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CISSP Crypto Domain

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1. Science of protecting information by encoding it

2. Block based - adds padding - same key - same clear = same ciphertext

3. RSA

4. Eliptical Curve Cryptography; encryption; dig signatures and key exchange;highest strength per bit of key length; most efficient;160 bit el gamal= 1024 RSA-used in wireless devices use

5. First public key exchange system - users exchange keys over insecure medium.

6. Set of mathmatical rules used in encryption

7. Based on diffie-hellman - encryption - digital signatures and key exchange.

8. One key - only confidentiality

9. characters are substituted or shifted

10. Science of breakin the code

11. Cert Revocation List- identifies Certs that are no longer recognized; maintained and updated periodically; Browsers use OCSP for updates.

12. International Data Enc Algorithm - 64 bit block - 128 bit key

13. Letters represented by numerical place in the alphabet

14. Keys needed to decrypt cyphertext so an authorized third party can gain access

15. Cannot deny ownership / origination.

16. Link Encryption and end to end encryption

17. Estimated time resources to break a cryptosystem

18. Based on Dif Hel; provides encrypt; dig sig; and key exchange; discrete logarithms-easy to reverse engineer; main drawback is performance- slower than other algorithms

19. Simple substitution - ROT-n - mono-alphabetical.

20. Cipher Block Chaining- most common mode of DES loaded sequenctially- XORed using 64 bit initialization vector- first ciphertext XORed with next text block- since IV different;ciphertext different

21. Upgrade to DES; Replaced by AES; takes three times longer to encrypt

22. variable block and key sizes 128; 192; 256; uses a variable number of rounds; has low memory requirements; easy to defend against timing attacks; implemented in software; hardware is costly.

23. Has authority to remove keys from escrow;

24. key storage;escrow;archival;recovery agend;multiple key pairs

25. Integrity Check Value-makes the hash with the hash algorithm

26. 128 bit encryption; on 16 rounds of encryption; key size of 64 bits 8 parity; 56 bits long

27. 64 bit blocks of data; variable key lengths

28. Attmpts to conceal data by hiding it; Used by placing information in objectssuch as graphics; sound files or document headers

29. RC(x) - 32 - 64 - 128 bit blocks - key max at 2048 bits

30. Looks for patterns in ciphertext to discover the key.

31. DES - 3des - aes - idea - two fish - rc4 - blow fish

32. Malled online encryption or traffic flow security- implemented in hardware' encrypts all traffic in a single path

33. First public key algorithm; not used for message encrypt or digital signatures; uses large prime numbers; requires both sender and reciever to have key pairs; vulnerable to man in the middle attacks

34. Hardware - software - and policies (security association) -

35. Cipher Feedback Emulates stream cipher data encrypted in smaller units than block size; plaintext pattersn concealed in XOR; previous ciphertext block is encrypted and output produced is conbined with plaintext block using XOR-to produce next ciphert

36. Numeric seeding value used to with a symmetric key to provide randomness

37. Study of both cryptography and cryptanalysis

38. Hides data in images - usually by LSB (least significant bit)

39. Encrypted data-black side

40. Secret; single; conventional; session; shared; private

41. Both parties have same key(kept secret) exchage keys before comms begins; faster than asymmetric crypto; best suited for bulk encryption; N(N-1)/2 is the number of keys needed; File Encryption Key (FEK)

42. 1996 - crypto is protected in agreement.

43. Binary operation that adds bits together; plaintext is XORed with a random keystream to generate cyphertext

44. Rearranges bits or bytes

45. Block based - Previous block seeds next blocks key

46. Keyword: integrity

47. Modified md5 - v means "variable"

48. Setting policies; protecting keys; key recovery; responding to key compromise; keys long enough to prevent attack; cryptoperiod: key lifetimes

49. Digital signature standard; performs integrity by SHA; uses DSA; RSA;Elyp CurveDSA

50. CIA plus non repudiation