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CISSP Crypto Domain

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1. 32 to 448 bit key - Schneier

2. Stream based - also uses prior cypher text to seed

3. Estimated time resources to break a cryptosystem

4. Malled online encryption or traffic flow security- implemented in hardware' encrypts all traffic in a single path

5. Published document describing: howa CA is structured;which standards are used and how certs are managed

6. Secret; single; conventional; session; shared; private

7. Confidentiality - Authentication - Non-Repudiation

8. Rearrances the bits characters or character blocks

9. Science of breakin the code

10. RC(x) - 32 - 64 - 128 bit blocks - key max at 2048 bits

11. Encrypted data-black side

12. characters are substituted or shifted

13. Monsidered unbreakable- each pad made up of truly random values; used once; securely distributed- protected at sender and reciever sites

14. First public key algorithm; not used for message encrypt or digital signatures; uses large prime numbers; requires both sender and reciever to have key pairs; vulnerable to man in the middle attacks

15. Block based - adds padding - same key - same clear = same ciphertext

16. Different keys for encryption and decryption; two keys private and public Encrypt with private- unencrypt with privateor encrypt with public- decrypt with private. Use of private ensures non repudiation; without confidentiality-becomes the digital si

17. Formula is public; used to creat checksums; message digests; or integrity check values

18. Public algorithm - private key.

19. Certificate Authority; registration authority offloads work; validates identity; distributes key; certificate server maintains repository that stores certificates

20. Simple substitution - ROT-n - mono-alphabetical.

21. No plaintext exposure; encrypted at source; VPN; SSL ;SSH

22. Provided by mixing key values during repeated rounds of encryption

23. Prevent disclosure - privacy

24. Scrambled version of the alphabet

25. variable block and key sizes 128; 192; 256; uses a variable number of rounds; has low memory requirements; easy to defend against timing attacks; implemented in software; hardware is costly.

26. Single authority trust; heirarchal trust; web of trust; hybrid cross certificationusesd in businesses to trust each others CA's; and DISA Model Root; intermediate; leaf at the local levels

27. International Data Encryption Algorithm- operateson 64 bit blocks-uses 128 bit key and is faster than DES; used in PGP and other software; no successful attacks

28. Message hidden within larger context.

29. Encryption - decryption - signing - verifying

30. Spartans - wrapped around rod.

31. Online Certificate Status Protocol- used to query the CA; useful in large; complex environments; responds to a query with status of valid; suspended; or revoked

32. Output feedback; emulates stream cipher; similar to CFB except qty XORed; with each plaintext block; IV used as a seed; then keystream used as IV in continuing process

33. Secret sequence of bits and instructions used to encrypt/decrypt

34. Upgrade to DES; Replaced by AES; takes three times longer to encrypt

35. Placementof a secret copy in a secure location

36. Keys needed to decrypt cyphertext so an authorized third party can gain access

37. key storage;escrow;archival;recovery agend;multiple key pairs

38. Replaces bits characters and block s with differecnt values

39. 64 bit blocks of data; variable key lengths

40. Hides data in images - usually by LSB (least significant bit)

41. SHA - RSA - Eliptical Curve (ECDSA)

42. Based on diffie-hellman - encryption - digital signatures and key exchange.

43. Mathematical operation performed several times on the same message block

44. Large set of possible values used to construct keys

45. Digital signature standard; performs integrity by SHA; uses DSA; RSA;Elyp CurveDSA

46. Integrity Check Value-makes the hash with the hash algorithm

47. DES - 3des - aes - idea - two fish - rc4 - blow fish

48. Provided by mixing up the location of plaintext throughout the cipher

49. Keyword: integrity

50. First public key exchange system - users exchange keys over insecure medium.