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CLEP College Algebra: Algebra Principles
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1. Is Written as ab or a^b
Abstract algebra
Elimination method
2. Is an algebraic 'sentence' containing an unknown quantity.
Operations can involve dissimilar objects
The operation of exponentiation
Algebraic equation
3. Is an equation involving only algebraic expressions in the unknowns. These are further classified by degree.
Operations on functions
Algebraic equation
Any real number can be added to both sides. Any real number can be subtracted from both sides. Any real number can be multiplied to both sides. Any non-zero real number can divide both sides. Some functions can be applied to both sides.
Categories of Algebra
4. b = b
when b > 0
inverse operation of Multiplication
Repeated addition
5. Will have two solutions in the complex number system - but need not have any in the real number system.
All quadratic equations
Operations on functions
The sets Xk
inverse operation of addition
6. Transivity: if a < b and b < c then a < c; that if a < b and c < d then a + c < b + d; that if a < b and c > 0 then ac < bc; that if a < b and c < 0 then bc < ac.
(k+1)-ary relation that is functional on its first k domains
The operation of exponentiation
The relation of inequality (<) has this property
Operations can involve dissimilar objects
7. An operation of arity k is called a
k-ary operation
The relation of inequality (<) has this property
finitary operation
Reunion of broken parts
8. 1 - which preserves numbers: a^1 = a
Reflexive relation
The central technique to linear equations
Solution to the system
identity element of Exponentiation
9. Is an equation of the form aX = b for a > 0 - which has solution
Reflexive relation
exponential equation
Algebraic number theory
A binary relation R over a set X is symmetric
10. Is a function of the form ? : V ? Y - where V ? X1
Reflexive relation
Solving the Equation
An operation ?
Repeated multiplication
11. The set which contains the values produced is called the codomain - but the set of actual values attained by the operation is its
The central technique to linear equations
Operations can involve dissimilar objects
12. A
then ac < bc
when b > 0
commutative law of Multiplication
The central technique to linear equations
13. (a
Conditional equations
finitary operation
All quadratic equations
Associative law of Multiplication
14. Is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values.
Properties of equality
associative law of addition
an operation
15. If a < b and c < d
then a + c < b + d
Unary operations
has arity two
16. Real numbers can be thought of as points on an infinitely long line where the points corresponding to integers are equally spaced called the
commutative law of Addition
The logical values true and false
Number line or real line
The method of equating the coefficients
17. A vector can be multiplied by a scalar to form another vector
identity element of Exponentiation
Abstract algebra
Identity element of Multiplication
Operations can involve dissimilar objects
18. Is called the codomain of the operation
Pure mathematics
the set Y
radical equation
A integral equation
19. Is a binary relation on a set for which every element is related to itself - i.e. - a relation ~ on S where x~x holds true for every x in S. For example - ~ could be 'is equal to'.
The sets Xk
Reflexive relation
The relation of inequality (<) has this property
20. Symbols that denote numbers - is to allow the making of generalizations in mathematics
The relation of equality (=)'s property
value - result - or output
Difference of two squares - or the difference of perfect squares
The purpose of using variables
21. In which the properties of numbers are studied through algebraic systems. Number theory inspired much of the original abstraction in algebra.
Linear algebra
Algebraic number theory
22. Is an equation involving derivatives.
A differential equation
Operations can involve dissimilar objects
The relation of equality (=) has the property
23. Sometimes also called modern algebra - in which algebraic structures such as groups - rings and fields are axiomatically defined and investigated.
Properties of equality
exponential equation
then bc < ac
Abstract algebra
24. Implies that the domain of the function is a power of the codomain (i.e. the Cartesian product of one or more copies of the codomain)
Algebraic geometry
associative law of addition
25. k-ary operation is a
(k+1)-ary relation that is functional on its first k domains
has arity two
The relation of inequality (<) has this property
26. Introduces the concept of variables representing numbers. Statements based on these variables are manipulated using the rules of operations that apply to numbers - such as addition. This can be done for a variety of reasons - including equation solvi
value - result - or output
Reunion of broken parts
Elementary algebra
All quadratic equations
27. Together with geometry - analysis - topology - combinatorics - and number theory - algebra is one of the main branches of
Pure mathematics
nonnegative numbers
28. The squaring operation only produces
Conditional equations
Categories of Algebra
nonnegative numbers
29. 1 - which preserves numbers: a
then bc < ac
The purpose of using variables
Identity element of Multiplication
30. Reflexive: b = b; symmetric: if a = b then b = a; transitive: if a = b and b = c then a = c.
Number line or real line
The relation of equality (=)
31. Elementary algebraic techniques are used to rewrite a given equation in the above way before arriving at the solution. then - by subtracting 1 from both sides of the equation - and then dividing both sides by 3 we obtain
when b > 0
The purpose of using variables
has arity two
32. A + b = b + a
commutative law of Addition
Solving the Equation
Conditional equations
A integral equation
33. Can be defined axiomatically up to an isomorphism
An operation ?
Order of Operations
The real number system
34. Logarithm (Log)
inverse operation of Exponentiation
A linear equation
All quadratic equations
Elementary algebra
35. () is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations - and the constructions and concepts arising from them - including terms - polynomials - equations and algebraic structures.
Algebraic geometry
Linear algebra
then a + c < b + d
36. Applies abstract algebra to the problems of geometry
Real number
Algebraic geometry
Solving the Equation
37. Are called the domains of the operation
Real number
Number line or real line
The sets Xk
Identity element of Multiplication
38. May not be defined for every possible value.
then a < c
A transcendental equation
Categories of Algebra
39. The operation of multiplication means _______________: a
commutative law of Exponentiation
operands - arguments - or inputs
Repeated addition
40. Is an equation in which the unknowns are functions rather than simple quantities.
inverse operation of addition
Pure mathematics
A functional equation
Quadratic equations can also be solved
41. Not associative
Order of Operations
Associative law of Exponentiation
Quadratic equations
unary and binary
42. Include composition and convolution
when b > 0
A solution or root of the equation
Operations on functions
43. A distinction is made between the equality sign ( = ) for an equation and the equivalence symbol () for an
Conditional equations
Quadratic equations
44. Elementary algebra - Abstract algebra - Linear algebra - Universal algebra - Algebraic number theory - Algebraic geometry - Algebraic combinatorics
Change of variables
Real number
Categories of Algebra
45. An operation of arity zero is simply an element of the codomain Y - called a
nullary operation
46. Are linear equations that have only one variable. They contain only constant numbers and a single variable without an exponent. For example:
Change of variables
The simplest equations to solve
A differential equation
47. If it holds for all a and b in X that if a is related to b then b is related to a.
Algebraic equation
A binary relation R over a set X is symmetric
then bc < ac
Elementary algebra
48. The inner product operation on two vectors produces a
Operations on sets
Number line or real line
49. If a = b and b = c then a = c
Identity element of Multiplication
then bc < ac
nullary operation
50. often express relationships between given quantities - the knowns - and quantities yet to be determined - the unknowns.
Quadratic equations can also be solved
The central technique to linear equations