsbility
Organizational Management - Human Resource Management - Accountability - Leadership & Advocacy
VA accepts responsibility to create a social climate in which human needs can be met and human values enhanced
VA accepts responsbility to involve people in decisions that directly affect them
Analyzing the interests at stake - judging the moral implications of these interstes and making a decission of the proper course of action
18. The Virtue Approach
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
Focuses on attitudes - disposition - or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our human potential EXAMPLE: Honesty - courage - faithfullness - trustworthiness - intergrity
A set of core beliefs and attitudes that guide actions
Focused on connection and collaboration fits with clan culture - A place in which volunteers would look for meaning and purpose as things emerged in process
19. Community Assessment
Will examine the market to determine how many persons need the service - and to determine the best methods of delivery.
VA commits to omproving his/her knoweldge - skills and ability to make judgements
Individual empowerment reigns - Structure is at a minimum
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
20. Respect/Privacy
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
The direct products of program activities - usually measured in terms of volume of work accomplished ie: tangeable results that can be measured in numbers (program attendees - persons trained - meals delivered)
Values - Basic Underlying Assumptions
VA accepts responsiblilty to respect the privacy of people and safeguard info (written - electronic - audio - visual and verbal formats) identified as confidential
21. Justice & Fairness/Equality
VA assumes the responsiblilty to treat all indiviauals with whom he/she work equitably
The supervisor ensures that duties as set out in the job description are understood and carried out effectively by the volunteer
Strongly held beliefs that are espoused or stated by members of the group - program or organization including verbal and written forms
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
22. Respect/Human Dignity
VA will base his/her actions on core ethical values and will not comprimise those values for convienence
VA accepts responsbility for development of volunteer programs and initiatives that respect and enhance the human dignity of all involved
Citizenship & Philanthropy - Respect - Responsibility - Caring - Justice & Fairness - Trustworthiness
Presents a vision of society as a community whose members are joined in a shared pursiut of values and goals they hold in common. Comprised of individuals whose own good is inextricably bound to the good of a whole. 'What is ethical is what advances
23. Activities
24. Campaign Strategy
Managing this requires a planned - perscribed - gradual and intentional approach - Program evaluation consistant with outcome and performance-based measurements
Determination is based on there not being consensus that change needs to happen
The supervisor ensures that duties as set out in the job description are understood and carried out effectively by the volunteer
Focused on connection and collaboration fits with clan culture - A place in which volunteers would look for meaning and purpose as things emerged in process
25. The Fairness (or Justice) Approach
26. Responsibility/Doing one's Best
Used if there is good communication and reasonably strong relationahip - a situation in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that something in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that smoething needs to happen
What the program does with the imputs to fulfill it's mission ie: strategies - techniques and methods
VA accepts responsibility to pursue excellance even when resources are limited
A specific application of an operational plan with fixed parameters - Focuses on time related ot constrained variables - Clear and measurable objectives to acheive one of a kind effort with quick resopnse time and involves coordinating and managing s
27. Social Change Volunteer Program
Dedicated to consciousness-raising for change - Would fit a program in which competitivenss is desired - Based on social change more then economic competitiveness
Presents a vision of society as a community whose members are joined in a shared pursiut of values and goals they hold in common. Comprised of individuals whose own good is inextricably bound to the good of a whole. 'What is ethical is what advances
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
Workplace is very formal and structured (Traditional Volunteer Program)
28. Components of a Well Run Volunteer Program
Organizational Management - Human Resource Management - Accountability - Leadership & Advocacy
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
Focused on connection and collaboration fits with clan culture - A place in which volunteers would look for meaning and purpose as things emerged in process
VA is responsible for identifying policies - procedures and circumstances that might result in a conflict of interst be appropriately and professioanlly addressing the issue at hand and eliminating it as a conflict
29. What is ethics is NOT
Workplace is very formal and structured (Traditional Volunteer Program)
Not the same as feelings - Not Religion - Not following the law - Not following currently accepted norms - No Science
A specific application of an operational plan with fixed parameters - Focuses on time related ot constrained variables - Clear and measurable objectives to acheive one of a kind effort with quick resopnse time and involves coordinating and managing s
A dynamic - entrepreneurial workplace in which people take risks and act in ver innovative ways - The anti-administration
30. Responsbility/Diligence
What the program does with the imputs to fulfill it's mission ie: strategies - techniques and methods
VA accepts responsibility to be reasonable - realistic and professional in determining the appropriateness of expectations or requests
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
VA is commited to fairness and forthrghtness
31. Serendipitous Volunteer Program
VA accepts responsibility to create a social climate in which human needs can be met and human values enhanced
VA will seek to overcome obstacles to excellance
VA is responsible for identifying policies - procedures and circumstances that might result in a conflict of interst be appropriately and professioanlly addressing the issue at hand and eliminating it as a conflict
Focused on connection and collaboration fits with clan culture - A place in which volunteers would look for meaning and purpose as things emerged in process
32. Ehtics
VA accepts resonsibility to assure clear communication regarding commitments made on behalf of the organization - staff or volunteers. To maximize success - the VA accepts responsiblity to establish contacts and agreements that are understood and pra
VA accepts responsbility for development of volunteer programs and initiatives that respect and enhance the human dignity of all involved
A particular code of values about how someone behaves or a swt of standards by which individuals judge one another - organizations and every day occurances.
VA is commited to fairness and forthrghtness
33. Six Pillars of Core Ethics
VA accepts responsbility for development of volunteer programs and initiatives that respect and enhance the human dignity of all involved
VA accepts responsibility to promote understanding and the actualization of mutual benefite inherent in any act of volunteer service
Citizenship & Philanthropy - Respect - Responsibility - Caring - Justice & Fairness - Trustworthiness
VA commits to reflective decision making with the intent of advancing the long-term greater good
34. Respect/Self-Determination
VA accepts responsbility to involve people in decisions that directly affect them
A specific application of an operational plan with fixed parameters - Focuses on time related ot constrained variables - Clear and measurable objectives to acheive one of a kind effort with quick resopnse time and involves coordinating and managing s
Workplace is very formal and structured (Traditional Volunteer Program)
VA will interact with all volunteers in a forthright manner with the upmost sincerity and good intent - never conduction business in a deceptive manner and continually promoting that principal throguhout the organization
35. Responsbility/Staff Relationships
A series of systematic activites designed to help the organization acheive its goals - Serves to help management to clarify - focus and research it's various strategies - to provide a resognizable framework in which the work will take plance and to o
VA accepts responsbility to contribute to the credibility of the profession in the eyes of those it serves
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
VA accepts responsbility to develop a volunteer program that will enhance and extend the work of the organiations paid staff
36. Program Plan
VA is responsible for identifying policies - procedures and circumstances that might result in a conflict of interst be appropriately and professioanlly addressing the issue at hand and eliminating it as a conflict
Accessable to Diverse Groups - Operates Ethically with all stakeholders - Strives for excellance - Maintains the public trust - Sustains a helping environment - Is at low risk for legal actions againat it
Will refer specifically to distinguish them from implmentation actions themselves
Dedicated to consciousness-raising for change - Would fit a program in which competitivenss is desired - Based on social change more then economic competitiveness
37. Strategic Plan
Needed when there is opposition to the change or allocation of resources that you wish to change - Manager of volunteer use this strategy in a social change program or organization that seeks to make a transformative difference in that they do - Need
VA accepts responsibility to create a social climate in which human needs can be met and human values enhanced
Largest in scope specifying the purpose - goals and programs of the organization. Clarifys the mission or purpose - identifying the desired status or vision over a period of time - analyzing the external and internal environments - establishing large
VA is commited to the truth and assuring that all verbal and written agreements and contracts for volunteers and staff are founded on the premise of open and honest interaction
38. Task Oriented Performace Management
VA accepts responsbility to contribute to the credibility of the profession in the eyes of those it serves
Focused on connection and collaboration fits with clan culture - A place in which volunteers would look for meaning and purpose as things emerged in process
The supervisor ensures that duties as set out in the job description are understood and carried out effectively by the volunteer
Managing this requires a planned - perscribed - gradual and intentional approach - Program evaluation consistant with outcome and performance-based measurements
39. Trustworthiness/Clarity of Commitments on Behalf of the Organization - Staff and/or Volunteers
Managing this requires a planned - perscribed - gradual and intentional approach - Program evaluation consistant with outcome and performance-based measurements
VA commits to reflective decision making with the intent of advancing the long-term greater good
Formal rules that govern behavior of a group
VA accepts resonsibility to assure clear communication regarding commitments made on behalf of the organization - staff or volunteers. To maximize success - the VA accepts responsiblity to establish contacts and agreements that are understood and pra
40. Responsiblilty/Perserverance
VA assumes the responsiblilty to treat all indiviauals with whom he/she work equitably
Supervisor ensures that the role and responsibilities are understood and carried out effectively but also fosuses to a varying extent on the developmnet of the volunteer Generally take about an hour
Internal focus/integration - Harmony and loyalty - Emphasis on cohesion - development and morale - Teamwork - participation and consensus
VA will seek to overcome obstacles to excellance
41. Colaborative Strategy
Workplace is very formal and structured (Traditional Volunteer Program)
Dedicated to consciousness-raising for change - Would fit a program in which competitivenss is desired - Based on social change more then economic competitiveness
Used if there is good communication and reasonably strong relationahip - a situation in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that something in which those persons targeted for change are in agreement that smoething needs to happen
VA accepts responsiblilty to be reliable - careful - prepared and well informed
42. Strategic Performance Management
43. Responsiblity/Professioanl Responsibility
VA accepts responsbility to contribute to the credibility of the profession in the eyes of those it serves
VA accepts responsibility to pursue excellance even when resources are limited
Not the same as feelings - Not Religion - Not following the law - Not following currently accepted norms - No Science
VA accepts responsiblilty to respect the privacy of people and safeguard info (written - electronic - audio - visual and verbal formats) identified as confidential
44. Caring/Compasion & Generosity
45. Three Levels of Culture Artifacts
Values - Basic Underlying Assumptions
Largest in scope specifying the purpose - goals and programs of the organization. Clarifys the mission or purpose - identifying the desired status or vision over a period of time - analyzing the external and internal environments - establishing large
VA accepts responsbility to develop a volunteer program that will enhance and extend the work of the organiations paid staff
Will examine the market to determine how many persons need the service - and to determine the best methods of delivery.
46. Trustworthiness/Limitations to Loyalty
VA accepts responsbility to involve people in decisions that directly affect them
VA understands personal and professioanl limits of his/her loyalty to his/her volunteers - clients and organization and prioitizes them clearly and appropriately to minimize liability and risk to everyone involved
A series of systematic activites designed to help the organization acheive its goals - Serves to help management to clarify - focus and research it's various strategies - to provide a resognizable framework in which the work will take plance and to o
Resources dedicated to or consumed by the program ie: money - staff - time - equipment - supplies
47. Outcomes
A subset of a larger organization plan though often used incorrectly to mean operational plan
The benefits or changes for individuals or populations during or after participationg in program activities ie: behavior - skills - knoweldge - attitudes - value - conditions - status or other attributes
Resources dedicated to or consumed by the program ie: money - staff - time - equipment - supplies
VA (Volunteer Administrator) accepts responsibility for on-going development of a personal coherent philosophy of volunteerim as a foundation for working with others in developing volunteer programs
48. Six Characterisics of an Ethical Dilemma
49. Trustworthiness/Addressing Conflicts of Interest
What the program does with the imputs to fulfill it's mission ie: strategies - techniques and methods
Focuses on how fairly or unfairly our actions distribute benefits and burdens among members of a group. Fairness requires consistancy in the the way people are treated. 'Treat people the same way unless there are morally revelant differences between
Workplace is very formal and structured (Traditional Volunteer Program)
VA is responsible for identifying policies - procedures and circumstances that might result in a conflict of interst be appropriately and professioanlly addressing the issue at hand and eliminating it as a conflict
50. Trustworthiness/Candor
The benefits or changes for individuals or populations during or after participationg in program activities ie: behavior - skills - knoweldge - attitudes - value - conditions - status or other attributes
VA is commited to fairness and forthrghtness
Focuses on how fairly or unfairly our actions distribute benefits and burdens among members of a group. Fairness requires consistancy in the the way people are treated. 'Treat people the same way unless there are morally revelant differences between
VA assumes responsbility for having impartial and objective standards that avoid discriminatory or prejudicial behaviors